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Geospatial Data Analysis Toolset for Settlement Identification


The toolset presented in this repository aims to predict the possibility that a potential settlement is a true positive (an actual settlement) or a false positive (a non-settlement area that is mistaken as a settlement during the generation stage), so as to improve the accuracy of settlement identification work.

The generation of candidate settlements is based on image analysis of high-resolution satellite imagery data, which will not be covered in this repo. The toolset here will take in potential settlements and help predict which ones are likely to be false positives. False negatives (actual settlements that are missed in the generation stage) will not be discovered, so it is preferable to be more lenient during the generation process and allow more candidates to be considered in this subsequent filtering stage. It is worth noting that this toolset is developed with small settlements (hamlet or village level) in mind, taking advantage of their relatively smaller scope and simpler geometric shape. However, components of the toolset can be transferred to the filtering of larger settlements, or other related geospatial analysis.

This toolset is developed by Guangyu (Tim) Wu during his research assistantship at Columbia University CIESIN GRID3 project. Special thanks to Jolynn Schmidt and Hasim Engin for their feedback and guidance during the development process, as well as to colleagues at GRID3 for creating the initial data products.


  1. Data Collection (OSM)
  2. Feature Engineering (Land Cover, Land Use, Road Connectivity, Dispersion, Building Features)
  3. False Positive Classification with Machine Learning (XGBoost)


After hyperparameter tuning, the trained XGBoost classifier achieves an F1 score of 0.8 and AUC of 0.854 on the test set.

The trained model are then applied to predict the false-positive probability of all 650,000+ hamlet settlements in Zambia. Visualizations on national, regional, and local scales show that the probability estimation is plausible and useful in identifying likely false positives for verification.

National distribution of possible false-positive hamlets
National distribution of possible false-positive hamlets (red means higher probability)
Regional visualization of possible false-positive hamlets
Regional visualization of possible false-positive hamlets (note the hamlets in swamp areas)
Visual inspection of likely false-positive hamlets
Example of false-positive hamlets found during visual inspection of hamlets with high probability

List of utility functions

Function read_csv_as_gpd


  • df_or_filepath, GeoDataframe or str
  • id_column, str (default = None, if not specified, a UUID column will be generated)
  • lon_lat_columns, list of str (default = [])
  • attribute_columns, list of str (default = [])
  • drop_rows_where_duplicates_in_columns, list of str (default = [])
  • keep_which_if_duplicates, str (default = 'first', options: 'first','last')
  • drop_rows_where_nan_in_columns, list of str (default = [])


  • A GeoDataframe loaded from a CSV file. Use drop_rows_where_duplicates_in_columns in combination with id_column and keep_which_if_duplicates to keep control the behavior when duplicates are detected in certain columns. Use drop_rows_where_nan_in_columns to control the dropping of rows with missing values.

Function explode_geometry


  • gdf, GeoDataframe
  • geom_colum, str (default = 'geometry')
  • id_column, str (default = None, must specify if using drop_duplicates)
  • drop_duplicates, boolean (default = False)


  • A GeoDataframe with geometry column exploded into single-polygon/single-linestring objects. Use drop_duplicates in combination with id_column to keep only the the largest shape among the shapes with the same original id.

Function left_spatial_join


  • gdf1, GeoDataframe
  • gdf2, GeoDataframe


  • A GeoDataframe resulting from the left spatial join of two input GeoDataframes. Spatial join operation uses "intersection", right index dropped.

Function drop_bounds


  • gdf, GeoDataframe
  • geom_column, str


  • A GeoDataframe with geometry bounds columns dropped, these include the columns that start with a geometry column name and end with minx, maxx, miny, or maxy. This is a utility function to help similify output of get_raster_value_distribution function.

Function add_buffer_column


  • gdf, GeoDataframe
  • buffer_radius, int (in meters)
  • geom_column, str (default = 'geometry')
  • buffer_shape, str (default = 'round', options: 'round','square','flat')
  • proj2, str (default = None, options: any valid crs)
  • replace, boolean (default = False)
  • return_new_column, boolean (default = False)


  • A GeoDataframe with a new buffer column. Set the geometry from which to buffer using geom_column. Set buffer radius with buffer_radius, units are in meters, the radius can be negative for shrinking shapes, though multiple shapes may be created as a result. Control shape of buffer with buffer_shape. If you want the buffer to be based on a projection other than current projection, use proj2, it will not affect the projection of the input dataframe, it only applies to the new buffer column. If you want to replace the main geometry column with the newly created buffer column, set replace to True. If you want to get the name of the newly created buffer column, set return_new_column to True.

Function add_centroid_column


  • gdf, GeoDataframe
  • geom_column, str (default = 'geometry')
  • proj2, str (default = None, options: any valid crs)
  • replace, boolean (default = False)
  • return_new_column, boolean (default = False)


  • A GeoDataframe with a new centroid column. Set the geometry from which to calculate centroid using geom_column. If you want the centroid to be based on a projection other than current projection, use proj2, it will not affect the projection of the input dataframe, it only applies to the new centroid column. If you want to replace the main geometry column with the newly created centroid column, set replace to True. If you want to get the name of the newly created centroid column, set return_new_column to True.

Function add_intersection_count_column


  • gdf, GeoDataframe
  • uuid_column, str
  • buffer_column, str
  • feature_layer, str
  • new_column, str
  • feature_geom_column, str (default = 'geometry')


  • A GeoDataframe with a new column that counts the feature geometries within the buffer of main geometry. gdf is the main GeoDataframe that has a buffer column, specified by buffer_column. feature_layer is the other GEoDataframe with features, by default the 'geometry' column of the feature layer will be used but it can be changed. new_column controls the name of the newly-created column.

Function add_distance_to_nearest_neighbor_column


  • gdf, GeoDataframe
  • geom_centroid_column, str
  • new_column, str
  • rounding, str (default = 0)


  • A GeoDataframe with a new column that calculate the distance from this geometry to the nearest geometry within the same GeoDataframe. Use geom_centroid_column to specify which geometry to do nearest distance calculation. new_column controls the name of the newly-created column. The distance is measured in meters and rounded by default, but can be changed with rounding parameter.

Function add_covering_geotiff_column


  • gdf, GeoDataframe
  • geom_column, str
  • geotiff_filepath_column, str
  • geotiff_filepath_list, list of str


  • A GeoDataframe with a new column storing the filepaths of the geotiff that cover the shapes in each row. Set the geometry with which to find geotiff using geom_column. Set the name of the new geotiff_filepath column with geotiff_filepath_column. Provide the filepaths of the candidate geotiffs in geotiff_filepath_list. All parameters need to be explicitly specified.

Function get_raster_value_distribution


  • gdf, GeoDataframe
  • id_column, str
  • geom_column, str
  • geotiff_filepath_column, str
  • geotiff_filepath_list, list of str
  • code_to_label_mapping, list of str
  • label_marker, list of str
  • normalize, boolean


  • A GeoDataframe with new columns corresponding to the distribution of different codes in the covering raster image. Specify which raster geotiff is covering the geometry with geotiff_filepath_column. Provide the filepaths of the candidate geotiffs in geotiff_filepath_list. Use code_to_label_mapping to specify the mapping from numerical codes to human-readable labels, this may vary from one standard to another. label_marker is a prefix to all the newly-created column, so as to mark which raster these columns are derived from. normalize controls whether the values in the columns are proportion or absolute count of pixels. All parameters need to be explicitly specified.

Function get_groupby_stats_df


  • data, Dataframe or GeoDataframe
  • groupby_column, str
  • stats_map, dict


  • A Dataframe with statistics of the provided features, a simple wrapper around Pandas groupby function.

Function get_most_correlated_feature


  • data, Dataframe or GeoDataframe
  • target, str
  • features, list of str


  • The name of feature that is most correlated with the target, as measured by Pearson R. This is a simple utility function for choosing one feature when several features are highly correlated with each other.

Function within_value_to_range_value


  • gdf, GeoDataframe
  • buffer_radius_markers, str


  • A GeoDataframe with new columns tracking the count of features in the ring areas around main geometries. For example, the number of features in the ring area that is at least 500 meters away but at most 5000 meters away from a settlement. This is based on the observation that number of features within 5000 meters must include the number of features within 500 meters, which creates collinearity that hurts prediction models. Thus, this function calculates the count in a specific range instead of the count within a radius.


Settlement Validation







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