This repository contains code to generate the results from the manuscript, "Deep learning chromatin profiles reveals the cis-regulatory sequence code of the rice genome."
Recent advances in deep learning have led to the creation of models that generate summarized sequence representations of genomic regulatory activity, offering a functional perspective on regulatory DNA variation in the human genome. Building on this, we extend the approach to the rice genome to explore its cis-regulatory sequence code and assess its transferability across crop species. Here, we developed a deep learning sequence model (Osei
), which is based on the Sei framework, to predict diverse chromatin profiles in rice.
This code has been tested on Python 3.6, and includes a number of Python scripts and Python/R Jupyter notebooks. Please set up a conda environment, install the packages listed in the requirements.txt
file, and also install the R kernel for Jupyter notebook. Example commands:
conda create --name=Osei python=3.6
conda activate Osei
conda install jupyter
conda install -c anaconda ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=Osei
conda install -c r r-irkernel
conda install --file requirements.txt -c anaconda -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c pytorch -c intel
Some of the python notebooks also call R with rpy2, therefore the R dependencies need to be installed. The R package dependencies are data.table
, ggplot2
, ggrepel
, patchwork
, shades
, and plyr
NOTE:You can access our database for the data and model used in these analyses.
You can run the following program in the shell,Here's an example using rice.
species=oryza_sativa # Species name
window_size=1024 # Window size
step_size=128 # Slide step
# Generating intervals...
bedtools makewindows -g ../fasta/${species}.size -w ${window_size} -s ${step_size} > ${species}_${window_size}_${step_size}s_intervals.bed
#Extracting sequences from genome...
bedtools getfasta -fi ../fasta/${species}.fa -bed ${species}_${window_size}_${step_size}s_intervals.bed > ${species}_${window_size}_${step_size}s_intervals.fa
#Converting sequences to single line format...
awk '/^>/{if(seq) print seq; print; seq=""; next} {seq=seq$0} END{if(seq) print seq}' ${species}_${window_size}_${step_size}s_intervals.fa > ${species}_${window_size}_${step_size}s_intervals_single_line.fa
#Filtering sequences...(There may be unassembled sequences)
faFilter -minSize=${window_size} -maxN=0 ${species}_${window_size}_${step_size}s_intervals_single_line.fa stdout | \\
awk '/^>/{if($0 ~ /Un/ || $0 ~ /Sy/) {skip=1} else {skip=0} } !/^>/ && !skip {print} /^>/ && !skip {print}' > ${species}_${window_size}_${step_size}s_intervals_single_line_filtered_temp.fa
#Converting filtered sequences to single line format...
awk '/^>/{if(seq) print seq; print; seq=""; next} {seq=seq$0} END{if(seq) print seq}' ${species}_${window_size}_${step_size}s_intervals_single_line_filtered_temp.fa > ${species}_${window_size}_${step_size}s_intervals_single_line_filtered.fa
rm ${species}_${window_size}_${step_size}s_intervals_single_line_filtered_temp.fa
#Generate bed files for analysis
awk '/^>/{if(seq) print a[1] "\\t" a[2] "\\t" a[3] "\\t" header; header=$0; sub(/^>/, "", header); split(header, a, "[:-]"); seq=""; next} {seq=seq$0} END {if(seq) print a[1] "\\t" a[2] "\\t" a[3] "\\t" header}' ${species}_${window_size}_${step_size}s_intervals_single_line_filtered.fa > ${species}_${window_size}_${step_size}s_intervals_single_line_filtered.bed
If you want to collect peak data yourself to train your own species, you need to do overlap on the processed genome bed file and the file of peak signals.
The directories correspond to the following figures/analyses:
:Predictions are made across species using the model and then the predictions are compared to predefined states.Experiment
: Correlation structure of model predictions matches the correlation structure of the targets.enrichmentHeatmap
:Log fold-change enrichment heatmaps.evolutionaryConstrain
:Regulatory sequence classes are under evolutionary constraints.performance_curve
:Chromatin profile model performance.transferModel
:Load a pre-trained model, modify its architecture to retrain the model.variationEva
:Feature vectors are generated from single nucleotide mutations, predicted using a model, followed by clustering analysis of the variants, and finally visualized to show the impact of the variants in different functional regions.visualize_UMAP
:The dimensionality is reduced and clustered, and then visualized with UMAP.