Python3 integration for CONS3RT
- Logging framework
- Python3 SDK for the CONS3RT API
- Gather CONS3RT deployment info and properties
- Run Linux commands from python
- Configure networking
- Integrate with AWS S3 and EC2
- Nexus Artifact Repository downloads
- Post to Slack
If you have Python 3.6+ installed, you can run one of the following:
pip3 install pycons3rt3
python3 -m pip install pycons3rt3
git clone
cd pycons3rt3
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install build
python3 -m pip install .
When installed, pycons3rt determines and creates a system directory (pycons3rt_system_home
) and
a local user directory (pycons3rt_user_home
The default locations for pycons3rt_system_home
are here:
- Linux:
- MacOS:
- Windows:
The default locations for pycons3rt_user_home
is: ~/.cons3rt
on all OS types.
To change the location of pycons3rt_system_home
and pycons3rt_user_home
, set the environment variable
to an existing directory. This directory will be used for both system and user home directories.
To do this on Linux or macOS, add the following to ~/.bash_profile
export PYCONS3RT_HOME="/path/to/desired/directory"
On Windows, add the PYCONS3RT_HOME
environment variable to the system settings.
The following directories are also created:
- Config:
- Logs:
- Source:
If installed from source via asset, the asset clones the pycons3rt source code here for installation:
The logging configuration file is installed here:
By default, pycons3rt log files will output here:
pycons3rt3 provides a python3 SDK for using the CONS3RT ReST API.
To access the ReST API you will need:
- An active CONS3RT Account
- Access to a project
- A CONS3RT project-based ReST API token
- For sites that require Client Certificate Authentication you will need a valid PKI certificate (ECA)
pycons3rt3 does not support CAC authentication at this time
If you have an ECA certificate in p12 or pfx format, convert it to a password-less pem file:
openssl pkcs12 -in certfile.pfx -out certfile.pem -nodes
To configure pycons3rt3 for the CONS3RT ReST API type:
cons3rt config
After entering your info, a config file is created here:
This configuration will automatically load for ReST API calls.
The asset CLI command helps you automatically create and import assets:
# Validate an asset structure
asset validate --asset_dir=/path/to/asset
# Create a valid asset zip file
asset create --asset_dir=/path/to/asset
- Creates an asset zip file
in your Downloads directory
Specify the destination directory:
asset create --asset_dir=/path/to/asset --dest_dir=/path/to/directory
- Creates an asset zip file
in the specified directory
Import an asset into CONS3RT using an asset directory:
asset import --asset_dir=/path/to/asset
- Creates an asset zip, and imports the zip file into CONS3RT
- Adds an
file to the asset directory with the site info and asset ID
Import an asset using a zip file, and keep the zip file:
asset import --zip=/path/to/ --keep
Import an asset and set the visibility to the project-level:
asset import --asset_dir=/path/to/asset --visibility=OWNING_PROJECT
Update an existing asset from an asset directory using asset_data.yml
asset update --asset_dir=/path/to/asset --id=12345
Update an existing asset from an asset zip file, specify the asset ID, and keep the zip:
asset update --zip=/path/to/ --id=12345 --keep
Update an existing asset in CONS3RT by ID:
asset update --asset_dir=/path/to/asset --id=12345
Update an asset using asset data, set log level, but specify which site URL, project, and ID to update:
asset update --asset_dir=/path/to/asset --loglevel=DEBUG --project=jackpine --id=35610
- Uses the asset ID in the asset.yml file
- Creates an asset zip, and updates the asset ID
Update an asset and set the visibility to the community-level:
asset update --asset_dir=/path/to/asset --visibility=COMMUNITY
Query for software assets:
asset query --asset_type=software
Query for the latest community container asset containing "nginx":
asset query --asset_type=containers --asset_subtype=DOCKER --expanded --community --name nginx --latest
Use the queryids
command to query for just the latest asset ID for asset with name "nginx":
asset queryids --asset_type=containers --latest --name=nginx
cons3rt <command> <subcommands> <args>
Interactive command to create a config.json
cons3rt config
This creates a config file at the default location:
environment variable is defined, config file location:${PYCONS3RT_HOME}/conf/config.json
Specify a config file location:
cons3rt --config /path/to/config.json <command> <subcommands> <args>
- Team Manager role
The --id=1
or --ids=1,2,3
args indicate cloud IDs
# Delete a cloud
cons3rt cloud delete --id=1
# List clouds
cons3rt cloud list
# Retrieve cloud details
cons3rt cloud retrieve --id=1
# Share a template from the cloud template provider to all other cloudspaces in the cloud
cons3rt cloud template --id=1 --share --name 'cons3rt-redhat-8'
# Share all templates from the cloud template provider to all other cloudspaces in the cloud
cons3rt cloud template --id=1 --share --all
# List deployment runs in the cloud(s)
cons3rt cloud run list --id=1
cons3rt cloud run list --ids=1,2,3,4,5
# list deployment run hosts in the cloud(s)
cons3rt cloud run hosts --id=1
cons3rt cloud run hosts --ids=1,2,3,4,5
# Added CLI command to list GPU usage in the cloud(s)
cons3rt cloud run gpus --id=1
cons3rt cloud run gpus --ids=1,2,3,4,5
# Use the `--load` flag to load deployment run host details saved from prior commands, this works in these commands:
cons3rt cloud run hosts --id=1 --load
cons3rt cloud run gpus --id=1 --load
- Team Manager role
The --id=1
or --ids=1,2,3
args can be used to indicate which cloudspace IDs.
# Release active runs from multiple cloudspaces:
cons3rt cloudspace release_active_runs --ids=123,124
# Delete inactive runs from your cloudspace
cons3rt cloudspace delete_inactive_runs --id=123
# Deallocate a cloudspace
cons3rt cloudspace deallocate --id 123
# List cloudspaces
cons3rt cloudspace list
# List active runs in a cloudspace:
cons3rt cloudspace --list_active_runs --id=123
# Delete a specific template
cons3rt cloudspace template delete --id=1 --name 'cons3rt-redhat-8'
# Delete all templates in a cloudspace
cons3rt cloudspace template delete --id=1 --all
# List templates in a cloudspace
cons3rt cloudspace template list --id=1
# Register template in a cloudspace
cons3rt cloudspace template register --id=1 --name 'cons3rt-redhat-8'
# Register multiple templates
cons3rt cloudspace template register --id=1 --names 'cons3rt-redhat-8,cons3rt-redhat-9'
# Register all unregistered templates
cons3rt cloudspace template register --all
# Retrieve cloudpace details
cons3rt cloudspace retrieve --id=16
# Share a specific template from one cloudspace to another
cons3rt cloudspace template share --provider_id=1 --ids=2,3,4,5,6 --name 'cons3rt-redhat-8'
# Share multiple templates from one cloudspace to another
cons3rt cloudspace template share --provider_id=1 --ids=2,3,4,5,6 --names 'cons3rt-redhat-8,cons3rt-redhat-9'
# Share all templates from one cloudspace to another
cons3rt cloudspace template share --provider_id=1 --ids=2,3,4,5,6 --all
# Unregister a cloudspace
cons3rt cloudspace unregister --id 123
- Site Admin role
# Get a list of active users
cons3rt user list --state=ACTIVE
- Team Manager role
The --id=1
or --ids=1,2,3
args can be used to indicate which team IDs.
# Get a list of teams (site admins only)
cons3rt team list
# Get a list of team services
cons3rt team service list --id=2
# Get a list of team service users for a particular tool
cons3rt team service users --id=2 --tool=AtlassianJira
# Get a list of all team service users for a team
cons3rt team service users --id=2
# Get a count of ACTIVE users using various collab tools like Jira
cons3rt team collabtools users --id=2
# Get a unique list of ACTIVE users in collab tools projects for a team or list of teams
cons3rt team collabtools users --ids=2,5 --unique
# Get a unique list of ACTIVE + BLOCKED users in collab tools projects for a team or list of teams
cons3rt team collabtools users --ids=2,5 --unique --blocked
# Get a list of active team members, printed by project
cons3rt team members list --id=11
# Get a list of active and blocked team members, printed by project
cons3rt team members list --id=11 --blocked
# Get a unique list of team members for a list of teams
cons3rt team members list --ids=1,2,3,4,5 --unique
# Get a unique list of team members managed by a particular user
cons3rt team members list --username=USERNAME --unique
# Get a list of active team managers
cons3rt team managers
# Get a list of team managers for specific teams
cons3rt team managers --ids=2,5
# Get a list of teams managed by a specific user
cons3rt team managers --username=johndoe
# Get a CSV report of runs in the team
cons3rt team report runs --id=3
# Get a CSV asset report for the team
cons3rt team report assets --id=3
# List runs in team-owned projects
cons3rt team run list --id=3
# Create snapshots for all team runs
cons3rt team run snapshot create --id=3
# Restore snapshots for all team runs
cons3rt team run snapshot restore --id=3
# Delete snapshots for all team runs
cons3rt team run snapshot delete --id=3
# Skip run IDs for any of the snapshot commands with --skip
cons3rt team run snapshot create --id=3 --skip=12345,12346,12347
# Power off all runs in a team
cons3rt team run power off --id=3
# Power on all runs in a team
cons3rt team run power on --id=3
# Restart all runs in a team
cons3rt team run power restart --id=3
# Unlock and power off all runs in a team
cons3rt team run power off --id=3 --unlock
- Team Manager role
- Project Owner or Project Manager role
The --id=1
or --ids=1,2,3
args can be used to indicate which project IDs.
# List projects
cons3rt project list
# Print project details
cons3rt project get --id=3
# List project members
cons3rt project members list --id=3
# List runs in projects
cons3rt project run list --ids=3,6,9
# Create snapshots for all project runs
cons3rt project run snapshot create --id=3
# Restore snapshots for all project runs
cons3rt project run snapshot restore --id=3
# Delete snapshots for all project runs
cons3rt project run snapshot delete --id=3
# Skip run IDs for any of the snapshot commands with --skip
cons3rt project run snapshot create --id=3 --skip=12345,12346,12347
# Power runs off/on in the project
cons3rt project run on --id=3
cons3rt project run off --id=3
# Delete runs in projects
cons3rt project run delete --ids=3,4,5
# Release runs in projects, note this will prompt for confirmation due to the destructive nature
cons3rt project run release --id=3
- Site Admin role
# Create a csv file with remote access info for a specific cloudspace
ractl print cloudspace --id=116
# Create a csv file with remote access info for the CONS3RT site
ractl print site
With the default configuration log files go to: pycons3rt_user_home/log/
, and INFO
level is printed to stdout. To customize pycons3rt logging, modify the
logging configuration file.
Logging example:
import logging
from pycons3rt3.logify import Logify
mod_logger = Logify.get_name() + '.your_module'
# Then use in a function or class:
class MyClass(object):
def __init__(self, dep=None):
self.cls_logger = mod_logger + '.MyCLass'
def class_method(self):
log = logging.getLogger(self.cls_logger + '.class_method')'Class Method Logging')
def main():
log = logging.getLogger(mod_logger + '.main')
This module provides a set of useful utilities for accessing deployment related info on deployment run hosts.
from pycons3rt3.deployment import Deployment
# Create a new Deployment object
dep = new Deployment()
# Deployment name
# Get the role name
# Deployment properties
# Get a specific deployment property value by name
my_value = dep.get_value('cons3rt.user')
# Scenario network info
This module provides an interface for posting anything to Slack!
from pycons3rt3.slack import SlackMessage
from pycons3rt3.slack import SlackAttachments
# Create a message
slack_msg = SlackMessage(
text='This is a Slack message',
# Create and add an attachment
slack_attachment = SlackAttachment(
fallback='This is the fallback text',
text='Moar text!')
# Send a message
This module provides simple method of fetching artifacts from a nexus repository.
from pycons3rt3 import nexus
search_results = search_nexus_assets(
result = search_latest(
The nexus
CLI command is an easy way to search for and retrieve artifacts from Nexus v3 using its rest API.
Authentication options:
- Provide both
args in the CLI call - Configure a
file, and specify the--netrc
arg in the CLI call
Specify a version or latest:
- To get a specific version, use
--version x.y.z
- To get the latest, use
For targeting, use: --group
, --artifactId
, --repo
, --classifier
, --packaging
Additional options: --overwrite
, --suppress
# Search for a latest release
nexus search --group 'com.cons3rt' --artifactId 'cons3rt-pyotto' --packaging zip --repo releases --netrc --url '' --latest
# Get a latest release
nexus get --group 'com.cons3rt' --artifactId 'cons3rt-pyotto' --repo releases --packaging zip --netrc --url '' --latest
# Get a latest snapshot
nexus get --group 'com.cons3rt' --artifactId 'cons3rt-package' --repo snapshots --packaging zip --netrc --url '' --latest
# Get a specific version
nexus get --group 'com.cons3rt' --artifactId 'cons3rt-pyotto' --repo releases --packaging zip --netrc --url '' --version 24.7.0
Executes commands on a Linux system. See the source code for specific available
commands but the most commonly used run_command
is shown below.
- command: List containing the command and any additional args
- timeout_sec: (optional) Float specifying how long to wait before terminating the command. Default is 3600.0.
- output: (boolean) True collects the output of the command. In some cases suppressing the command output improves stability.
- A dictionary containing "code", the numeric exit code from the command, and
"output" which captures the stdout/strerrif output was set
. Sample output:
Raises: CommandError
when there is a problem running the command.
"code": "0",
"output": "stdout/stderr from the command"
Example Usage:
from pycons3rt3.bash import run_command
from pycons3rt3.bash import CommandError
command = ['ls', '/root']
result = run_command(command, timeout_sec=60.0)
code = result['code']
output = result['output']
except CommandError:
if code == 0:'Successfully executed command {c}'.format(s=command))
msg = 'There was a problem running command returned code {c} and produced output: {o}'.format(
c=code, o=output)
raise CommandError(msg)
More to come....