A passionate AI/ML developer from India, pursuing a BS in Data Science at IIT Madras. I’m deeply interested in computer vision and NLP, actively seeking hackathon opportunities, having led teams in three, and looking to contribute to impactful research.
🔭 I’m currently working on Football Analysis
🌱 I’m currently learning RAG Pipelines, Computer Vision, Fast API
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Any research-oriented work, particularly in areas that push the boundaries of innovation and discovery.
👨💻 My Portfolio Click Here
📝 I regularly share my thoughts and ideas on philosophy through my Instagram page Click Here
💬 Ask me about Open CV, Kaggle Competition
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📄 Know about my experiences Click Here
⚡ Fun fact I am drawn to the profound and the infinite. I find solace in deep conversations that stir the soul, and my heart beats for philosophy, religion, spirituality, and poetry—the timeless realms where meaning and mystery converge.