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function overview

jonathanPoitz edited this page May 1, 2016 · 3 revisions

Data structures

  • data SDRSRelation = SDRSRelation {...}|Outscopes
  • data RelType = Crd|Sub
  • type DisVar = Int
  • type Label = String
  • data SDRSFormula = Segment {...}|Relation {...}|And {...}|Not {...}
  • data SDRS = SDRS {...}
  • type DGraph = M.Map DisVar [(DisVar, SDRSRelation)]


**** Binding ****

  • noUndeclaredVars :: SDRS -> Bool
    -- Checks if all labels are declared in an SDRS, i.e. that LAST is part of the keys
    -- of the map and that the arguments of all relations are as well
    -> split functionality / simplify?

  • noSelfRefs :: SDRS -> Bool
    -- Returns whether a given SDRS has any self referencing relations

  • allSegmentsBound :: SDRS -> Bool
    -- Checks whether all Segments (directly labeled and labeled in recursive SDRSFormulas) are bound in a Relation.
    -> FIX recursive Segments

**** Composition ****

  • buildFromDRSs :: SDRSRelation -> DRS -> DRS -> SDRS
    -- Build new SDRS using two DRSs and their relation

  • addDRS
    -- Adds a new 'DRS' @d@ to a given 'SDRS' @s@, using the given set of edges.
    -- If the argument that is to be attached to in the set of edges is already part
    -- of the SDRS, conjunct the newly created relation to the relations at this level.
    -> TODO re-implement, TODO prechecks? SDRS must be well-formed to receive new DRSs?

**** DiscourseGraph ****

  • discourseGraph :: SDRS -> DGraph
    -- Given an SDRS, build a labeled graph structure, consisting of a tuple
    -- of the graph itself and the last node

  • immediateOutscopes :: SDRS -> M.Map DisVar [DisVar]
    -- Given an 'SDRS', returns a map from 'DisVar's to 'DisVar's that they outscope

  • accessibleNodes :: SDRS -> DisVar -> [DisVar]
    -- Given an 'SDRS' and a discourse variable, lists the accessible
    -- variables from this variable in order of proximity to local discourse
    -- variable, with the first entry being the farthest and the last the closest
    -> CHECK influence by structural rels? (def. 15 book)

  • rf :: SDRS -> [DisVar]
    -- computes the right frontier of an 'SDRS', in order of locality
    -> simplify?, DEBUG structural checks, FIX if last is wrong or unvalid, this function will return nonsense

  • root :: SDRS -> [DisVar]
    -- Return the root node of the discourse graph. If the graph doesn't have
    -- a single node that dominates all subelements. The return type is list
    -- to account for the (infelicitous) case where there is more than one root
    -- node or nodes in the graph that are unconnected (thus root nodes of a separate
    -- graph).

**** LambdaCalculus ****

  • sdrsAlphaConvert :: SDRS -> M.Map DisVar DisVar -> SDRS
    -- Applies alpha conversion to an 'SDRS' on the basis of a conversion list
    -- for all embedded 'DisVar's.

  • normalize :: SDRS -> SDRS
    -- normalizes the nodes in an SDRS using sdrsAlphaConvert.

**** Merge ****

  • sdrsMerge :: SDRS -> SDRS -> SDRSRelation -> SDRS
    -- Applies merge to 'SDRS' @s1@ and 'SDRS' @s2@. The latter is attached
    -- with node @dv2@ to @dv1@ of @s1@, using relation @r@.
    -> TODO do wellformedness checks before merge?

**** Properties ****

  • sdrsProperDRSs :: SDRS -> Bool
    -- Checks, given an 'SDRS', whether all embedded DRSs are proper

  • sdrsPureDRSs :: SDRS -> Bool
    -- Checks, given an 'SDRS', whether all embedded DRSs are pure

  • sdrsAllDRSRefUnique :: SDRS -> Bool
    -- Checks if the 'SDRS' @s@ only has unique DRSRefs where, i.e.:
    -- * no embedded 'DRS' declares 'DRSRef's that are declared in any other
    -- embedded 'DRS' of @s@.

  • validLast :: SDRS -> Bool
    -- checks whether the discourse unit pointed to by LAST is meaningful, i.e.
    -- * that it is an EDU, i.e. a Segment denoting a DRS, and
    -- * that it is part of a relation, in which it is not the left argument
    -> TODO re-implement using RF (which it currently has interactions with, meaning that LAST is by definition on RF)

  • struc_isomorph :: SDRS -> SDRS -> Bool
    -- Checks whether two 'SDRS's @s1@ and @s2@ are isomorph, i.e., their
    -- graph structure does not differ except for different labeling of DUs
    -> first version by hand

  • struc_isomorph2 :: SDRS -> SDRS -> Bool
    -- alternative version using alpha conversion

**** String **** -> equivalent structure to DRS and PDRS

  • stringToSDRS :: String -> SDRS
  • parseSDRS
  • parseMap :: String -> M.Map DisVar SDRSFormula
    -- parses map of an SDRS
  • parseLast :: String -> DisVar
    -- parses Last node of an SDRS

**** Structure ****

  • sdrsMap :: SDRS -> M.Map DisVar SDRSFormula
    -- Returns the map of an SDRS
    -> CHECK: Are such methods encouraged? It's for cases where I can't pattern match

  • sdrsLast :: SDRS -> DisVar
    -- Returns last
    -> same as sdrsMap

  • dus :: SDRS -> [DisVar]
    -- returns set of DUs (keys of map)
    -> needed?

  • lookupDU :: SDRS -> DisVar -> Maybe SDRSFormula
    -- Returns a certain discourse unit if present
    -> needed?

  • lookupKey :: SDRS -> DisVar -> DisVar
    -- Lookup the DisVar that labels the relation where the given DisVar is
    -- an argument of
    -> TODO rename to avoid confusion with lookup behavior? needed?

  • relLabels :: [SDRSFormula] -> [DisVar]
    -- Returns all labels that are arguments of relations

  • relations :: SDRS -> [(DisVar, SDRSFormula)]
    -- Lists, given an SDRS, its relations along with each respective label

  • segments :: SDRS -> [(DisVar, SDRSFormula)]
    -- equiv to relations just with segments

  • drss :: SDRS -> [DRS]
    -- lists all embedded DRSs


  • sdrsMap/sdrsLast -> encouraged?

  • validLast/RF/root interaction -> RF is implemented by searching an SDRS upwards from the last node on. Thus LAST is always on RF (we talked about this as a possible constraint for LAST which would checking whether it is on right side of relation redundant)

  • addDRS

    • functionality for relation restructuring on update incomplete
    • how to include SDRSFormula negation?
  • isRFCCompliant

    • a function for checking if all drs attachments in an sdrs comply to the rfc
    • what will be the theoretic foundation of this check?
  • unresolved structures

  • isWellformedSDRS

    • a high-level function combining several sdrt properties checks
  • Input

    • String.hs: decide on syntax, especially for And and Not
    • other input methods?
  • Show

    • SDRS with underspecified DRSs
    • Debug/Set output?
  • Translate

    • Translate to what? FOL isn't possible, right? What else?
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