Exam Security Done.Right!:
Mentioned in requirements.txt
- Basic Login, Register, Forgot Password, Change Password, etc
- System allows only one login per user, so that user can’t do any unfair means.
- System will verify image of user at every time of login and also in exam using face recognition technology.
- Professor can upload exam pdfs of exams.
- Professor can create exam, view exam history, share details of exam with students.
- Professor can insert marks of subjective & practical exam & also publish the results, view results.
- Professor can view Live Monitoring of Exam & also can view proctoring logs of the students.
- Professor can report problems, view FAQ, contact us.
- Give/Take Exam
- Check Exam History
- Check Results
- Report Problems
- Types of Exam Supported:
- Subjective
- Practical
Talk to me about:
- Front-end development using HTML, Javascript, CSS, Bootstrap, React.
- Backend development using Flask, Django.
- Other languages Java and Python.
Currently web-app is under development.
If you have any issue in website, you can always write up to any of the team member.
If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker.
This section should detail why people should get involved and describe key areas you are currently focusing on; e.g., trying to get feedback on features, fixing certain bugs, building important pieces, etc.
General instructions on how to contribute should be stated with a link to CONTRIBUTING. This is an Open-source-project, all are allowed to contribute and change the code as their wish.
- Project that inspired us
- This project if completely deployed could serve as a great platform for conducting online automated procotored exams.