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This repository contains the service-adapter framework implementing the evolution scenario Adding a Service-Adapter

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CoCoME Cloud JEE Service-Adapter

This repository contains the service-adapter implementing the evolution scenario adding a service-adapter.


  • Running Glassfish 4.x
  • A database supported by JPA (e.g., PostgreSQL)


Before compilation you must copy the settings.xml.template located in the project root directory file to settings.xml and adjust the properties defined in the XML file.

The properties correspond with values of your running Glassfish instance. In a default Glassfish installation the domain is called domain1 if you did not provide a different name. However, we recommend to create your own domain, e.g., adapter. You can adjust the fields in the settings as follows:

  • host (usually "localhost", can be ip adress when you deployed parts of cocome on a different machine)
  • http port (port used by the services in a deployment; portbase + 80)
  • admin port (port used by the admin console; portbase + 48)
  • domain (Glassfish domain, ex.: adapter)
  • admin user name (name of the admin user; usually: admin)
  • admin password (password of the admin user; usually no password )

###Important: If you finished the glassfish setup, you've propably already created the domain for the service-adapter (it is named adapter).


To build the service-adapter with Maven type in the project root directory:

mvn -s settings.xml compile

If the compilation is successful you can proceed and type

mvn -s settings.xml package

to produce deployable packages. This last step can be omitted when you choose to directly deploy your build with Maven. However, it is helpful to make sure packaging works before trying to deploy. Therefore, we recommend to test packaging before deploying.


Glassfish comes with a standard Derby DB. So you DO NOT need to configure your own DB. But, if you still want to use your own Database, follow the instructions in Connect your own DB and skip the Deployment part up to the mvn command (mvn -s settings.xml install). The following steps will configure theDerby DB and connect it automatically to CoCoME

Before you can deploy the service-adapter make sure you have added a data (re)source called jdbc/CoCoMEDB. This can be done on command line or via the Glassfish UI. You need:

  • A JDBC connection pool

  • JDBC connection pool (default jdcb-pool (DerbyPool) is automatically created when asadmin start-database was executed for the first time.

  • A JDBC resource named jdbc/CoCoMEDB using the connection pool you defined

    • You can simply add this by executing the command: 'asadmin create-jdbc-resource --connectionpoolid DerbyPool --host localhost --port 8248 jdbc/CoCoMEDB'
    • Notice that port 8248 is the admin port of the adapter-domain. So when you did not use the same port you have to change it!
  • Make sure you refer to the same domain for service adapter in this setting file and in the setting file of jee-plattform-migration.

You can directly deploy them via the Cargo Maven plug-in with

mvn -s settings.xml install

Alternatively, you can deploy the application via asadmin or the Glassfish administration interface.

Connect your own DB

#####Again: Glassfish comes with a build in DerbyDB, so there's no particular reason to connect another DB if you just want to use CoCoME without careing about the DB.

  • First, you need to check your Glassfish Instance. Using a version less than 4.1.2 may cause some trouble. If you are using Glassfish <= 4.1.1, please download a newer Version and start with the Glassfish Setup again.

  • Download and install your Database (we tested with postgresDB. You propably need to install it in C:\ and not in C:\ProgrammFiles...)

  • Use the following parameters:

    • DB name: choose anything
    • user = APP
    • password = APP
    • portnumber: choose anything (default port fpr DB provider)
  • Navigate to your Glassfish Gui of the adapter domain (asadmin start-domain adapter, localhost:8248)

  • JDBC -> Connection pools -> New:

    • Pool name: myDBpool (or something similar)
    • resource type: javax.sql.DataSource
  • Next -> Additional properties:

  • delete everything but: user, password, databaseName, serverName, portNumber

  • user: APP

  • password: APP

  • databaseName: the name you did choose for the DB

  • serverName: localhost (if your Database is deployed on your PC)

  • portnumber: the portnumber your DB is listening to

  • JDBC Resource -> New

    • JNDI Name: jdbc/CoCoMEDB
    • poolname: the poolname of the JDBC Connection pool you just created
  • Download the DB Driver from the manufacturer's web site. For Postgres, you need to donwload the current driver

  • copy and paste this .jar-file to the lib folder of the adapter domain (glassfish5 -> glassfish -> domains -> adapter-> lib)

  • stop and start the adpater domain via asadmin

  • Important: Undeploy the adpater via mvn -s settings.xml clean post-clean if you already deployed it.

  • In both cases, deploy it with mvn -s settings.xml install

  • DON'T forget to start your Database before you start the Glassfish domains via asadmin when you want to work with CoCoME!


Undeployment can be performed via the Glassfish administration interface the asadmin command line tool or with

mvn -s settings.xml post-clean


Before you start to contribute to the service-adapter make sure you adhere the coding style of the service-adapter and setup your IDE accordingly. For Eclipse, we provide configuration files in the root directory.

  • eclipse-cleanup.xml
  • eclipse-formatter.xml
  • eclipse.importorder You can use them globally in preferences or configure them in each project.

Furthermore, we provide a checkstyle.xml configuration, which can be used with Maven and in your IDE.

mvn -s settings.xml checkstyle:check

This will produce also errors in existing code. We are aware of that and will fix in over time.

For your Eclipse setup you may use the Kieker Eclipse setup page as reference (


In case the deployment fails, this might be due to a wide range of problems. You may consult the server logs and your settings file.

  • Make sure admin user name and password are correct and that the ports are set properly. Depending on your installation they might differ from 4848 (admin) and 8080 (web).
  • In case you deployed before, redeployment will fail until you undeploy first. This can be done with mvn -s settings.xml post-clean install which undeploys and then tries to deploy the application again
  • If undeployment does not work. Try undeploying with the Glassfish administration interface or asadmin. In seldom cases Glassfish does not delete all necessary files for undeployment. You may repair this as follows:
    • stop your Glassfish server
    • go to ${GLASSFISH_HOME}/glassfish/domains/${YOUR_DOMAIN} directory
    • delete all directories which correspond with your deployment
    • You must also check the __internal directory
    • Find the domain.xml or config.xml and remove references to the deployment.


This repository contains the service-adapter framework implementing the evolution scenario Adding a Service-Adapter






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