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christophbertram committed Jan 20, 2021
1 parent 71732a8 commit cb82783
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Showing 18 changed files with 1,807 additions and 0 deletions.
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions 01_Main.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
##### main file for analysis

#required packages
# general data structures
#reading in excel data
#smoothing time series data

#switch to select either full analysis (T) or simple analysis (F, default)
#Full analysis reproduces all paper figures, but requires data from ENTSO-E which is very large, can take a few days to obtain (see ENTSO-E_data/README.txt for details), and leads to longer code run times
#The default simple analysis setting only requires easily available data sources (see other_data/README.txt for how to obtain and prepare them), and runs relatively quickly, and reproduces Figure 1 and Extended Data Figures 1, and 3
full_analysis <- F

# read in IMF and BP data

# extrapolate generation 2020-2024

#read in H1 2020 data from ember for comparison

# plot panels for Figure 1a and b, and Extended Data 1

# plot Figure 1c and Extended Data Figure 3

# display of numbers cited in the paper:
# power sector 2020 emission reduction based on projected low-carbon and total generation
traj %>% filter(region=="World",period=="2020",scen %in%c("high","med","low","veryhigh","verylow")) %>% select(value)/traj[traj$region=="World"&traj$period=="2019" & traj$scen=="med",]$value-1

#China power sector emissions share over time
traj %>% filter(period %in% seq(2017,2020),region %in% c("China","World"),scen=="med")%>% group_by(period) %>% spread(region,value) %>%

#read in recent/historical power sector data (generation and emissions) from EU (ENTSO-E), US(EIA), and India (, manually copied)
source("07_power_data.R") #plot Figure2
## Figure on coal and gas in EU and US (involves manual run with updated data, some numbers hard-coded)
source("08_coal_gas_figure.R") #plot Extended Data Figure 2
#print relative reductions:
arrow %>% select(region,fuel,red)
arrow2%>% select(region,fuel,red)
# plot SI Figure S3 with GDP and demand growth, using world bank data
#data work for daily model from Le Quere et al 2020, ploting SI Figures S1 and S2
# display of numbers cited in the paper, from changed and original replicated Le Quere model:

# total 2020 emission reduction based on daily model - Best Guess with our assumptions
dt_all %>% filter(variable=="TOTAL_CO2" & REGION_CODE == "GLOBAL" & date<"2021-01-01" & scenario %in% c("emi_b2_low",
"emi_b2_med","emi_b2_high","constant")) %>%
group_by(scenario) %>% summarise(value=sum(value)/36604-1)

# power sector 2020 emission reduction based on daily model - Best Guess with our assumptions
dt_all %>% filter(variable=="POWER" & REGION_CODE == "GLOBAL" & date<"2021-01-01" & scenario %in% c("emi_b2_low",
"emi_b2_med","emi_b2_high","constant")) %>%
group_by(scenario) %>% summarise(value=sum(value)/16238-1)

# power sector 2020 emission reduction based on daily model - replicated Le Quere et al specification
dt_all %>% filter(variable=="POWER" & REGION_CODE == "GLOBAL" & date<"2021-01-01" & scenario %in% c("emi_s3_low",
"emi_s3_med","emi_s3_high","constant")) %>%
group_by(scenario) %>% summarise(value=sum(value)/16238-1)


130 changes: 130 additions & 0 deletions 02_read_in_imf_bp.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
### file to read in IMF data (lines 5-20)

### and read-in and prepare BP power generation and capacity data (lines 23-120)

## read in June update of IMF
imf <- read.csv2("other_data/WEO-Oct2020update.csv",stringsAsFactors = F)
imf$X <- NULL # remove unwanted columns
imf$X.1 <- NULL
imf$X.2 <- NULL
imf[imf$Country=="Russia",]$Country <- "Russian Federation"
imf[imf$Country=="United States",]$Country <- "US"
imf[imf$Country=="Korea",]$Country <- "South Korea"
imf[imf$Country=="World",]$Country <- "Total World"
imf[imf$Country=="Euro Area",]$Country <- "European Union"
imf[imf$Country=="Advanced Economies",]$Country <- "of which: OECD"
imf$Country <- as.factor(imf$Country)
imf <- imf %>% gather(period,value,-Country)
imf$value <- as.numeric(imf$value)

## read in BP data
filename <- "other_data/bp-stats-review-2020-all-data.xlsx"
sheets <- excel_sheets(filename)

# ct <- read_excel(filename, sheet ="Contents")
# def <- read_excel(filename, sheet ="Definitions")
# meth <- read_excel(filename, sheet ="Methodology")

eg <- read_excel(filename, sheet ="Electricity Generation " ,skip = 2)
pv <- read_excel(filename, sheet = "Solar Capacity",skip=3)
wi <- read_excel(filename, sheet = "Wind Capacity",skip=3)
co <- read_excel(filename, sheet = "Elec Gen from Coal",skip=2)
ga <- read_excel(filename, sheet = "Elec Gen from Gas",skip=2)
oi <- read_excel(filename, sheet = "Elec Gen from Oil",skip=2)
co %>% filter(`Terawatt-hours`=="Total World") %>% select(`Terawatt-hours`,as.character(c(2011:2018)),`2019...36`)
ga %>% filter(`Terawatt-hours`=="Total World") %>% select(`Terawatt-hours`,as.character(c(2011:2018)),`2019...36`)
oi %>% filter(`Terawatt-hours`=="Total World") %>% select(`Terawatt-hours`,as.character(c(2011:2018)),`2019...36`)

enu <- read_excel(filename, sheet = "Nuclear Generation - TWh",skip=2,col_types = c("text",rep("numeric",58)))
ehy <- read_excel(filename, sheet = "Hydro Generation - TWh",skip=2,col_types = c("text",rep("numeric",58)))
epv <- read_excel(filename, sheet = "Solar Generation - TWh",skip=2,col_types = c("text",rep("numeric",58)))
ewi <- read_excel(filename, sheet = "Wind Generation -TWh",skip=2,col_types = c("text",rep("numeric",58)))
gbo <- read_excel(filename, sheet = "Geo Biomass Other - TWh",skip=2,col_types = c("text",rep("numeric",58)))

eg <- eg %>% select(-'2019...37',-'2008-18',-'2019...39') %>% rename('2019'=`2019...36`) %>%
mutate(add19 =`2019`-`2018`,add18 =`2018`-`2017`,add17 =`2017`-`2016`,add16 =`2016`-`2015`,add15 =`2015`-`2014`,add14 =`2014`-`2013`,add13 =`2013`-`2012`,add12 =`2012`-`2011`,add11 =`2011`-`2010`,
r19 =(`2019`/`2018`)-1,r18 =(`2018`/`2017`)-1,r17 =(`2017`/`2016`)-1,r16 =(`2016`/`2015`)-1,r15 =(`2015`/`2014`)-1,r14 =(`2014`/`2013`)-1,r13 =(`2013`/`2012`)-1,r12 =(`2012`/`2011`)-1,r11 =(`2011`/`2010`)-1) %>%
rename(region='Terawatt-hours') %>% gather(period,value,-region) %>% mutate(variable="SE|Electricity",value=as.numeric(value))
countries <- unique(eg$region)[seq(2,103)]
eg <- eg %>% filter(region %in% countries,!
eg[eg$region=="European Union #",]$region <- "European Union"

countries <- gsub(countries[!],pattern = " #",replacement = "")

eg %>% filter(region == "Total World",period==2019)
eg %>% filter(region %in% c("Total World","European Union","India","US"),period==2019) %>% select(-period) %>%
spread(region,value) %>% mutate(share=((US+India+`European Union`)/`Total World`))

pv <- pv %>% select(-'2019...26',-'2008-18',-'2019...28') %>% rename('2019'=`2019...25`) %>%
mutate(add19 =`2019`-`2018`,add18 =`2018`-`2017`,add17 =`2017`-`2016`,add16 =`2016`-`2015`,add15 =`2015`-`2014`,add14 =`2014`-`2013`,add13 =`2013`-`2012`,add12 =`2012`-`2011`,add11 =`2011`-`2010`,
r19 =(`2019`/`2018`)-1,r18 =(`2018`/`2017`)-1,r17 =(`2017`/`2016`)-1,r16 =(`2016`/`2015`)-1,r15 =(`2015`/`2014`)-1,r14 =(`2014`/`2013`)-1,r13 =(`2013`/`2012`)-1,r12 =(`2012`/`2011`)-1,r11 =(`2011`/`2010`)-1) %>%
rename(region=Megawatts) %>% gather(period,value,-region) %>% mutate(variable="Capacity|PV")
pv <- pv %>% filter(region %in% countries,!
pv %>% filter(period=="add19") %>% arrange(desc(value))
pv %>% filter(period=="add18") %>% arrange(desc(value))

wi <- wi %>% select(-'2019...27',-'2008-2018',-'2019...29') %>% rename('2019'=`2019...26`) %>%
mutate(add19 =`2019`-`2018`,add18 =`2018`-`2017`,add17 =`2017`-`2016`,add16 =`2016`-`2015`,add15 =`2015`-`2014`,add14 =`2014`-`2013`,add13 =`2013`-`2012`,add12 =`2012`-`2011`,add11 =`2011`-`2010`,
r19 =(`2019`/`2018`)-1,r18 =(`2018`/`2017`)-1,r17 =(`2017`/`2016`)-1,r16 =(`2016`/`2015`)-1,r15 =(`2015`/`2014`)-1,r14 =(`2014`/`2013`)-1,r13 =(`2013`/`2012`)-1,r12 =(`2012`/`2011`)-1,r11 =(`2011`/`2010`)-1) %>%
rename(region=Megawatts) %>% gather(period,value,-region) %>% mutate(variable="Capacity|Wind")
wi <- wi %>% filter(region %in% countries,!
wi %>% filter(period=="add19") %>% arrange(desc(value))
wi %>% filter(period=="add18") %>% arrange(desc(value))

epv <- epv %>% select(-'2019...57',-'2008-18',-'2019...59') %>% rename('2019'=`2019...56`) %>%
mutate(add19 =`2019`-`2018`,add18 =`2018`-`2017`,add17 =`2017`-`2016`,add16 =`2016`-`2015`,add15 =`2015`-`2014`,add14 =`2014`-`2013`,add13 =`2013`-`2012`,add12 =`2012`-`2011`,add11 =`2011`-`2010`,
r19 =(`2019`/`2018`)-1,r18 =(`2018`/`2017`)-1,r17 =(`2017`/`2016`)-1,r16 =(`2016`/`2015`)-1,r15 =(`2015`/`2014`)-1,r14 =(`2014`/`2013`)-1,r13 =(`2013`/`2012`)-1,r12 =(`2012`/`2011`)-1,r11 =(`2011`/`2010`)-1) %>%
rename(region='Terawatt-hours') %>% gather(period,value,-region) %>% mutate(variable="Generation|PV")
epv[!$region) & epv$region=="European Union #",]$region <- "European Union"
epv <- epv %>% filter(region %in% countries,!
epv %>% filter(period=="add19") %>% arrange(desc(value))

ewi <- ewi %>% select(-'2019...57',-'2008-18',-'2019...59') %>% rename('2019'=`2019...56`) %>%
mutate(add19 =`2019`-`2018`,add18 =`2018`-`2017`,add17 =`2017`-`2016`,add16 =`2016`-`2015`,add15 =`2015`-`2014`,add14 =`2014`-`2013`,add13 =`2013`-`2012`,add12 =`2012`-`2011`,add11 =`2011`-`2010`,
r19 =(`2019`/`2018`)-1,r18 =(`2018`/`2017`)-1,r17 =(`2017`/`2016`)-1,r16 =(`2016`/`2015`)-1,r15 =(`2015`/`2014`)-1,r14 =(`2014`/`2013`)-1,r13 =(`2013`/`2012`)-1,r12 =(`2012`/`2011`)-1,r11 =(`2011`/`2010`)-1) %>%
rename(region='Terawatt-hours') %>% gather(period,value,-region) %>% mutate(variable="Generation|Wind")
ewi[!$region) & ewi$region=="European Union #",]$region <- "European Union"
ewi <- ewi %>% filter(region %in% countries,!
ewi %>% filter(period=="add19") %>% arrange(desc(value))

enu <- enu %>% select(-'2019...57',-'2008-18',-'2019...59') %>% rename('2019'=`2019...56`) %>%
mutate(add19 =`2019`-`2018`,add18 =`2018`-`2017`,add17 =`2017`-`2016`,add16 =`2016`-`2015`,add15 =`2015`-`2014`,add14 =`2014`-`2013`,add13 =`2013`-`2012`,add12 =`2012`-`2011`,add11 =`2011`-`2010`,
r19 =(`2019`/`2018`)-1,r18 =(`2018`/`2017`)-1,r17 =(`2017`/`2016`)-1,r16 =(`2016`/`2015`)-1,r15 =(`2015`/`2014`)-1,r14 =(`2014`/`2013`)-1,r13 =(`2013`/`2012`)-1,r12 =(`2012`/`2011`)-1,r11 =(`2011`/`2010`)-1) %>%
rename(region='Terawatt-hours') %>% gather(period,value,-region) %>% mutate(variable="Generation|Nuclear")
enu[!$region) & enu$region=="European Union #",]$region <- "European Union"
enu <- enu %>% filter(region %in% countries,!
enu %>% filter(period=="add19") %>% arrange(desc(value))

ehy <- ehy %>% select(-'2019...57',-'2008-18',-'2019...59') %>% rename('2019'=`2019...56`) %>%
mutate(add19 =`2019`-`2018`,add18 =`2018`-`2017`,add17 =`2017`-`2016`,add16 =`2016`-`2015`,add15 =`2015`-`2014`,add14 =`2014`-`2013`,add13 =`2013`-`2012`,add12 =`2012`-`2011`,add11 =`2011`-`2010`,
r19 =(`2019`/`2018`)-1,r18 =(`2018`/`2017`)-1,r17 =(`2017`/`2016`)-1,r16 =(`2016`/`2015`)-1,r15 =(`2015`/`2014`)-1,r14 =(`2014`/`2013`)-1,r13 =(`2013`/`2012`)-1,r12 =(`2012`/`2011`)-1,r11 =(`2011`/`2010`)-1) %>%
rename(region='Terawatt-hours') %>% gather(period,value,-region) %>% mutate(variable="Generation|Hydro")
ehy[!$region) & ehy$region=="European Union #",]$region <- "European Union"
ehy <- ehy %>% filter(region %in% countries,!
ehy %>% filter(period=="add19") %>% arrange(desc(value))

gbo <- gbo %>% select(-'2019...57',-'2008-18',-'2019...59') %>% rename('2019'=`2019...56`) %>%
mutate(add19 =`2019`-`2018`,add18 =`2018`-`2017`,add17 =`2017`-`2016`,add16 =`2016`-`2015`,add15 =`2015`-`2014`,add14 =`2014`-`2013`,add13 =`2013`-`2012`,add12 =`2012`-`2011`,add11 =`2011`-`2010`,
r19 =(`2019`/`2018`)-1,r18 =(`2018`/`2017`)-1,r17 =(`2017`/`2016`)-1,r16 =(`2016`/`2015`)-1,r15 =(`2015`/`2014`)-1,r14 =(`2014`/`2013`)-1,r13 =(`2013`/`2012`)-1,r12 =(`2012`/`2011`)-1,r11 =(`2011`/`2010`)-1) %>%
rename(region='Terawatt-hours') %>% gather(period,value,-region) %>% mutate(variable="Generation|AllOtherLowC")
gbo[!$region) & gbo$region=="European Union #",]$region <- "European Union"
gbo <- gbo %>% filter(region %in% countries,!
gbo %>% filter(period=="add19") %>% arrange(desc(value))

bp <- rbind(eg,pv,wi,ewi,epv,enu,ehy,gbo)

#add total low carbon generation
lowc <- bp %>% spread(variable,value) %>%
gather(variable,value,-period,-region) %>% filter(variable=="Generation|LowC")

bp <- rbind(bp,lowc)

fosl <- bp %>% spread(variable,value) %>%
gather(variable,value,-period,-region) %>% filter(variable=="Generation_Fossil")

bp <- rbind(bp,fosl)

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