This work is based off the MIPS Verilog code by Harris and Harris. We give credit to Professor Rob Marano [email protected] for guidance with this implementation.
See ISAArchitectureGreenSheet for ISA documentation.
The provided sample program is a recursive Fibonacci Sequence implementation. Attached is a small demonstration of the simulation process.
To compile and simulate this CPU, use the following commands:
make clean compile simulate
For displaying the simulation with GTKWAVE, run:
make display
In GTKWAVE, select "tb_computer.vcd" as your SST. Highlight "dut or dut1" and select all signals of interest, then drag them to the Signal area on the right.
Once completed, navigate to Time -> Zoom -> Zoom Best Fit.
For cleanup:
make clean
Our CPU supports a modest collection of MIPS operations. Our ISA is modelled after RISC, specifically MIPS32, architecture, with 32 bits per word and 32 registers.
We implemented 8 simple ALU operations (listed in the ISAArchitectureGreenSheet), beq
, j
, jr
, jal
, lw
and sw
Our design is single-cycle as demonstrated by the timing diagrams below.
Our design features separate Data Memory and Instruction Memory, both of which have a capacity of 64 words by default.
Our datapath emulates the following design, taken from Patterson and Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design, 6th ed.
Below is a diagram of our Data Memory and Instruction Memory the default capacity of 64 words.
Attached below is a sample timing diagram for a program executing the following three simple instructions (R, I, and J-type respectively). Note that (ticks) is set to 10 ns and each instruction takes 10 ns to execute.
add $t2, $t0, $t1
addi $t2, $t0, 1
j 0