Down the Mark is an online Markdown editor based on Dillinger, created by Joe McCann. It supports saving and editing TXT and MD files from Dropbox and Github. Support for, Google Drive, and Evernote is coming.
Markdown the markup language was created by John Gruber and is intended as an inline, lightweight markup syntax that doesn't get in the way of the actual text.
Dillinger, and therefore Down the Mark, uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Ace Editor - awesome web-based text editor
- Showdown - a port of Markdown to JavaScript
- Twitter Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- Express - fast node.js network app framework @tjholowaychuk
- keymaster.js - awesome keyboard handler lib by @thomasfuchs
- jQuery - duh