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mpilgrem authored Oct 28, 2023
2 parents 52a8568 + 65198de commit 025d384
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Showing 3 changed files with 186 additions and 92 deletions.
183 changes: 109 additions & 74 deletions src/Stack/Build/Installed.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- Determine which packages are already installed
module Stack.Build.Installed
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -30,6 +31,8 @@ import Stack.Types.GhcPkgId ( GhcPkgId )
import Stack.Types.Package
( InstallLocation (..), InstallMap, Installed (..)
, InstalledMap, InstalledPackageLocation (..)
, PackageDatabase (..), PackageDbVariety (..)
, toPackageDbVariety
import Stack.Types.SourceMap
( DepPackage (..), ProjectPackage (..), SourceMap (..) )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,15 +69,15 @@ getInstalled {-opts-} installMap = do

let loadDatabase' = loadDatabase {-opts mcache-} installMap

(installedLibs0, globalDumpPkgs) <- loadDatabase' Nothing []
(installedLibs0, globalDumpPkgs) <- loadDatabase' GlobalPkgDb []
(installedLibs1, _extraInstalled) <-
foldM (\lhs' pkgdb ->
loadDatabase' (Just (ExtraGlobal, pkgdb)) (fst lhs')
loadDatabase' (UserPkgDb ExtraPkgDb pkgdb) (fst lhs')
) (installedLibs0, globalDumpPkgs) extraDBPaths
(installedLibs2, snapshotDumpPkgs) <-
loadDatabase' (Just (InstalledTo Snap, snapDBPath)) installedLibs1
loadDatabase' (UserPkgDb (InstalledTo Snap) snapDBPath) installedLibs1
(installedLibs3, localDumpPkgs) <-
loadDatabase' (Just (InstalledTo Local, localDBPath)) installedLibs2
loadDatabase' (UserPkgDb (InstalledTo Local) localDBPath) installedLibs2
let installedLibs = Map.fromList $ map lhPair installedLibs3

-- Add in the executables that are installed, making sure to only trust a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,71 +117,83 @@ getInstalled {-opts-} installMap = do
-- The goal is to ascertain that the dependencies for a package are present,
-- that it has profiling if necessary, and that it matches the version and
-- location needed by the SourceMap
-- location needed by the SourceMap.
loadDatabase ::
HasEnvConfig env
=> InstallMap -- ^ to determine which installed things we should include
-> Maybe (InstalledPackageLocation, Path Abs Dir)
-- ^ package database, Nothing for global
-> [LoadHelper] -- ^ from parent databases
forall env. HasEnvConfig env
=> InstallMap
-- ^ to determine which installed things we should include
-> PackageDatabase
-- ^ package database.
-> [LoadHelper]
-- ^ from parent databases
-> RIO env ([LoadHelper], [DumpPackage])
loadDatabase installMap mdb lhs0 = do
loadDatabase installMap db lhs0 = do
pkgexe <- getGhcPkgExe
(lhs1', dps) <- ghcPkgDump pkgexe (fmap snd (maybeToList mdb)) $
conduitDumpPackage .| sink
lhs1 <- mapMaybeM (processLoadResult mdb) lhs1'
(lhs1', dps) <- ghcPkgDump pkgexe pkgDb $ conduitDumpPackage .| sink
lhs1 <- mapMaybeM processLoadResult lhs1'
let lhs = pruneDeps id lhId lhDeps const (lhs0 ++ lhs1)
pure (map (\lh -> lh { lhDeps = [] }) $ Map.elems lhs, dps)
mloc = fmap fst mdb
sinkDP = (isAllowed installMap mloc &&& toLoadHelper mloc)
pkgDb = case db of
GlobalPkgDb -> []
UserPkgDb _ fp -> [fp]

sinkDP = (isAllowed installMap db' &&& toLoadHelper db')
.| CL.consume
db' = toPackageDbVariety db
sink = getZipSink $ (,)
<$> ZipSink sinkDP
<*> ZipSink CL.consume

processLoadResult :: HasLogFunc env
=> Maybe (InstalledPackageLocation, Path Abs Dir)
-> (Allowed, LoadHelper)
-> RIO env (Maybe LoadHelper)
processLoadResult _ (Allowed, lh) = pure (Just lh)
processLoadResult mdb (reason, lh) = do
logDebug $
"Ignoring package "
<> fromString (packageNameString (fst (lhPair lh)))
<> maybe
( \db -> ", from "
<> displayShow db
<> ","
<> " due to"
<> case reason of
UnknownPkg -> " it being unknown to the resolver / extra-deps."
WrongLocation mloc loc -> " wrong location: " <> displayShow (mloc, loc)
WrongVersion actual wanted ->
" wanting version "
<> fromString (versionString wanted)
<> " instead of "
<> fromString (versionString actual)
pure Nothing
processLoadResult :: (Allowed, LoadHelper) -> RIO env (Maybe LoadHelper)
processLoadResult (Allowed, lh) = pure (Just lh)
processLoadResult (reason, lh) = do
logDebug $
"Ignoring package "
<> fromString (packageNameString (fst (lhPair lh)))
<> case db of
GlobalPkgDb -> mempty
UserPkgDb loc fp -> ", from " <> displayShow (loc, fp) <> ","
<> " due to"
<> case reason of
UnknownPkg -> " it being unknown to the resolver / extra-deps."
WrongLocation db' loc ->
" wrong location: " <> displayShow (db', loc)
WrongVersion actual wanted ->
" wanting version "
<> fromString (versionString wanted)
<> " instead of "
<> fromString (versionString actual)
pure Nothing

-- | Type representing results of 'isAllowed'.
data Allowed
= Allowed
-- ^ The installed package can be included in the set of relevant installed
-- packages.
| UnknownPkg
| WrongLocation (Maybe InstalledPackageLocation) InstallLocation
-- ^ The installed package cannot be included in the set of relevant
-- installed packages because the package is unknown.
| WrongLocation PackageDbVariety InstallLocation
-- ^ The installed package cannot be included in the set of relevant
-- installed packages because the package is in the wrong package database.
| WrongVersion Version Version
-- ^ The installed package cannot be included in the set of relevant
-- installed packages because the package has the wrong version.
deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Check if a can be included in the set of installed packages or not, based
-- on the package selections made by the user. This does not perform any
-- dirtiness or flag change checks.
isAllowed :: InstallMap
-> Maybe InstalledPackageLocation
-> DumpPackage
-> Allowed
isAllowed installMap mloc dp = case Map.lookup name installMap of
-- | Check if an installed package can be included in the set of relevant
-- installed packages or not, based on the package selections made by the user.
-- This does not perform any dirtiness or flag change checks.
isAllowed ::
-> PackageDbVariety
-- ^ The package database providing the installed package.
-> DumpPackage
-- ^ The installed package to check.
-> Allowed
isAllowed installMap pkgDb dp = case Map.lookup name installMap of
Nothing ->
-- If the sourceMap has nothing to say about this package,
-- check if it represents a sub-library first
Expand All @@ -195,34 +210,50 @@ isAllowed installMap mloc dp = case Map.lookup name installMap of
PackageIdentifier name version = dpPackageIdent dp
-- Ensure that the installed location matches where the sourceMap says it
-- should be installed
checkLocation Snap = True -- snapshot deps could become mutable after getting
-- any mutable dependency
checkLocation Local =
mloc == Just (InstalledTo Local) || mloc == Just ExtraGlobal -- 'locally' installed snapshot packages can come from extra dbs
-- Check if a package is allowed if it is found in the sourceMap
-- should be installed.
checkLocation Snap =
-- snapshot deps could become mutable after getting any mutable dependency.
checkLocation Local = case pkgDb of
GlobalDb -> False
-- 'locally' installed snapshot packages can come from 'extra' package
-- databases.
ExtraDb -> True
WriteOnlyDb -> False
MutableDb -> True
-- Check if an installed package is allowed if it is found in the sourceMap.
checkFound (installLoc, installVer)
| not (checkLocation installLoc) = WrongLocation mloc installLoc
| not (checkLocation installLoc) = WrongLocation pkgDb installLoc
| version /= installVer = WrongVersion version installVer
| otherwise = Allowed
-- check if a package is allowed if it is not found in the sourceMap
checkNotFound = case mloc of
-- The sourceMap has nothing to say about this global package, so we can use it
Nothing -> Allowed
Just ExtraGlobal -> Allowed
-- Check if an installed package is allowed if it is not found in the
-- sourceMap.
checkNotFound = case pkgDb of
-- The sourceMap has nothing to say about this global package, so we can use
-- it.
GlobalDb -> Allowed
ExtraDb -> Allowed
-- For non-global packages, don't include unknown packages.
-- See:
Just _ -> UnknownPkg
WriteOnlyDb -> UnknownPkg
MutableDb -> UnknownPkg

-- | Type representing certain information about an installed package.
data LoadHelper = LoadHelper
{ lhId :: !GhcPkgId
{ lhId :: !GhcPkgId
-- ^ The package's id.
, lhDeps :: ![GhcPkgId]
-- ^ Unless the package's name is that of a 'wired-in' package, a list of
-- the ids of the installed packages that are the package's dependencies.
, lhPair :: !(PackageName, (InstallLocation, Installed))
-- ^ A pair of (a) the package's name and (b) a pair of the relevant
-- database (write-only or mutable) and information about the library
-- installed.
deriving Show

toLoadHelper :: Maybe InstalledPackageLocation -> DumpPackage -> LoadHelper
toLoadHelper mloc dp = LoadHelper
toLoadHelper :: PackageDbVariety -> DumpPackage -> LoadHelper
toLoadHelper pkgDb dp = LoadHelper
{ lhId = gid
, lhDeps =
-- We always want to consider the wired in packages as having all of their
Expand All @@ -233,13 +264,17 @@ toLoadHelper mloc dp = LoadHelper
if name `Set.member` wiredInPackages
then []
else dpDepends dp
, lhPair = (name, (toPackageLocation mloc, Library ident gid (Right <$> dpLicense dp)))
, lhPair =
( name
, (toInstallLocation pkgDb, Library ident gid (Right <$> dpLicense dp))
gid = dpGhcPkgId dp
ident@(PackageIdentifier name _) = dpPackageIdent dp

toPackageLocation :: Maybe InstalledPackageLocation -> InstallLocation
toPackageLocation Nothing = Snap
toPackageLocation (Just ExtraGlobal) = Snap
toPackageLocation (Just (InstalledTo loc)) = loc
toInstallLocation :: PackageDbVariety -> InstallLocation
toInstallLocation GlobalDb = Snap
toInstallLocation ExtraDb = Snap
toInstallLocation WriteOnlyDb = Snap
toInstallLocation MutableDb = Local
38 changes: 27 additions & 11 deletions src/Stack/PackageDump.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,35 +55,48 @@ instance Exception PackageDumpException where
, "."

-- | Call ghc-pkg dump with appropriate flags and stream to the given @Sink@,
-- for a single database
-- | Call @ghc-pkg dump@ with appropriate flags and stream to the given sink,
-- using either the global package database or the given package databases.
ghcPkgDump ::
(HasProcessContext env, HasTerm env)
=> GhcPkgExe
-> [Path Abs Dir] -- ^ if empty, use global
-> [Path Abs Dir]
-- ^ A list of package databases. If empty, use the global package
-- database.
-> ConduitM Text Void (RIO env) a
-- ^ Sink.
-> RIO env a
ghcPkgDump pkgexe = ghcPkgCmdArgs pkgexe ["dump"]

-- | Call ghc-pkg describe with appropriate flags and stream to the given
-- @Sink@, for a single database
-- | Call @ghc-pkg describe@ with appropriate flags and stream to the given
-- sink, using either the global package database or the given package
-- databases.
ghcPkgDescribe ::
(HasCompiler env, HasProcessContext env, HasTerm env)
=> GhcPkgExe
-> PackageName
-> [Path Abs Dir] -- ^ if empty, use global
-> [Path Abs Dir]
-- ^ A list of package databases. If empty, use the global package
-- database.
-> ConduitM Text Void (RIO env) a
-- ^ Sink.
-> RIO env a
ghcPkgDescribe pkgexe pkgName' = ghcPkgCmdArgs
pkgexe ["describe", "--simple-output", packageNameString pkgName']
["describe", "--simple-output", packageNameString pkgName']

-- | Call ghc-pkg and stream to the given @Sink@, for a single database
-- | Call @ghc-pkg@ and stream to the given sink, using the either the global
-- package database or the given package databases.
ghcPkgCmdArgs ::
(HasProcessContext env, HasTerm env)
=> GhcPkgExe
-> [String]
-> [Path Abs Dir] -- ^ if empty, use global
-- ^ A list of commands.
-> [Path Abs Dir]
-- ^ A list of package databases. If empty, use the global package
-- database.
-> ConduitM Text Void (RIO env) a
-- ^ Sink.
-> RIO env a
ghcPkgCmdArgs pkgexe@(GhcPkgExe pkgPath) cmd mpkgDbs sink = do
case reverse mpkgDbs of
Expand All @@ -95,8 +108,11 @@ ghcPkgCmdArgs pkgexe@(GhcPkgExe pkgPath) cmd mpkgDbs sink = do
args = concat
[ case mpkgDbs of
[] -> ["--global", "--no-user-package-db"]
_ -> ["--user", "--no-user-package-db"] ++
concatMap (\pkgDb -> ["--package-db", toFilePathNoTrailingSep pkgDb]) mpkgDbs
_ -> "--user"
: "--no-user-package-db"
: concatMap
(\pkgDb -> ["--package-db", toFilePathNoTrailingSep pkgDb])
, cmd
, ["--expand-pkgroot"]
Expand Down

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