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rpattcorner edited this page Apr 14, 2015 · 11 revisions

#TODO: Redo all BOK images, check when to introduce VPC

Your First Basket of Kittens provides a number of illustrations and deployment patterns to get you started, ranging from the trivial to complex multitier deployments. A full set of demonstration BOK's are available in our repository as illustrated in Figure 1 below:

![demos](Walkthru_images\/demos.png) Figure 1: View of mu demos in GitHub

Optionally additional targeted deployments for useful services such as GlusterFS clusters, etc. are available outside the open source project from our Apps repository at ###The Absolute Bare Minimum The simple-server basket of kittens (BOK) below represents the absolute bare minimum descriptor to bring up a server. While not that useful in itself, it illustrates how little is required to start using, and provides a building block for more complex and useful deployments:


Figure 1 -- BOK for Absolute Bare Minimum Server in Cloud

As you see, all you need to do is:

  • Name the application, in this case "demo"
  • Declare a "servers" array (see generic YAML Documentation for syntactic details)
  • Within the array declare an individual server
  • Give the server a node name to identify it within the deployment -- "simple"
  • Give the server a size, in this case "m3.medium"

Note that we're using AWS as a deploy target in all our documentation

###Adding Ingress, Illustrating Windows is adaptable to a wide range of operating systems, and supports Windows as well as Linux for deployment nodes. Here's our simple server configured to run a windows instance, adding a few minor features along the way:


Note the additions:

  • The platform attribute specifies windows rather than the (Linux) default
  • We add a storage volume, which is implemented as an AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS) attachment
  • We create an in-place firewall rule (ingress-rule) allowing Windows Terminal Server (port 3389) access for two concrete IP's
  • We add a couple of administrators, who will be notified about the deploy and any Nagios alerts

The inline ingress-rule is to illustrate simplicity,. Usually you'll want to put your firewall rules in a separate firewall-rules stanza, often in an included file.

One Step Up -- A Service that Does (a little) Something

The deployment descriptor below is a very basic single-file BOK to start a single server running PHP. It goes beyond the absolute minimum in actually "doing something" to the provisioned server resource. In "doing something" involves configuration (in this case) and orchestration (in more complex cases to come):