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Python3 integration for CONS3RT


  • Logging framework
  • Python3 SDK for the CONS3RT API
  • Gather CONS3RT deployment info and properties
  • Run Linux commands from python
  • Configure networking
  • Integrate with AWS S3 and EC2
  • Nexus Artifact Repository downloads
  • Post to Slack


Install from pip

If you have Python 3.6+ installed, you can run one of the following:

pip3 install pycons3rt3 python3 -m pip install pycons3rt3

Install from source

git clone
cd pycons3rt3
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install build
python3 -m pip install .


When installed, pycons3rt determines and creates a system directory (pycons3rt_system_home) and a local user directory (pycons3rt_user_home).

The default locations for pycons3rt_system_home are here:

  • Linux: ~/.cons3rt
  • MacOS: ~/.cons3rt
  • Windows: C:\cons3rt

The default locations for pycons3rt_user_home is: ~/.cons3rt on all OS types.

PYCONS3RT_HOME environment variable

To change the location of pycons3rt_system_home and pycons3rt_user_home, set the environment variable
PYCONS3RT_HOME to an existing directory. This directory will be used for both system and user home directories.

To do this on Linux or macOS, add the following to ~/.bash_profile:

export PYCONS3RT_HOME="/path/to/desired/directory"

On Windows, add the PYCONS3RT_HOME environment variable to the system settings.

The following directories are also created:

  • Config: pycons3rt_system_home/conf/
  • Logs: pycons3rt_user_home/log/
  • Source: pycons3rt_user_home/src/

If installed from source via asset, the asset clones the pycons3rt source code here for installation:

  • pycons3rt_user_home/src/pycons3rt

The logging configuration file is installed here:

  • pycons3rt_system_home/conf/pycons3rt-logging.conf

By default, pycons3rt log files will output here:

  • pycons3rt_user_home/log/pycons3rt-info.log
  • pycons3rt_user_home/log/pycons3rt-warn.log
  • pycons3rt_user_home/log/pycons3rt-debug.log


pycons3rt3 provides a python3 SDK for using the CONS3RT ReST API.

To access the ReST API you will need:

  • An active CONS3RT Account
  • Access to a project
  • A CONS3RT project-based ReST API token
  • For sites that require Client Certificate Authentication you will need a valid PKI certificate (ECA)

pycons3rt3 does not support CAC authentication at this time

If you have an ECA certificate in p12 or pfx format, convert it to a password-less pem file:

openssl pkcs12 -in certfile.pfx -out certfile.pem -nodes


To configure pycons3rt3 for the CONS3RT ReST API type:

cons3rt config

After entering your info, a config file is created here:


This configuration will automatically load for ReST API calls.

asset CLI

The asset CLI command helps you automatically create and import assets:

# Validate an asset structure
asset validate --asset_dir=/path/to/asset

# Create a valid asset zip file
asset create --asset_dir=/path/to/asset
  • Creates an asset zip file in your Downloads directory

Specify the destination directory:

asset create --asset_dir=/path/to/asset --dest_dir=/path/to/directory

  • Creates an asset zip file in the specified directory

Import an asset into CONS3RT using an asset directory:

asset import --asset_dir=/path/to/asset

  • Creates an asset zip, and imports the zip file into CONS3RT
  • Adds an asset.yml file to the asset directory with the site info and asset ID

Import an asset using a zip file, and keep the zip file:

asset import --zip=/path/to/ --keep

Import an asset and set the visibility to the project-level:

asset import --asset_dir=/path/to/asset --visibility=OWNING_PROJECT

Update an existing asset from an asset directory using asset_data.yml:

asset update --asset_dir=/path/to/asset --id=12345

Update an existing asset from an asset zip file, specify the asset ID, and keep the zip:

asset update --zip=/path/to/ --id=12345 --keep

Update an existing asset in CONS3RT by ID:

asset update --asset_dir=/path/to/asset --id=12345

Update an asset using asset data, set log level, but specify which site URL, project, and ID to update:

asset update --asset_dir=/path/to/asset --loglevel=DEBUG --project=jackpine --id=35610

  • Uses the asset ID in the asset.yml file
  • Creates an asset zip, and updates the asset ID

Update an asset and set the visibility to the community-level:

asset update --asset_dir=/path/to/asset --visibility=COMMUNITY

Query for software assets:

asset query --asset_type=software

Query for the latest community container asset containing "nginx":

asset query --asset_type=containers --asset_subtype=DOCKER --expanded --community --name nginx --latest

Use the queryids command to query for just the latest asset ID for asset with name "nginx":

asset queryids --asset_type=containers --latest --name=nginx

cons3rt CLI


cons3rt <command> <subcommands> <args>

Interactive command to create a config.json file:

cons3rt config

This creates a config file at the default location: ~/.cons3rt/conf/config.json

If PYCONS3RT_HOME environment variable is defined, config file location: ${PYCONS3RT_HOME}/conf/config.json

Specify a config file location:

cons3rt --config /path/to/config.json <command> <subcommands> <args>

cons3rt cloud CLI


  • Team Manager role

The --id=1 or --ids=1,2,3 args indicate cloud IDs

# Delete a cloud
cons3rt cloud delete --id=1

# List clouds
cons3rt cloud list

# Retrieve cloud details
cons3rt cloud retrieve --id=1

# Share a template from the cloud template provider to all other cloudspaces in the cloud
cons3rt cloud template --id=1 --share --name 'cons3rt-redhat-8'

# Share all templates from the cloud template provider to all other cloudspaces in the cloud
cons3rt cloud template --id=1 --share --all

# List deployment runs in the cloud(s)
cons3rt cloud run list --id=1 
cons3rt cloud run list --ids=1,2,3,4,5

# list deployment run hosts in the cloud(s)
cons3rt cloud run hosts --id=1 
cons3rt cloud run hosts --ids=1,2,3,4,5

# Added CLI command to list GPU usage in the cloud(s)
cons3rt cloud run gpus --id=1
cons3rt cloud run gpus --ids=1,2,3,4,5

# Use the `--load` flag to load deployment run host details saved from prior commands, this works in these commands:
cons3rt cloud run hosts --id=1 --load
cons3rt cloud run gpus --id=1 --load

cons3rt cloudspace CLI


  • Team Manager role

The --id=1 or --ids=1,2,3 args can be used to indicate which cloudspace IDs.

# Release active runs from multiple cloudspaces:
cons3rt cloudspace release_active_runs --ids=123,124

# Delete inactive runs from your cloudspace
cons3rt cloudspace delete_inactive_runs --id=123

# Deallocate a cloudspace
cons3rt cloudspace deallocate --id 123

# List cloudspaces
cons3rt cloudspace list

# List active runs in a cloudspace:
cons3rt cloudspace --list_active_runs --id=123

# Delete a specific template
cons3rt cloudspace template delete --id=1 --name 'cons3rt-redhat-8'

# Delete all templates in a cloudspace
cons3rt cloudspace template delete --id=1 --all

# List templates in a cloudspace
cons3rt cloudspace template list --id=1

# Register template in a cloudspace
cons3rt cloudspace template register --id=1 --name 'cons3rt-redhat-8'

# Register multiple templates
cons3rt cloudspace template register --id=1 --names 'cons3rt-redhat-8,cons3rt-redhat-9'

# Register all unregistered templates
cons3rt cloudspace template register --all

# Retrieve cloudpace details
cons3rt cloudspace retrieve --id=16

# Share a specific template from one cloudspace to another
cons3rt cloudspace template share --provider_id=1 --ids=2,3,4,5,6 --name 'cons3rt-redhat-8'

# Share multiple templates from one cloudspace to another
cons3rt cloudspace template share --provider_id=1 --ids=2,3,4,5,6 --names 'cons3rt-redhat-8,cons3rt-redhat-9'

# Share all templates from one cloudspace to another
cons3rt cloudspace template share --provider_id=1 --ids=2,3,4,5,6 --all

# Unregister a cloudspace
cons3rt cloudspace unregister --id 123

cons3rt user CLI


  • Site Admin role
# Get a list of active users
cons3rt user list --state=ACTIVE

cons3rt team CLI


  • Team Manager role

The --id=1 or --ids=1,2,3 args can be used to indicate which team IDs.

# Get a list of teams (site admins only)
cons3rt team list

# Get a list of team services
cons3rt team service list --id=2

# Get a list of team service users for a particular tool
cons3rt team service users --id=2 --tool=AtlassianJira

# Get a list of all team service users for a team
cons3rt team service users --id=2

# Get a count of ACTIVE users using various collab tools like Jira
cons3rt team collabtools users --id=2

# Get a unique list of ACTIVE users in collab tools projects for a team or list of teams
cons3rt team collabtools users --ids=2,5 --unique

# Get a unique list of ACTIVE + BLOCKED users in collab tools projects for a team or list of teams
cons3rt team collabtools users --ids=2,5 --unique --blocked

# Get a list of active team members, printed by project
cons3rt team members list --id=11

# Get a list of active and blocked team members, printed by project
cons3rt team members list --id=11 --blocked

# Get a unique list of team members for a list of teams
cons3rt team members list --ids=1,2,3,4,5 --unique

# Get a unique list of team members managed by a particular user
cons3rt team members list --username=USERNAME --unique

# Get a list of active team managers
cons3rt team managers

# Get a list of team managers for specific teams
cons3rt team managers --ids=2,5

# Get a list of teams managed by a specific user
cons3rt team managers --username=johndoe

# Get a CSV report of runs in the team
cons3rt team report runs --id=3

# Get a CSV asset report for the team
cons3rt team report assets --id=3

# List runs in team-owned projects
cons3rt team run list --id=3

# Create snapshots for all team runs
cons3rt team run snapshot create --id=3

# Restore snapshots for all team runs
cons3rt team run snapshot restore --id=3

# Delete snapshots for all team runs
cons3rt team run snapshot delete --id=3

# Skip run IDs for any of the snapshot commands with --skip
cons3rt team run snapshot create --id=3 --skip=12345,12346,12347

# Power off all runs in a team
cons3rt team run power off --id=3

# Power on all runs in a team
cons3rt team run power on --id=3

# Restart all runs in a team
cons3rt team run power restart --id=3

# Unlock and power off all runs in a team
cons3rt team run power off --id=3 --unlock

cons3rt project CLI


  • Team Manager role
  • Project Owner or Project Manager role

The --id=1 or --ids=1,2,3 args can be used to indicate which project IDs.

# List projects
cons3rt project list

# Print project details
cons3rt project get --id=3

# List project members
cons3rt project members list --id=3

# List runs in projects
cons3rt project run list --ids=3,6,9

# Create snapshots for all project runs
cons3rt project run snapshot create --id=3

# Restore snapshots for all project runs
cons3rt project run snapshot restore --id=3

# Delete snapshots for all project runs
cons3rt project run snapshot delete --id=3

# Skip run IDs for any of the snapshot commands with --skip
cons3rt project run snapshot create --id=3 --skip=12345,12346,12347

# Power runs off/on in the project
cons3rt project run on --id=3
cons3rt project run off --id=3

# Delete runs in projects
cons3rt project run delete --ids=3,4,5

# Release runs in projects, note this will prompt for confirmation due to the destructive nature
cons3rt project run release --id=3

ractl command -- Controls and queries remote access across the CONS3RT site


  • Site Admin role
# Create a csv file with remote access info for a specific cloudspace
ractl print cloudspace --id=116

# Create a csv file with remote access info for the CONS3RT site
ractl print site

Use pycons3rt3 in python


With the default configuration log files go to: pycons3rt_user_home/log/, and INFO level is printed to stdout. To customize pycons3rt logging, modify the logging configuration file.

Logging example:

import logging
from pycons3rt3.logify import Logify

mod_logger = Logify.get_name() + '.your_module'
    # Then use in a function or class:
    class MyClass(object):
        def __init__(self, dep=None):
            self.cls_logger = mod_logger + '.MyCLass'
    	def class_method(self):
    		log = logging.getLogger(self.cls_logger + '.class_method')'Class Method Logging')
    def main():
        log = logging.getLogger(mod_logger + '.main')


This module provides a set of useful utilities for accessing deployment related info on deployment run hosts.

from pycons3rt3.deployment import Deployment
# Create a new Deployment object
dep = new Deployment()
# Deployment name
# Get the role name
# Deployment properties
# Get a specific deployment property value by name
my_value = dep.get_value('cons3rt.user')
# Scenario network info



This module provides an interface for posting anything to Slack!

from pycons3rt3.slack import SlackMessage
from pycons3rt3.slack import SlackAttachments

# Create a message
slack_msg = SlackMessage(
                text='This is a Slack message',

# Create and add an attachment
slack_attachment = SlackAttachment(
                       fallback='This is the fallback text', 
                       text='Moar text!')


# Send a message


This module provides simple method of fetching artifacts from a nexus repository.

from pycons3rt3 import nexus


search_results = search_nexus_assets(

result = search_latest(

nexus cli

The nexus CLI command is an easy way to search for and retrieve artifacts from Nexus v3 using its rest API.

Authentication options:

  • Provide both --username and --password args in the CLI call
  • Configure a ~/.netrc file, and specify the --netrc arg in the CLI call

Specify a version or latest:

  • To get a specific version, use --version x.y.z
  • To get the latest, use --latest

For targeting, use: --group, --artifactId, --repo, --classifier, --packaging.

Additional options: --overwrite, --suppress

# Search for a latest release
nexus search --group 'com.cons3rt' --artifactId 'cons3rt-pyotto' --packaging zip --repo releases --netrc --url '' --latest

# Get a latest release
nexus get --group 'com.cons3rt' --artifactId 'cons3rt-pyotto' --repo releases --packaging zip --netrc --url '' --latest

# Get a latest snapshot
nexus get --group 'com.cons3rt' --artifactId 'cons3rt-package' --repo snapshots --packaging zip --netrc --url '' --latest

# Get a specific version
nexus get --group 'com.cons3rt' --artifactId 'cons3rt-pyotto' --repo releases --packaging zip --netrc --url '' --version 24.7.0

Bash (Linux only)

Executes commands on a Linux system. See the source code for specific available commands but the most commonly used run_command is shown below.

run_command(command, timeout_sec=3600.0, output=True)


  • command: List containing the command and any additional args
  • timeout_sec: (optional) Float specifying how long to wait before terminating the command. Default is 3600.0.
  • output: (boolean) True collects the output of the command. In some cases suppressing the command output improves stability.


  • A dictionary containing "code", the numeric exit code from the command, and "output" which captures the stdout/strerrif output was set True. Sample output:

Raises: CommandError when there is a problem running the command.

    "code": "0",
    "output": "stdout/stderr from the command"

Example Usage:

from pycons3rt3.bash import run_command
from pycons3rt3.bash import CommandError
command = ['ls', '/root']
    result = run_command(command, timeout_sec=60.0)
    code = result['code']
    output = result['output']
except CommandError:
if code == 0:'Successfully executed command {c}'.format(s=command))
    msg = 'There was a problem running command returned code {c} and produced output: {o}'.format(
                    c=code, o=output)
            raise CommandError(msg)

More to come....


Python3 integration for CONS3RT







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