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Add Simulate instance for AXI4Lite
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PietPtr committed Apr 7, 2022
1 parent dbe4634 commit dbc0d5c
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Showing 3 changed files with 170 additions and 78 deletions.
189 changes: 169 additions & 20 deletions src/Protocols/Axi4/Lite/Axi4Lite.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
<<<<<<< HEAD
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
>>>>>>> cc790e6... Add AXI4 Lite types
Defines datatypes for all five channels of the AXI4 Lite protocol. For more
information on AXI4 Lite, see chapter B of the AMBA AXI specification.
Expand All @@ -15,15 +12,17 @@ module Protocols.Axi4.Lite.Axi4Lite where
import Protocols
import Protocols.Axi4.Common
import Clash.Prelude as C
import Clash.Signal.Internal
import Data.List ((\\))

import Control.DeepSeq

import qualified Data.Bifunctor as B

-- | AXI4 Lite busses are always either 32 bit or 64 bit.
<<<<<<< HEAD
data BusWidth = Width32 | Width64 deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFDataX)
data BusWidth = Width32 | Width64 deriving (Show, Eq)
>>>>>>> cc790e6... Add AXI4 Lite types

type instance Width 'Width32 = 32
type instance Width 'Width64 = 64
Expand All @@ -40,10 +39,6 @@ type family ReadBusWidthType (bw :: BusWidth) where
ReadBusWidthType 'Width32 = C.Vec 4 (C.BitVector 8)
ReadBusWidthType 'Width64 = C.Vec 8 (C.BitVector 8)

<<<<<<< HEAD

>>>>>>> cc790e6... Add AXI4 Lite types
--- Write address types ---
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,16 +153,12 @@ data S2M_ReadAddress
--- Read data types ---

-- | Acknowledges data from the slave component. This data type needs the 'bw' type
-- to fullfil the injectivity requirement of 'Fwd' in 'Protocol', even though it only
-- contains a ready signal of type 'Bool'.
-- | Acknowledges data from the slave component.
data M2S_ReadData
(bw :: BusWidth)
= M2S_ReadData {
_rready :: Bool
} deriving (Generic, NFDataX)
} deriving (Generic, NFDataX, Show)

deriving instance (Show (ReadBusWidthType bw)) => Show (M2S_ReadData bw)

-- | Data type for the data sent over the read data channel from the slave to the master.
data S2M_ReadData
Expand All @@ -191,7 +182,7 @@ data M2S_Axi4Lite
m2s_wd :: M2S_WriteData bw,
m2s_wr :: M2S_WriteResponse,
m2s_ra :: M2S_ReadAddress aw,
m2s_rd :: M2S_ReadData bw
m2s_rd :: M2S_ReadData
deriving (Generic)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,6 +243,164 @@ instance (C.KnownDomain dom, NFDataX (S2M_Axi4Lite aw bw)) => Simulate (Axi4Lite
sigToSimFwd _ = C.sample_lazy
sigToSimBwd _ = C.sample_lazy

stallC SimulationConfig{..} (waStalls:>wdStalls:>wrStalls:>raStalls:>rdStalls:>Nil) = Circuit go
stallC conf stallAckVector = Circuit go
go (fwd, bwd) = (bwd, fwd)
(waStalls:>wdStalls:>wrStalls:>raStalls:>rdStalls:>Nil) = stallAckVector
SimulationConfig{..} = conf
go :: (Signal dom (M2S_Axi4Lite aw bw),
Signal dom (S2M_Axi4Lite aw bw)) ->
(Signal dom (S2M_Axi4Lite aw bw),
Signal dom (M2S_Axi4Lite aw bw))
go (fwd, bwd) = (bwd', fwd')
bwd' = S2M_Axi4Lite <$> waBwdOut <*> wdBwdOut <*> wrBwdOut <*> raBwdOut <*> rdBwdOut
fwd' = M2S_Axi4Lite <$> waFwdOut <*> wdFwdOut <*> wrFwdOut <*> raFwdOut <*> rdFwdOut

(waFwd, wdFwd, wrFwd, raFwd, rdFwd) = dissectM2S fwd
(waBwd, wdBwd, wrBwd, raBwd, rdBwd) = dissectS2M bwd

(waStallAck, waStallNs) = waStalls
(waBwdOut, waFwdOut) = stallM2S (stallAcks waStallAck) waStallNs resetCycles waFwd waBwd

(wdStallAck, wdStallNs) = wdStalls
(wdBwdOut, wdFwdOut) = stallM2S (stallAcks wdStallAck) wdStallNs resetCycles wdFwd wdBwd

(wrStallAck, wrStallNs) = wrStalls
(wrBwdOut, wrFwdOut) = stallS2M (stallAcks wrStallAck) wrStallNs resetCycles wrFwd wrBwd

(raStallAck, raStallNs) = raStalls
(raBwdOut, raFwdOut) = stallM2S (stallAcks raStallAck) raStallNs resetCycles raFwd raBwd

(rdStallAck, rdStallNs) = rdStalls
(rdBwdOut, rdFwdOut) = stallS2M (stallAcks rdStallAck) rdStallNs resetCycles rdFwd rdBwd

dissectM2S (m :- m2s) =
( m2s_wa m :- waSig
, m2s_wd m :- wdSig
, m2s_wr m :- wrSig
, m2s_ra m :- raSig
, m2s_rd m :- rdSig )
(waSig, wdSig, wrSig, raSig, rdSig) = dissectM2S m2s

dissectS2M (s :- s2m) =
( s2m_wa s :- waSig
, s2m_wd s :- wdSig
, s2m_wr s :- wrSig
, s2m_ra s :- raSig
, s2m_rd s :- rdSig )
(waSig, wdSig, wrSig, raSig, rdSig) = dissectS2M s2m

stallAcks stallAck = cycle saList
saList | stallAck == StallCycle = [minBound..maxBound] \\ [StallCycle]
| otherwise = [stallAck]

stallM2S :: (Source src, Destination dst) =>
[StallAck] -> [Int] -> Int ->
Signal dom src -> Signal dom dst ->
(Signal dom dst, Signal dom src)
stallM2S [] _ _ _ _ = error "finite stallAck list"
stallM2S sas stalls resetN (f :- fwd) (b :- bwd) | resetN > 0 =
B.bimap (b :-) (f :-) (stallM2S sas stalls (resetN - 1) fwd bwd)
stallM2S (sa:sas) [] _ (f :- fwd) ~(b :- bwd) =
B.bimap (toStallAck (maybePayload f) (isReady b) sa :-) (f :-) (stallM2S sas [] 0 fwd bwd)
stallM2S (sa:sas) stalls _ ((maybePayload -> Nothing) :- fwd) ~(b :- bwd) =
B.bimap (b' :-) (noData :-) (stallM2S sas stalls 0 fwd bwd)
where b' = toStallAck (Nothing :: Maybe (M2S_WriteAddress aw)) (isReady b) sa
stallM2S (_:sas) (stall:stalls) _ (f0 :- fwd) ~(b0 :- bwd) =
(f1, b1, stalls') = case compare 0 stall of
LT -> (noData, ready False, (stall - 1):stalls)
EQ -> (f0, b0, if isReady b0 then stalls else stall:stalls)
GT -> error ("Unexpected negative stall: " <> show stall)
B.bimap (b1 :-) (f1 :-) (stallM2S sas stalls' 0 fwd bwd)

stallS2M :: (Destination dst, Source src) =>
[StallAck] -> [Int] -> Int ->
Signal dom dst -> Signal dom src ->
(Signal dom src, Signal dom dst)
stallS2M sas stalls resetN fwd bwd = (src, dst)
where (dst, src) = stallM2S sas stalls resetN bwd fwd

toStallAck :: (Source src, Destination dst) => Maybe src -> Bool -> StallAck -> dst
toStallAck (Just _) ack = const (ready ack)
toStallAck Nothing ack = \case
StallWithNack -> ready False
StallWithAck -> ready True
StallWithErrorX -> C.errorX "No defined ack"
StallTransparently -> ready ack
StallCycle -> ready False -- shouldn't happen..

-- | Every data-carrying direction in a channel in AXI4 has a @<Channel>@ and @No<Channel>@
-- constructor. In some functions (like "stallC") it is useful to write functions that
-- use this fact such that these can be applied to every channel of AXI4. This typeclass
-- provides functions to convert a value in a channel to @Maybe@, where the @No<Channel>@ is
-- converted to @Nothing@, and any other value to @Just value@.
-- This class is called @Source@ because a source of useful data is the sender of the type
-- for which this class is relevant.
class Source src where
-- | Converts a channel type to a @Maybe@
maybePayload :: src -> Maybe src
-- | The value of type "src" that is mapped to @Nothing@ by "maybePayload"
noData :: src

-- | Typeclass to convert Booleans to channel-specific acknowledgement types.
class Destination dst where
ready :: Bool -> dst
isReady :: dst -> Bool

instance Source (M2S_WriteAddress aw) where
maybePayload M2S_NoWriteAddress = Nothing
maybePayload m2s_wa = Just m2s_wa

noData = M2S_NoWriteAddress

instance Destination S2M_WriteAddress where
ready b = S2M_WriteAddress b
isReady (S2M_WriteAddress b) = b

instance Source (M2S_WriteData bw) where
maybePayload M2S_NoWriteData = Nothing
maybePayload m2s_wd = Just m2s_wd

noData = M2S_NoWriteData

instance Destination S2M_WriteData where
ready b = S2M_WriteData b
isReady (S2M_WriteData b) = b

instance Source (S2M_WriteResponse) where
maybePayload S2M_NoWriteResponse = Nothing
maybePayload s2m_wr = Just s2m_wr

noData = S2M_NoWriteResponse

instance Destination (M2S_WriteResponse) where
ready b = M2S_WriteResponse b
isReady (M2S_WriteResponse b) = b

instance Source (M2S_ReadAddress aw) where
maybePayload M2S_NoReadAddress = Nothing
maybePayload m2s_ra = Just m2s_ra

noData = M2S_NoReadAddress

instance Destination S2M_ReadAddress where
ready b = S2M_ReadAddress b
isReady (S2M_ReadAddress b) = b

instance Source (S2M_ReadData bw) where
maybePayload S2M_NoReadData = Nothing
maybePayload s2m_rd = Just s2m_rd

noData = S2M_NoReadData

instance Destination M2S_ReadData where
ready b = M2S_ReadData b
isReady (M2S_ReadData b) = b
51 changes: 0 additions & 51 deletions src/Protocols/Df.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,17 +75,12 @@ import qualified Prelude as P
import Clash.Prelude (type (<=))
import Clash.Signal.Internal (Signal)
import qualified Clash.Prelude as C
import qualified Clash.Explicit.Prelude as CE

-- me
import Protocols.Internal
import Protocols.DfLike (DfLike)
import qualified Protocols.DfLike as DfLike

<<<<<<< HEAD
import Debug.Trace
>>>>>>> cc790e6... Add AXI4 Lite types

-- $setup
-- >>> import Protocols
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,52 +160,6 @@ instance (C.KnownDomain dom, C.NFDataX a, C.ShowX a, Show a) => Drivable (Df dom
sampleC = sample

simulateRight SimulationConfig{..} acks circ =
P.take timeoutAfter $
CE.sample_lazy $
P.snd $
toSignals circ ((), resetAndAcks)
resetAndAcks = C.fromList $ ( Ack (replicate resetCycles False) <> acks)

simulateLeft SimulationConfig{..} fwds circ = CE.sample_lazy ackSig
(ackSig, ()) = toSignals circ (dataSig, ())
dataSig = C.fromList_lazy (ackedData resetCycles fwds (C.sample ackSig))

ackedData resetN _ (_:acks) | resetN > 0 =
NoData : ackedData (resetN - 1) fwds acks
ackedData _ _ [] = C.errorX "Empty acks list."
ackedData _ [] (_:acks) = NoData : ackedData 0 [] acks
ackedData _ (dat:datas) (ack:acks) = case ack of
Ack True -> dat : ackedData 0 (datas) acks
Ack False -> dat : ackedData 0 (dat:datas) acks

simulateManager SimulationConfig{..} acks circ =
P.take timeoutAfter $
CE.sample_lazy $
P.snd $
toSignals circ ((), resetAndAcks)
resetAndAcks = C.fromList $ ( Ack (replicate resetCycles False) <> acks)

-- TODO: apply simulation config
simulateSubordinate SimulationConfig{..} fwds circ = CE.sample_lazy ackSig
(ackSig, ()) = toSignals circ (dataSig, ())
dataSig = C.fromList_lazy (ackedData resetCycles fwds (C.sample ackSig))

ackedData resetN _ (_:acks) | resetN > 0 =
NoData : ackedData (resetN - 1) fwds acks
ackedData _ [] (_:acks) = NoData : ackedData 0 [] acks
ackedData _ (dat:datas) (ack:acks) = case ack of
Ack True -> dat : ackedData 0 (datas) acks
Ack False -> dat : ackedData 0 (dat:datas) acks

instance DfLike dom (Df dom) a where
type Data (Df dom) a = Data a
type Payload a = a
Expand Down
8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions src/Protocols/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -492,13 +492,6 @@ instance Drivable () where
sampleC _ _ = ()

simulateRight _ _ _ = ()
simulateLeft _ _ _ = ()

simulateManager _ _ _ = ()
simulateSubordinate _ _ _ = ()

instance (Simulate a, Simulate b) => Simulate (a, b) where
type SimulateFwdType (a, b) = (SimulateFwdType a, SimulateFwdType b)
type SimulateBwdType (a, b) = (SimulateBwdType a, SimulateBwdType b)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -689,6 +682,7 @@ simulateCSE c = simulateCS (c clk rst ena)
-- | Applies conversion functions defined in the 'Simulate' instance of @a@ and @b@ to
-- the given simulation types, and applies the results to the internal function of the
-- given 'Circuit'. The resulting internal types are converted to the simulation types.
-- TODO: implement SimulationConfig
simulateCircuit :: forall a b . (Simulate a, Simulate b) =>
SimulateFwdType a -> SimulateBwdType b ->
Circuit a b ->
Expand Down

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