A controller for automating domains in AWS Route53 for multi-account scenario:
- You have a root domain managed in Route53 in account A - e.g.
- You have various other accounts managing subdomains in Route53 - e.g.
- You want to map a root domain record to a subdomain record - e.g.
should CNAME tox.foo.example.com
- You want to provision TLS certificates through AWS ACM
Normally, an operator (or CI) would need access to manage Route53 in multiple accounts to automate this. This controller alleviates these extra access, which can be annoying and tricky to manage, by managing these things:
- NS records to setup delegation for subdomains on the root domain
- CNAME records to complete DNS-based validation for ACM certificates that serve both the root and subdomain domains
The role passed in as --root-role
needs these permissions in IAM (on top of assume role policy):
For sub account roles, you could use these AWS managed policies:
The name is a tribute to R2D2 by mashing together Route53
and DNS