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Telegram Group
Hidy Bot is a Telegram bot that allows you to manage your Hiddify panel directly from Telegram.
Install Hidy Bot on the SAME SERVER as your Hiddify panel.
Please note: This project is currently in BETA, and we are actively working to make it even better. If you encounter any bugs or issues, we appreciate your feedback and bug reports.
Disclaimer: This bot is not official and is not affiliated with Hiddify team.
- Add users
- Remove users
- Edit user details
- View users list
- Search users (by name, configuration, UUID)
- Show user information (name, traffic, date, etc.)
- Display user configs and subscription links
- Get a backup of your panel + Auto send
- View server status (RAM, CPU, disk)
- Multi language (English, Persian)
- Client bot
- and more...
- Empty
To install the bot, run the following command:
sudo bash -c "$(curl -Lfo- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conall1995/Hiddify-Telegram-Bot/main/install.sh)"
Make sure you have the following information ready:
Admin Telegram Number ID
: Get it from User info bot (Example:123456789
)Admin Telgram Bot Token
: Get it from BotFather ( Example:1234567890:ABCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz
)Hiddify Panel URL
: The url of your Hiddify panel ( Example:https://panel.example.com/7frgemkvtE0/78854985-68dp-425c-989b-7ap0c6kr9bd4
) exactly like this pattern!Bot Language
: Options areen
[default isfa
]- Optional:
Client(Users) Telegram Bot Token
: Get it from BotFather ( Example:1234567890:ABCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz
) if you want set up a bot for your users
Now you can use the bot in Telegram by sending the /start
cd /opt/Hiddify-Telegram-Bot/ && curl -fsSL -o /opt/Hiddify-Telegram-Bot/update.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conall1995/Hiddify-Telegram-Bot/main/update.sh && chmod +x /opt/Hiddify-Telegram-Bot/update.sh && bash /opt/Hiddify-Telegram-Bot/update.sh
cd /opt/Hiddify-Telegram-Bot/ && chmod +x restart.sh && ./restart.sh
pkill -9 -f hiddifyTelegramBot.py
cat /opt/Hiddify-Telegram-Bot/Logs/hidyBot.log
cat /opt/Hiddify-Telegram-Bot/config.json
cd /opt/Hiddify-Telegram-Bot/ && python3 config.py && chmod +x restart.sh && ./restart.sh
cd /opt/ && rm -rf /opt/Hiddify-Telegram-Bot/ && sudo bash -c "$(curl -Lfo- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/conall1995/Hiddify-Telegram-Bot/main/install.sh)"