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Corban Mailloux's Home Assistant Configuration

This is the configuration I use for Home Assistant. I have Home Assistant running on the official Home Assistant Blue bundle (basically an ODROID-N2+ plus eMMC and a pretty case).

Explanation of Packages/Automations

I use packages for the vast majority of my YAML configuration to help segregate and clarify my system. I've tried to document most of the packages I use in the wiki. These inevitably get a bit out of date, but I try to be thorough in documenting what they do and why.

Services and Devices

Here are (some of) the services/platforms/other devices that I use with Home Assistant:

Name Product Link How It's Used in HASS
TCL Roku TV (Model: 65S405) TCL Roku media player component
Roku Streaming Stick Amazon Roku media player component
ESP8266 (in many ways) Generic ESP8266-01, NodeMCU, D1 Mini ESPHome is the best for my purposes (see the esphome directory). I've also used ESPEasy and some of my own firmware: ESP MQTT RGB LED, ESP MQTT DHT
Sonoff ITEAD Sonoff-Tasmota and MQTT
Google Home Mini Google Store Google Assistant component
IKEA Trådfri (Lights, Outlets, and Control Devices) IKEA: Light, Outlet, Remote Zigbee2MQTT as a add-on
OctoPrint with a Monoprice MP Select Mini 3D Printer V2 OctoPrint, Monoprice OctoPrint component
Roborock S5 Vacuum Amazon Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum
Aqara (Zigbee) Buttons, Contact Sensors, Temperature Sensors Aliexpress: Button, Door Sensor Zigbee2MQTT as a add-on
Windows 10 (Gaming PC) IOT Link through MQTT for power/state management
Synology DS1019+ (NAS, Plex Media Server) Amazon Plex integration for the media server, NZBGet integration for download controls

Things that Might be Helpful Again

These are just some helpful things that I used at some point and wanted to keep around as a reference for later.

List all entity_ids

During the update to v0.85 of Home Assistant, slugify changed. I was nervous this would cause subtle changes in my entity_id values and I wouldn't notice, so I exported them all before and after the update. I could have also grabbed this from the "States" page in HASS, but I wanted it as a template.

{% for state in states -%}
  {{ state.entity_id }}
{% endfor %}

"Flicker" a traditional light

    # Delay for 0 to 6 seconds
    - delay: 00:00:{{ (range(0, 7) | random | string).rjust(2, '0') }}
    - service: homeassistant.turn_on
      entity_id: light.entry_lamp
    - delay:
        milliseconds: 100
    - service: homeassistant.turn_off
      entity_id: light.entry_lamp
    - service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.scary_mode_flicker_lights_loop

    - delay: 00:00:01
    - service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.scary_mode_flicker_lights

Extract the battery level from a Google Maps tracker and build a battery icon

  friendly_name: "Corban's Phone Battery"
  device_class: battery
  unit_of_measurement: "%"
  entity_id: "device_tracker.google_maps_110168280884137709870"
  icon_template: >-
    {%- set tracker_name = 'device_tracker.google_maps_110168280884137709870' -%}

    {%- set battery_level = state_attr(tracker_name, 'battery_level') -%}
    {%- set battery_charging = state_attr(tracker_name, 'battery_charging') -%}

    {%- if battery_level is none -%}
    {%- else -%}
      {%- set icon_suffix = ['-outline', '-10', '-20', '-30', '-40', '-50', '-60', '-70', '-80', '-90', ''] -%}
      {%- set charge = (battery_level | float / 10) | round -%}
      mdi:battery{%- if battery_charging -%}-charging{%- endif -%}{{ icon_suffix[charge] }}
    {%- endif -%}
  value_template: >-
    {{ state_attr('device_tracker.google_maps_110168280884137709870', 'battery_level') }}