SABBATH is a formal verification and synthesis tool for dynamical and hybrid systems jointly developed in the Cosynus team at LIX (the Ecole Polytechnique's Computer Science Laboratory) and the Embedded System Unit at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK).
The tool implements the algorithms presented in:
[1] Sergio Mover, Alessandro Cimatti, Alberto Griggo, Ahmed Irfan, Stefano Tonetta. Implicit Semi-Algebraic Abstraction for Polynomial Dynamical Systems. CAV 2021
[2] Stylianos Basagiannis, Ludovico Battista, Anna Becchi, Alessandro Cimatti, Georgios Giantamidis, Sergio Mover, Alberto Tacchella, Stefano Tonetta and Vassilios Tsachouridis. SMT-Based Stability Verification of an Industrial Switched PI Control Systems. 1st International Workshop on Verification & Validation of Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems 2023
SABBATH, provides the following functionalities:
- Verify invariant properties for polynomial dynamical systems (i.e., dynamical systems with a polynomial Ordinary Differential Equations):
The tool implements the algorithm of [1] (using verification modulo theory techniques as backend, i.e., ic3ia) and the algorithms (dwcl, reach) from:
Andrew Sogokon, Khalil Ghorbal, Paul B. Jackson, André Platzer. A Method for Invariant Generation for Polynomial Continuous Systems. VMCAI 2016
- Check stabilty for 2-modes, switched affine linear systems:
Contacts: Sergio Mover, LIX and Ecole Polytechnique at name.surname
Artifact for [1] the artifact for the experiments of [1] is available here.
- python3
- pysmt (
- z3 solver (
- ic3ia (
To install the base dependencies on Ubuntu you can try the following commands:
$ sudo apt-get install python python-pip
$ sudo apt install -y build-essential swig libgmp-dev cmake
$ pip install nose pysmt sympy ply six scipy numpy
$ pysmt-install --confirm-agreement --z3 --bdd
The tool uses different external backends depending on the verification algorithm.
To use the Verification Modulo Theories VMT algorithm you need to install the ic3ia
tool from the ic3ia website.
The tool can use Mathematica (instead of z3 as SMT solver) as a backend of the dwcl
and reach
algorithm. You can install the Wolfram Engine, which implements the Mathematica backend and at the moment is free for academic purposes, or directly Mathematica, and then install the wolframclient
python package:
pip install wolframclient
The synthesis package uses picos
as interface to different SDP solvers and the control
pip install picos control
The script runs the verification algorithms for polynomial dynamical systems.
Consider the dynamical system:
starting from the initial set:
and the safety set:
SABBATH verify if the dynamical system is safe analyzing a semi-algebraic decomposition of the state space (i.e., a discrete abstraction that partition). The decomposition uses the following polynomials:
This system and the polynomials are written in the file Liu_Zhan_Zhao_Emsoft11_Example_25_motivating.invar, which follows the input format.
You can verify the system using the ic3ia
SMT-based algorithm:
python --task ic3ia ./sabbath/test/invar_inputs/Liu_Zhan_Zhao_Emsoft11_Example_25_motivating.invar
The tool outputs several statitics, and eventually the result:
Liu Zhan Zhao Emsoft11 Example 25 new example Result.SAFE
You can change the algorithm in the task
parameter (using dwcl
and reach
). Look at the help --h
to get a list of the available options.
The tool can verify if a specific class of hybrid systems (switched systems with 2 modes with linear dynamic) is stable with the scripty
We can verify that the hybrid system in utils/reformulate_PI_controller/hybrid_reformulation/reformulation_size_5.hyb
is stable with the following command:
python3 utils/reformulate_PI_controller/hybrid_reformulation/reformulation_size_5.hyb --use-transpose --validation-method sylvester --solver mathematica
The tool output should be smilar to the following (and execute in about 10 seconds):
Parsing problem...
CRITICAL:root:Synthesizing lyapunov with transpose
CRITICAL:root:Time for synthesizing lyapunov: 0.04
CRITICAL:root:Time for validating c1: 0.01
CRITICAL:root:Time for validating c2: 0.02
CRITICAL:root:Time for validating lyapunov: 0.04
CRITICAL:root:Synthesizing lyapunov with transpose
CRITICAL:root:Time for synthesizing lyapunov: 0.01
CRITICAL:root:Time for validating c1: 0.01
CRITICAL:root:Time for validating c2: 0.02
CRITICAL:root:Time for validating lyapunov: 0.04
CRITICAL:root:Time for computing level set 0: 5.2
CRITICAL:root:Time for computing level set 1: 2.48
CRITICAL:root:Level set of M0 intersects M1
CRITICAL:root:Level set of M1 DOES NOT intersect M1
The tool:
synthesizes two Lyapunov functions (one per mode) that are then validated with symbolic methods (i.e., the Lyapunov functions are sound). The function certifies that each hybrid system mode is globally asymptotically stable, in isolation (note that the hybrid system could be still non stable due to the switching).
computes the stability regions for each mode of the hybrid system. The analysis guarantees that the system is stable if the execution starts inside the synthesized regions.
The tool saves the regions in the numeric_info.mat
The arguments of the script are:
- the input hybrid system
The hybrid_reformulation folder already contains several models describing a PI controller for dynamical systems (which have various dimensions, 3, 5, 10, 15, 18).
- the method to use to synthesize the Lyapunov functions for single modes, one option among:
--use-transpose, --use-exponential, --use-control, --use-simple, --use-linear
- the method to use to validate the soundness of the Lyapunov functions:
--validation-method ['smt', 'sympy', 'sylvester']
- the SMT solver used in the analysis:
--solver ["z3","mathsat","cvc5","mathematica"]
The synthesis input can be generated from the description of a PI controller and a plant provided as Matlab matrices.
The conveter is in the utils/reformulate_PI_controller. To run the conversion:
cd utils/reformulate_PI_controller
This script will create the output file (as hybrid automata) in the directory
for the reformulated systems of size 3, 5, 10, 15, 18.
This work has been partly developed in the VALU3S project ( and in the AID FARO project.