We, as members, contributors, and leaders, pledge to create a positive, harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of differences.
We commit to fostering an open, welcoming, diverse, and inclusive community. We value empathy, kindness, and constructive communication.
Positive behaviors include:
- Demonstrating empathy and kindness
- Respecting diverse opinions and experiences
- Offering and receiving constructive feedback gracefully
- Taking responsibility and learning from mistakes
- Focusing on the community's overall well-being
Unacceptable behaviors include:
- Use of sexualized language or imagery
- Trolling, insulting, or derogatory comments
- Harassment, public or private
- Publishing private information without permission
- Any behavior deemed inappropriate in a professional setting
Community leaders are entrusted to enforce these standards fairly. They may remove, edit, or reject contributions that violate the Code of Conduct.
Leaders will communicate reasons for moderation decisions and respect reporters' privacy.
This Code of Conduct applies in all community spaces and when officially representing the community.
Examples of representation include using an official email address or posting via an official social media account.
Report incidents to leaders at [email protected]. All complaints will be promptly and fairly reviewed and investigated.
Community leaders will enforce these guidelines and apply consequences based on severity.
- Community Impact: Use of inappropriate language.
- Consequence: Private, written warning from leaders, with a possible public apology request.
- Community Impact: A violation through a single incident or series.
- Consequence: Warning with consequences for continued behavior, including a specified no-interaction period.
Temporary Ban
- Community Impact: Serious violation, including sustained inappropriate behavior.
- Consequence: Temporary ban from any interaction or public communication.
Permanent Ban
- Community Impact: Demonstrating a pattern of violation or aggression.
- Consequence: Permanent ban from public community interaction.
Let's work together to create a welcoming and inclusive community.