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Question Interactives

This project is organized as a mono-repository managed by npm workspaces and lerna.

First build and browse

npm install
npm build
npm start

This will:

  • install the top level package.json and dependencies in each subfolder
  • copy the static folders to dist
  • run lerna build which runs npm build in each subfolder
  • run a local webserver serving the dist folder

Running a single interactive

cd package/[interactive folder]
npm start

This runs the webpack dev server. It will automatically rebuild and reload the page when the sources are changed.

Running all the interactives

In one terminal, run:

cd package/[interactive folder] && npm watch

Repeat that for all the interactives that you want to work on.

In another terminal, run:

npm start

This shows an index page listing the available interactives at:

Changes to the files in [interactive folder] will cause a rebuild. You need to manually refresh the web browser after the build is complete.

Local development setup:

  1. At the moment there is no way to preview your interactive in isolation. You will need to create a new Library Interactive in your local LARA instance to develop in this repo. You could also create a Library Interactive on the staging server, but you should clean up after yourself so that we don't end up with a lot of https://localhost/ development references on the staging server.
  2. The Base URL of your Library interactive will be something like: http://localhost:8080/<your interactive directory>/ where your interactive directory would be something like open-response. That should point to the top-level index of your interactive, e.g. open-response/index.tsx.
  3. You will probably want to check the Save Interactive State checkbox, and possibly the checkbox for Interactive provides an authoring UI.


Unit tests

Run npm test to run Jest tests in each interactive / package.

E2E tests (Cypress)

Cypress tests are defined as one of the packages in the mono-repository: packages/tests-e2e.

Run npm build and then npm start in top-level directory to serve all the interactives. Then open another terminal and run npm run test:cypress to start Cypress E2E tests.

Mono Repo Setup

This repository is configured with npm workspaces and lerna to run commands on subfolders. Individual packages specify their dependencies in their own package.json files. npm takes care of 'hoisting' all modules into the top-level node_modules folder. This is done by the npm install command. Inside of the <subfolder>/node_modules folder should only be a .bin folder which contains the usual dev tool executables.

Installing a new dependency

Run npm i <new dep> -w <interactive name> or npm i <new dep> -w <interactive name> --save-dev. If you need to add it to the workspace root run npm i <new dep> --save. If you need to add it to all the workspaces run npm i <new dep> --workspaces (--save-dev).

Updating a shared dependency

When updating a dependency that is shared by multiple interactives, e.g. Webpack, it is easiest to find/replace the relevant dependencies in the editor and then run npm install from the root folder to synchronize the dependencies appropriately. npm build and npm test can then be used to verify that the update didn't break anything obvious.

Import checking

Because of this hoisted dependency setup, it makes it possible to import dependencies in your code without declaring one in the subfolder's package.json file. That could happen if the top-level package.json or some other subfolder package.json added this dependency. In those two cases the dependency is now in the top-level node_modules folder. To prevent this 'undeclared dependency' problem the eslint-plugin-import module is added. It is configured to force all imports in your code to be declared in the code's package.json.

Adding a new interactive or shared package

Use the following steps to add a new interactive:

  • make a copy of the similar interactive folder (eg open-response) and rename it with the name of the interactive in kebab-case. For example, if the new interactive is named "New interactive", then the folder will be named "new-interactive".
  • search your newly created folder for instances of the string open-response and replace it with the name of your interactive. For example, this string might appear in, and package.json.


Production releases to S3 are based on the contents of the /dist folder and are built automatically by GitHub Actions for each branch pushed to GitHub and each merge into production.

Merges into production are deployed to

Other branches are deployed to

You can view the status of all the branch deploys here.

To deploy a production release:

  1. Copy to
    • Update with the output of running npm run release-notes question-interactives-[new=version-string] from dev-templates/scripts. More details on how to do this are given here
    • Review this list against recently merged PRs in GitHub UI
  2. Update package, commit, and tag
    1. Run npx lerna version [new-version-string] --no-git-tag-version. This updates the version in lerna.json and package.json files in all the interactives. --no-git-tag-version ensures that lerna doesn't commit and push these changes to GitHub automatically (so there's time to review them and add a commit message).
    2. Create a new commit with the message
    3. Create a tag v[new-version-string] with the message
  • Simpler version, only on Mac or Linux:
    • Run npx lerna version -m "$(<" [new-version-string] --no-push
    • This updates the version in package.json and package-lock.json and creates a commit with the comment from, and creates a tag with the name v[new-version-string] that has a description based on
  1. Push current branch and tag to GitHub
  • git push origin master
  • git push origin v<new version>
  1. Verify the build and tests in Github Actions at
  2. Once built, create a few library interactives with the versioned URL in LARA and QA them.
  3. Create a GitHub Release
    1. Find the new tag at open it, and edit it
    2. Copy the title from
    3. Copy the content from
    4. Hit "Publish Release" button
  4. In order to keep the fullscreen interactive used within CFM also get the most recent release, we also need to update the production branch of question interactives. To do this, run the following commands:
  • git checkout production
  • git reset --hard v[new-version-string]>
  • git push --force origin production
  1. Verify the build and tests in Github Actions at
  2. Update the production library interactives by individually opening each one and updating the baseUrl with this new version <-- this step actually releases the new code to the interactives in production. If the release features involve adding one or more new question types in the library interactives, we will need to add them in the library interactives page in LARA production
  3. Test a few sample question interactives by creating a test activity in Production that uses the updated or added interactives
  4. Clean up your working directory by deleting

Lerna versioning notes

Lerna is set to use fixed versioning. It means that all the packages will use the same version that is specified in lerna.json. In the future, it might be useful to switch to independent versioning mode.

Also, lerna version tool has many options that might simplify release process. See:

LARA Interactive API

The question interactives make use of the LARA Interactive API. To test the question interactives against a locally modified version of the LARA Interactive API:

cd [lara/lara-typescript]
npm install
npm run lara-api:link      # creates global symlink for clients to link to
cd [question-interactives]
npm run lara-api:link      # symlinks the question-interactives to the global symlink

To restore use of the published version of the LARA Interactive API:

cd [question-interactives]
npm run lara-api:unlink    # restores use of the published version for question-interactives
cd [lara/lara-typescript]
npm run lara-api:unlink    # removes the global symlink


Make sure if you are using Visual Studio Code that you use the workspace version of TypeScript. To ensure that you are open a TypeScript file in VSC and then click on the version number next to TypeScript React in the status bar and select 'Use Workspace Version' in the popup menu.


Question Interactives are Copyright 2020 (c) by the Concord Consortium and is distributed under the MIT license.

See for the complete license text.