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何文振 edited this page Jun 29, 2021 · 9 revisions

Place Market Order

  • Request description:place market order.

  • Request type: POST

  • Signature required: Yes

  • Request Header:
    authorization:"xxxx" (32-digit capital letters, see generating methods in <API invocation instruction>)

  • Request Url:

  • Request parameter:

    name type required description
    access_id String Yes access_id
    market String Yes See <API invocation description·market>
    type String Yes sell: Sell order;
    buy:Buy order;
    amount String Yes Order amount(sell:table number,buy:table amount)
    when amount min. 0.001, accurate to 4 decimal places;
    when amount min. 0.01, accurate to 2 decimal places
    tonce Integer Yes Tonce is a timestamp with a positive Interger that represents the number of milliseconds from Unix epoch to the current time. Error between tonce and server time can not exceed plus or minus 60s
    account_id Integer no margin account ID, See < Inquire Margin Account Market Info>
    client_id String no client_id is the custom id of order. Currently, it only supports uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens and underlines, and it should be less than 32 bytes.
    source_id String no user defines number and return
  • Return value description:

    name type description
    amount String order count
    avg_price String average price
    create_time Interger time when placing order
    deal_amount String count
    deal_fee String transaction fee
    deal_money String amount
    fee_asset String fee asset
    fee_discount String fee discount
    finished_time Integer complete time
    id Integer Order No.
    left String left amount
    maker_fee_rate String maker fee
    market String See <API invocation description·market>
    order_type String limit:limit order;
    market:market order;
    price String order price
    status String not_deal: unexecuted;
    part_deal: partly executed;
    done: executed;
    stock_fee String stock fee
    taker_fee_rate String taker fee
    type String sell: sell order;
    buy: buy order;
    client_id String return what you give
  • Example:

# Request
# Request.Body
  "access_id":" BFFA64957AA240F6BBEA26F4E07EC0D9",
  "amount": "56.5",  # order count
  "type": "sell",    # order type
  "market":"BTCBCH",  # market type
  "tonce: 1513746038205,
  "source_id": "123" # user defines number and return
# Response
  "code": 0,
  "data": {
    "amount": "56.5",              # order count
    "asset_fee": "0.01",           # asset fee
    "avg_price": "11641.3",        # average order price
    "create_time": 1496798479,     # order placing time 
    "deal_amount": "56.5",         # executed amount
    "deal_fee": "0.01",            # deal fee
    "deal_money": "657733.4561",   # executed value
    "fee_asset": "BCH",            # fee asset
    "fee_discount", "0.01",        # fee discount
    "finished_time": 1496798479,   # finished time
    "id": 300032,                  # order no.
    "left": "0",                   # unexecuted amount
    "maker_fee_rate": "0.001",     # maker rate
    "market": "BTCBCH",            # market
    "money_fee": "0.01",           # money fee
    "order_type": "market",        # order type: limit: limit order;market: market order;
    "price": "7000",               # order price
    "stock_fee": "0.01",           # stock fee
    "source_id": "123",            # user-defined no.
    "status": "done",              # order status: done:executed;part_deal:partly executed;not_deal:unexecuted;
    "taker_fee_rate": "0.002",     # taker rate
    "type": "sell",                # order type: sell: sell;buy: buy;
    "client_id": "xxxx",           # client id: return what you give
  "message": "Ok"

HTTP API Introduction

Common API

Market API

Account API

Trading API

Margin API

Contract API

WebSocket API Introduction

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