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dvanhorn committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent 74aa739 commit d527299
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Showing 16 changed files with 487 additions and 139 deletions.
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions hoax/heap-bits.rkt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#lang racket
(require "types.rkt")
(provide (struct-out heap) heap-ref heap-set!
alloc-box alloc-cons
alloc-vect alloc-str)

(struct heap ([n #:mutable] bytes))

;; Value* Heap -> Answer*
(define (alloc-box v h)
(match h
[(heap n bs)
(heap-set! h n v)
(set-heap-n! h (+ n 8))
(bitwise-xor n type-box)]))

;; Value* Value* Heap -> Answer*
(define (alloc-cons v1 v2 h)
(match h
[(heap n bs)
(heap-set! h (+ n 0) v1)
(heap-set! h (+ n 8) v2)
(set-heap-n! h (+ n 16))
(bitwise-xor n type-cons)]))

(define (alloc-vect vs h)
(match h
[(heap n bs)
(heap-set! h n (arithmetic-shift (length vs) int-shift))
(write-values! h vs (+ n 8))
(set-heap-n! h (+ n (* 8 (add1 (length vs)))))
(bitwise-xor n type-vect)]))

(define (alloc-str cs h)
(match h
[(heap n bs)
(heap-set! h n (arithmetic-shift (length cs) int-shift))
(write-values! h cs (+ n 8))
(set-heap-n! h (+ n (* 8 (add1 (length cs)))))
(bitwise-xor n type-str)]))

(define (write-values! h vs i)
(match vs
['() (void)]
[(cons v vs)
(heap-set! h i v)
(write-values! h vs (+ i 8))]))

;; Heap Address -> Value*
(define (heap-ref h a)
(integer-bytes->integer (heap-bytes h) #t #f a (+ a 8)))

;; Heap Address Natural -> [Listof Value*]
(define (heap-ref/n h a n)
(define (loop n vs)
(match n
[0 vs]
[_ (loop (sub1 n)
(cons (heap-ref h (+ a n)) vs))]))
(loop n '()))

;; Heap Address Value* -> Void
(define (heap-set! h i v)
(integer->integer-bytes v 8 (negative? v) #f (heap-bytes h) i))

85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions hoax/interp-heap-bits.rkt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
#lang racket
(provide interp)
(require "ast.rkt")
(require "types.rkt")
(require "env.rkt")
(require "heap-bits.rkt")
(require "interp-prims-heap-bits.rkt")
(require "unload-bits.rkt")

(define *heap-size* 100000) ; # words in heap

;; type Answer* =
;; | Value*
;; | 'err

;; type Value* =
;; | (value->bits Integer)
;; | (value->bits Boolean)
;; | (value->bits Character)
;; | (value->bits Eof)
;; | (value->bits Void)
;; | (value->bits '())
;; | (bitwise-xor Address type-box)
;; | (bitwise-xor Address type-cons)

;; type Address = Natural divisible by 8

;; type Heap = (heap Address Bytes)

;; type REnv = (Listof (List Id Value*))

;; Expr -> Value
(define (interp e)
(define h (heap 0 (make-bytes (* 8 *heap-size*) 0)))
(unload h (interp-env-heap-bits e '() h)))

;; Expr REnv Heap -> Answer*
(define (interp-env-heap-bits e r h)
(match e
[(Lit (? string? s)) (alloc-str (map value->bits (string->list s)) h)]
[(Lit d) (value->bits d)]
[(Eof) (value->bits eof)]
[(Var x) (lookup r x)]
[(Prim0 p) (interp-prim0 p h)]
[(Prim1 p e)
(match (interp-env-heap-bits e r h)
['err 'err]
(interp-prim1 p v h)])]
[(Prim2 p e1 e2)
(match (interp-env-heap-bits e1 r h)
['err 'err]
(match (interp-env-heap-bits e2 r h)
['err 'err]
(interp-prim2 p v1 v2 h)])])]
[(Prim3 p e1 e2 e3)
(match (interp-env-heap-bits e1 r h)
['err 'err]
(match (interp-env-heap-bits e2 r h)
['err 'err]
(match (interp-env-heap-bits e3 r h)
['err 'err]
(interp-prim3 p v1 v2 v3 h)])])])]
[(If p e1 e2)
(match (interp-env-heap-bits p r h)
['err 'err]
(if (= v (value->bits #f))
(interp-env-heap-bits e2 r h)
(interp-env-heap-bits e1 r h))])]
[(Begin e1 e2)
(match (interp-env-heap-bits e1 r h)
['err 'err]
[_ (interp-env-heap-bits e2 r h)])]
[(Let x e1 e2)
(match (interp-env-heap-bits e1 r h)
['err 'err]
(interp-env-heap-bits e2 (ext r x v) h)])]))

103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions hoax/interp-prims-heap-bits.rkt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
#lang racket
(provide interp-prim0 interp-prim1 interp-prim2 interp-prim3)
(require "heap-bits.rkt")
(require "types.rkt")

;; Op0 Heap -> Answer*
(define (interp-prim0 op h)
(match op
['read-byte (value->bits (read-byte))]
['peek-byte (value->bits (peek-byte))]
['void (value->bits (void))]))

;; Op1 Value* Heap -> Answer*
(define (interp-prim1 p v h)
(match (list p v)
[(list 'add1 (? int-bits? i))
(+ i (value->bits 1))]
[(list 'sub1 (? int-bits? i))
(- i (value->bits 1))]
[(list 'zero? (? int-bits? i))
(value->bits (zero? i))]
[(list 'char? v)
(value->bits (char-bits? v))]
[(list 'char->integer (? char-bits?))
(arithmetic-shift (bitwise-xor v type-char) (- int-shift char-shift))]
[(list 'integer->char (? codepoint-bits?))
(bitwise-xor (arithmetic-shift v (- char-shift int-shift)) type-char)]
[(list 'eof-object? v)
(value->bits (= (value->bits eof) v))]
[(list 'write-byte (? byte-bits?))
(begin (write-byte (arithmetic-shift v (- int-shift)))
(value->bits (void)))]
[(list 'box v) (alloc-box v h)]
[(list 'unbox (? box-bits? i))
(heap-ref h (bitwise-xor i type-box))]
[(list 'car (? cons-bits? i))
(heap-ref h (bitwise-xor i type-cons))]
[(list 'cdr (? cons-bits? i))
(heap-ref h (bitwise-xor (+ i 8) type-cons))]
[(list 'empty? v)
(value->bits (= (value->bits '()) v))]
[(list 'vector? v)
(value->bits (vect-bits? v))]
[(list 'string? v)
(value->bits (str-bits? v))]
[(list 'vector-length (? vect-bits?))
(define p (bitwise-xor v type-vect))
(heap-ref h p)]
[(list 'string-length (? str-bits?))
(define p (bitwise-xor v type-str))
(heap-ref h p)]
[_ 'err]))

;; Op2 Value* Value* Heap -> Answer*
(define (interp-prim2 p v1 v2 h)
(match (list p v1 v2)
[(list '+ (? int-bits? i1) (? int-bits? i2)) (+ i1 i2)]
[(list '- (? int-bits? i1) (? int-bits? i2)) (- i1 i2)]
[(list '< (? int-bits? i1) (? int-bits? i2)) (value->bits (< i1 i2))]
[(list '= (? int-bits? i1) (? int-bits? i2)) (value->bits (= i1 i2))]
[(list 'eq? v1 v2) (value->bits (= v1 v2))]
[(list 'cons v1 v2) (alloc-cons v1 v2 h)]
[(list 'make-vector (? int-bits? i) v)
(if (< i 0)
(alloc-vect (make-list (arithmetic-shift i (- int-shift)) v) h))]
[(list 'vector-ref (? vect-bits? a) (? int-bits? i))
(define p (bitwise-xor a type-vect))
(if (<= 0 i (sub1 (heap-ref h p)))
(heap-ref h (+ p 8 (arithmetic-shift i (- 3 int-shift))))
[(list 'make-string (? int-bits? i) (? char-bits? c))
(if (< i 0)
(alloc-str (make-list (arithmetic-shift i (- int-shift)) c) h))]
[(list 'string-ref (? str-bits? a) (? int-bits? i))
(define p (bitwise-xor a type-str))
(if (<= 0 i (sub1 (heap-ref h p)))
(heap-ref h (+ p 8 (arithmetic-shift i (- 3 int-shift))))
[_ 'err]))

;; Op3 Value* Value* Value* Heap -> Answer*
(define (interp-prim3 p v1 v2 v3 h)
(match (list p v1 v2 v3)
[(list 'vector-set! (? vect-bits?) (? int-bits?) _)
(define p (bitwise-xor v1 type-vect))
(if (<= 0 v2 (sub1 (heap-ref h p)))
(heap-set! h (+ p 8 (arithmetic-shift v2 (- 3 int-shift))) v3)
[_ 'err]))

;; Int64 -> Boolean
(define (byte-bits? v)
(and (int-bits? v)
(<= 0 v (value->bits 255))))

;; Int64 -> Boolean
(define (codepoint-bits? v)
(and (int-bits? v)
(or (<= 0 v (value->bits 55295))
(<= (value->bits 57344) v (value->bits 1114111)))))

11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions hoax/test/interp-heap-bits.rkt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#lang racket
(require "test-runner.rkt")
(require "../parse.rkt")
(require "../interp-heap-bits.rkt")
(require "../interp-io.rkt")

(test (λ (e) (interp (parse e))))

;; FIXME: this is not running a heap-based interpreter!
(test/io (λ (s e) (interp/io (parse e) s)))

14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions hoax/types.rkt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,20 +27,20 @@
[(char-bits? b)
(integer->char (arithmetic-shift b (- char-shift)))]
[(box-bits? b)
(box (bits->value (heap-ref b)))]
(box (bits->value (mem-ref b)))]
[(cons-bits? b)
(cons (bits->value (heap-ref (+ b 8)))
(bits->value (heap-ref b)))]
(cons (bits->value (mem-ref (+ b 8)))
(bits->value (mem-ref b)))]
[(vect-bits? b)
(if (zero? (untag b))
(build-vector (heap-ref b)
(build-vector (mem-ref b)
(lambda (j)
(bits->value (heap-ref (+ b (* 8 (add1 j))))))))]
(bits->value (mem-ref (+ b (* 8 (add1 j))))))))]
[(str-bits? b)
(if (zero? (untag b))
(build-string (heap-ref b)
(build-string (mem-ref b)
(lambda (j)
(char-ref (+ b 8) j))))]
[else (error "invalid bits")]))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
(arithmetic-shift (arithmetic-shift i (- (integer-length ptr-mask)))
(integer-length ptr-mask)))

(define (heap-ref i)
(define (mem-ref i)
(ptr-ref (cast (untag i) _int64 _pointer) _int64))

(define (char-ref i j)
Expand Down
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions hoax/unload-bits.rkt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#lang racket
(provide unload unload-value)
(require "heap-bits.rkt")
(require "types.rkt")

;; Heap Answer* -> Answer
(define (unload h a)
(match a
['err 'err]
[v (unload-value v h)]))

;; Value* Heap -> Value
(define (unload-value v h)
(match v
[(? box-bits?)
(define p (bitwise-xor v type-box))
(box (unload-value (heap-ref h p) h))]
[(? cons-bits?)
(define p (bitwise-xor v type-cons))
(cons (unload-value (heap-ref h (+ p 0)) h)
(unload-value (heap-ref h (+ p 8)) h))]
[(? vect-bits?)
(define p (bitwise-xor v type-vect))
(build-vector (arithmetic-shift (heap-ref h p) (- int-shift))
(λ (i)
(bits->value (heap-ref h (+ p (* 8 (add1 i)))))))]
[(? str-bits?)
(define p (bitwise-xor v type-str))
(build-string (arithmetic-shift (heap-ref h p) (- int-shift))
(λ (i)
(bits->value (heap-ref h (+ p (* 8 (add1 i)))))))]
[_ (bits->value v)]))

37 changes: 22 additions & 15 deletions hustle/heap-bits.rkt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,32 @@
#lang racket
(provide alloc-box alloc-cons heap-ref heap-set)
(require "types.rkt")
(provide (struct-out heap) heap-ref
alloc-box alloc-cons)

;; Value* Heap -> Answer
(struct heap ([n #:mutable] bytes))

;; Value* Heap -> Answer*
(define (alloc-box v h)
(cons (cons v h)
(bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift (length h) imm-shift)
(match h
[(heap n bs)
(heap-set! h n v)
(set-heap-n! h (+ n 8))
(bitwise-xor n type-box)]))

;; Value* Value* Heap -> Answer
;; Value* Value* Heap -> Answer*
(define (alloc-cons v1 v2 h)
(cons (cons v2 (cons v1 h))
(bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift (length h) imm-shift)
(match h
[(heap n bs)
(heap-set! h (+ n 0) v1)
(heap-set! h (+ n 8) v2)
(set-heap-n! h (+ n 16))
(bitwise-xor n type-cons)]))

;; Heap Address -> Value*
(define (heap-ref h a)
(let ((a (arithmetic-shift a (- imm-shift))))
(list-ref h (- (length h) (add1 a)))))
(integer-bytes->integer (heap-bytes h) #t #f a (+ a 8)))

;; Heap Address Value* -> Void
(define (heap-set! h i v)
(integer->integer-bytes v 8 (negative? v) #f (heap-bytes h) i))

;; Heap Address Value* -> Heap
(define (heap-set h a v)
(let ((a (arithmetic-shift a (- imm-shift))))
(list-set h (- (length h) a 1) v)))

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