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christianrauch committed Dec 13, 2023
1 parent 10cf833 commit 00338e2
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 65 deletions.
66 changes: 1 addition & 65 deletions src/pose_estimation.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
#include <apriltag/apriltag_pose.h>
#include <apriltag/common/homography.h>
#include <opencv2/calib3d.hpp>
// #include <opencv2/core/eigen.hpp>
#include <opencv2/core/quaternion.hpp>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,60 +40,8 @@ geometry_msgs::msg::Transform tf_from_cv(const cv::Mat_<double>& tvec, const cv:
return t;

// estim_pose_f from_homography = [](const apriltag_detection_t* const detection, const Mat3& P, double size) -> geometry_msgs::msg::Transform {
// // compute extrinsic camera parameter
// //
// // H = K * T => T = K^(-1) * H
// const Mat3 T = P.inverse() * Eigen::Map<const Mat3>(detection->H->data);
// Mat3 R;
// R.col(0) = T.col(0).normalized();
// R.col(1) = T.col(1).normalized();
// R.col(2) = R.col(0).cross(R.col(1));

// // rotate by half rotation about x-axis to have z-axis
// // point upwards orthogonal to the tag plane
// R.col(1) *= -1;
// R.col(2) *= -1;

// // the corner coordinates of the tag in the canonical frame are (+/-1, +/-1)
// // hence the scale is half of the edge size
// const Eigen::Vector3d tt = T.rightCols<1>() / ((T.col(0).norm() + T.col(0).norm()) / 2.0) * (size / 2.0);

// return tf_from_eigen(tt, R);
// };

// estim_pose_f apriltag_orthogonal_iteration = [](apriltag_detection_t* const detection, const Mat3& P, double tagsize) -> geometry_msgs::msg::Transform {
// //
// apriltag_detection_info_t info;
// info.det = detection;
// info.tagsize = tagsize;
// info.fx = P(0, 0);
// info.fy = P(1, 1);
// = P(0, 1);
// = P(1, 0);

// apriltag_pose_t pose;
// estimate_tag_pose(&info, &pose);

// return tf_from_eigen(Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d>(pose.t->data), Eigen::Map<const Mat3>(pose.R->data));
// };

pose_estimation_f apriltag_homography = [](apriltag_detection_t* const detection, const std::array<double, 4>& intr, double tagsize) -> geometry_msgs::msg::Transform {
// apriltag_detection_info_t info;
// info.det = detection;
// info.tagsize = tagsize;
// info.fx = intr[0];
// info.fy = intr[1];
// = intr[2];
// = intr[3];

apriltag_detection_info_t info = {
apriltag_detection_info_t info = {detection, tagsize, intr[0], intr[1], intr[2], intr[3]};

apriltag_pose_t pose;
estimate_pose_for_tag_homography(&info, &pose);
Expand All @@ -104,12 +51,6 @@ pose_estimation_f apriltag_homography = [](apriltag_detection_t* const detection

pose_estimation_f solve_pnp = [](apriltag_detection_t* const detection, const std::array<double, 4>& intr, double tagsize) -> geometry_msgs::msg::Transform {
const double half_tagsize = 0.5 * tagsize;
// std::vector<cv::Point3d> objectPoints;
// objectPoints.emplace_back(-half_tagsize, -half_tagsize, 0);
// objectPoints.emplace_back(+half_tagsize, -half_tagsize, 0);
// objectPoints.emplace_back(+half_tagsize, +half_tagsize, 0);
// objectPoints.emplace_back(-half_tagsize, +half_tagsize, 0);

const std::vector<cv::Point3d> objectPoints{{-half_tagsize, -half_tagsize, 0}, {+half_tagsize, -half_tagsize, 0}, {+half_tagsize, +half_tagsize, 0}, {-half_tagsize, +half_tagsize, 0}};

std::vector<cv::Point2d> imagePoints;
Expand All @@ -124,22 +65,17 @@ pose_estimation_f solve_pnp = [](apriltag_detection_t* const detection, const st

cv::Mat rvec, tvec;
cv::Matx33d cameraMatrix;
// cv::eigen2cv(P, cameraMatrix);
cameraMatrix(0, 0) = intr[0];// fx
cameraMatrix(1, 1) = intr[1];// fy
cameraMatrix(0, 2) = intr[2];// cx
cameraMatrix(1, 2) = intr[3];// cy
cv::solvePnP(objectPoints, imagePoints, cameraMatrix, {}, rvec, tvec);
// cv::Matx33d R;
// cv::Rodrigues(rvec, R);

return tf_from_cv(tvec, rvec);

const std::unordered_map<std::string, pose_estimation_f> pose_estimation_methods{
// {"from_homography", from_homography},
// {"apriltag_orthogonal_iteration", apriltag_orthogonal_iteration},
{"homography", apriltag_homography},
{"pnp", solve_pnp},

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