Maintenance Release
This release adds options for interacting with SDDC, and adds additional debugging log entries.
New config settings:
# Pod__DebugVerbose = false
# Pod__IsNsxNetwork = false
## In AWS SDDC a MetadataUrl is used to fetch the ApiUrl
# Pod__Sddc__ApiUrl =
# Pod__Sddc__MetadataUrl =
## Replace `cgw` with the *id* of the tier-1 upon which to manage segments
# Pod__Sddc__SegmentApiPath = policy/api/v1/infra/tier-1s/cgw/segments
## Auth to NSX with either client certificate or use apikey to fetch access_token from authUrl
# Pod__Sddc__CertificatePath =
# Pod__Sddc__CertificatePassword =
# Pod__Sddc__ApiKey =
# Pod__Sddc__AuthUrl =
# Pod__Sddc__AuthTokenHeader = csp-auth-token