This project is a simple webhook for UptimeRobot that sends you a telegram message.
This hook require NodeJS, so you must install it in your machine.
git clone
or in case you don't have git
wget -O; unzip; rm
First you must move to project directory and runs this command:
npm install
- Open a chat with @BotFather.
- Type /newbot and after its message type your bot's name.
- Now, type your bot's alias.
- When you're done the BotFather will give you the token, you must save this code.
- First send a message to your bot.
- Now go to
- And save your chat id.
You must copy hook.example.json and call it config.json. After that you only need to fill all fields in the file.
At the hookKey field type some random password.
Now you only need to go to your UptimeRobot dashboard, and in settings, "Add Alert Contacts".
Now set the Web-Hook in the type field, when you are done set the name you prefer and in the URL parameter type the URL of your webhook. In the "POST Value" type the next text but change the hookKey with the password you set in the config file.
"key": "TYPE YOUR PASS",
"monitorID": "*monitorID*",
"monitorURL": "*monitorURL*",
"monitorFriendlyName": "*monitorFriendlyName*",
"alertType": "*alertType*",
"alertTypeFriendlyName": "*alertTypeFriendlyName*",
"alertDetails": "*alertDetails*"
Now add the contact to your monitors.
Now you only need to run the next command.
npm start