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Eric Carmichael edited this page Feb 6, 2020 · 5 revisions

Place your certs in the certs/ folder and specify them in your .env, i.e. if you put a cert named localhost into your certs folder you'd change .env to:


Change your RabbitMQ ports to the SSL versions which are 5671 and 15671:


Make sure you have ports 80 and 443 open on the machine.

Godaddy SSL certs

A quick note on Godaddy certs, you will need your private key along with the Godaddy certificates to complete the SSL handshake. This is a helpful reminder if you used this private key many years ago and forget it is needed!

Merge together new_cert_root.crt and the_bundle_certs.crt together, like so:


Into some new file new_cert.crt and reference that

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