What's Changed
- 106-add-logger-configuration by @l4mby in #110
- 111 message consumption goes out of bounds of buffer by @albertobarrila in #112
- 53-ability-to-publish-a-batch-of-messages-without-compression by @l4mby in #108
- 54 ability to publish a batch of messages with gzip compression by @l4mby in #109
- 55 ability to consume a batch of messages without compression by @l4mby in #113
- cleanup producer send by @albertobarrila in #116
- Increase static buffer size for requests by @icappello in #115
- 56-ability-to-consume-a-batch-of-messages-with-gzip-compression by @l4mby in #117
- 19 - Adds frame max negotiation by @l4mby in #125
- 121 support tls by @albertobarrila in #122
- Adds Metadata query by @tarzacodes in #124
- Add perftest implementation and run it as CI step by @icappello in #119
- 102 performant send by @icappello in #120
Full Changelog: v0.0.6...v0.0.7