For now we can measure and log sensitivity to <lightness> of 400x400 rectangles. In principle it is enough to accumulate data on one's natural colourmetric system's capabilities and attributes. E.g. for further analisys.
Don't forget to:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
(requires PyQt6)
"So we decided to finally accumulate measurements on the characteristics of our color-recognition visual natural system. Where do we start?...".
And that's how I made this dirty script.
Tested on Windows 10 Pro with Python 3.10.9.
Start the app(script), then just press "LEFT ARROW" or "RIGHT ARROW" to select the rectangle that seems brighter to you (in fact I mean the one with the greatest LIGHTNESS among two, scientifically speaking).
I will (probably) add more game modes later.