Release 1.4.3
- 8d41f3c: maybe fixed plank make, works on my end. (yace0) #362
- e6f4357: alkharid pay-toll fix (chsami) #364
- f5d9547: Update (chsami) #362
- e820fdf: Merge branch 'chsami:main' into main (yace0) #362
- fcf6e66: remove dependency 1.0.4 (chsami) #364
- ca8605c: Antiban stage 1 (SexyPinata) #363
- 98962d1: MLM Antiban update 1 (SexyPinata) #363
- 529b1f9: MLM Antiban 2 (SexyPinata) #363
- fd9a7e9: Amethyst Antiban update (SexyPinata) #363
- 505725b: Fletcher Antiban update 1 (SexyPinata) #363
- 9d0e889: Fletcher update 2 (SexyPinata) #363
- 0eb2115: Eel fisher Antiban update 1 (SexyPinata) #363
- 422d7fb: Minnows Antiban update 1 (SexyPinata) #363
- a9c743a: Wintertodt improvements (SexyPinata) #363
- 7715127: icons (SexyPinata) #363
- 6bdeca3: icon (SexyPinata) #363
- c28516c: Moved Menu entry target to allow mouse movement we force interaction (SexyPinata) #363
- af38d8a: Cleanup and moved targetMenu (SexyPinata) #363
- 3ae4f84: Smoother & more human-like method when deciding click point (SexyPinata) #363
- 01a34ca: fine tuning (SexyPinata) #363
- 1ccc977: Added Natural mouse to main class (SexyPinata) #363
- 5bf7370: devtools update (SexyPinata) #363
- ef0b395: MenuEntry can include source object/actor (SexyPinata) #363
- 0fda4da: updated ui helper (SexyPinata) #363
- 3031819: updated Rs2npc for antiban recs (SexyPinata) #363
- b226908: Minor change to moveItemToSlot method (SexyPinata) #363
- d2b72f2: updated Rs2GameObject for antiban recs (SexyPinata) #363
- ce45fe6: Additional antiban settings and tweaks. (SexyPinata) #363
- c2e76de: moveRandom added to natural mouse (SexyPinata) #363
- 6cbdab5: Double check so that mouse is inside clickbox after moving (SexyPinata) #363
- 1518851: Plugin start fix (SexyPinata) #363
- 7825fe4: Start breakHandler (SexyPinata) #363
- 2115ef3: Rs2UiHelper additional checks (SexyPinata) #363
- d73c9c1: BreakHandler antiban update (SexyPinata) #363
- 97d951a: Documentation for Antiban system (SexyPinata) #363
- 93a800a: Rs2UiHelper fix (SexyPinata) #363
- 988d4bb: Antiban bugfix (SexyPinata) #363
- 4df312f: duck resource (SexyPinata) #363
- 7581731: Antiban plugin panel update (SexyPinata) #363
- e2772ba: old resources removed (SexyPinata) #363
- 3c2b6ab: Antiban update (SexyPinata) #363
- 00e3f7e: Added click overload method (SexyPinata) #363
- 1b7da8e: added humidify (SexyPinata) #363
- e48c371: various tweaks & bugfixes (SexyPinata) #363
- fe4ba45: minor improvements & fixed spam clicking (SexyPinata) #363
- 93c33cb: Various improvements & Antiban implementation (SexyPinata) #363
- 4b5c66e: minor change (SexyPinata) #363
- 0eab394: minor antiban api update (SexyPinata) #363
- 206baa3: Antiban api update (SexyPinata) #363
- 3b0778f: Version bump & antiban shutdown added (SexyPinata) #363
- 46f29a7: add lineofsight config for woodcutting (chsami) #364
- 889b146: areSurroundingTilesWalkable for woodcutting (chsami) #364
- a9a8a12: added woodcutting overlay (chsami) #364
- df22426: Rs2Magic can use natural mouse & removed commented code in fletching (SexyPinata) #363