Apex Legends chat command for any Twitch.tv bot that has a an URI fetch command system.
Works with: Nightbot, Ankhbot, Deepbot, Phantombot and probably more unknown.
Apex Legends Twitch streamers, this is a PHP script that uses the API statistics and gathers end-points of the Apex Legends Rank stats and forwards them to Nightbot.
This server-side script is making use of Nightbot's dynamic response system (mostly $(urlfetch)) with which you are able to fetch the resources forwarded by my Heroku App.
Do not worry! Nothing is saved server-side.
With chat:
"!commands add !command_name command_response"
With interface:
Here's what the response should contain for Nightbot to reply with your current rank:
$(urlfetch http://yourservername.herokuapp.com/apexstats.php?platform=YourPlatformHere&nick=YourNickHere&command=rank)
Adjust the URL parameters to fit your purposes.
?platform= (xbl, psn or origin.)
xbl for Xbox One,
psn for PS4,
origin for PC. -
&nick= (Your username on the specific platform.)
Specify a command after the &command= query parameter at the end of the URL in the $(urlfetch) method.
In the example above I specified "rank" as for the current rank in the current season.
- You CAN write custom text before and after $(urlfetch) in the response!
- Do NOT forget to close any opening parantheses '(' with a closing ')' at the end!
- You can let the user search for a player himself by doing ?platform=$(1)&nick=$(2). The user will have to put a platform and a nick as arguments separated by a space after your command.
replace $apikey = ''; in apexstats.php your api key. GET API KEY HERE
$ git init
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
$ heroku create
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku run python manage.py migrate
See also, a ready-made application, ready to deploy.
or fork this repo and press
Giuthub https://github.com/HugoDerave/ApexLegendsAPI
Discord https://discord.gg/TZ4Y9EB