ejpp is a C++ wrapper for EJDB.
EJDB is a C library, so why a C++ wrapper?
While the C library is indeed usable from C++, its usage is far from idiomatic. ejpp provides a safe and modern C++ interface, taking advantage of many C++ language and library features such as exceptions, RAII, reference counted memory management, containers, and more.
ejpp has three main classes, ejdb::db
, ejdb::collection
, and ejdb::query
, which correspond to the opaque types EJDB
, and EJQ
, respectively.
Valid ejdb::collection
and ejdb::query
objects can only be created via ejdb::db
; their default, or ill-constructed forms will give errors when attempting to perform operations on them.
ejpp does not impose a specific form of BSON data other than std::vector<char>
so that it can be used with your favourite BSON library.
#include <ejpp/ejdb.hpp>
using namespace ejdb;
#include <jbson/document.hpp>
#include <jbson/json_reader.hpp>
using namespace jbson::literal;
db my_db;
// Open "my_db". Throws std::system_error containing an EJDB error code on error.
my_db.open("my_db", db_mode::read | db_mode::write | db_mode::create | db_mode::truncate);
collection my_coll;
// Open/create "my_coll" collection.
std::error_code ec;
my_coll = my_db.create_collection("my_coll", ec);
assert(!ec && my_coll);
// Save some BSON data to a collection. Throws std::system_error containing an EJDB error code on error.
auto oid = my_coll.save_document(R"({"some key": "some value"})"_json_doc.data());
// Load raw BSON data from collection into a jbson::document.
// Throws std::system_error containing an EJDB error code on error.
auto doc = jbson::document(my_coll.load_document(oid));
auto it = doc.find("some key");
assert(it != doc.end());
assert(it->value<std::string>() == "some value");
Many ejpp functions offer throwing and non-throwing overloads. Non-throwing overloads take an extra parameter, a non-const lvalue reference to a std::error_code
Queries are handled in much the same way as EJDB. A ejdb::query
object is created from a BSON document, and can then be manipulated (add hints, $or
or $and
conditions) and executed. Queries can be executed with several different flags which will change the behaviour and return type of the query result.
#include <ejpp/ejdb.hpp>
using namespace ejdb;
#include <jbson/document.hpp>
#include <jbson/json_reader.hpp>
using namespace jbson::literal;
db my_db;
my_db.open("my_db", db_mode::read | db_mode::write);
collection my_coll = my_db.get_collection("my_coll");
std::vector<char> bson_qry = R"({"some key": { "$begin": "some v" }})"_json_doc.data();
auto qry = my_db.create_query(bson_qry)
.set_hints(R"({"$max": 4})"_json_doc.data()); // Return no more than 4 matches.
// Return all matches, limited by hints only.
std::vector<std::vector<char>> results = my_coll.execute_query(qry);
// same as
// std::vector<std::vector<char>> results = my_coll.execute_query<query_search_mode::normal>(qry);
// Just count the number of matches, don't bother assembling the documents. Handy for update queries.
uint32_t no_results = my_coll.execute_query<query_search_mode::count_only>(qry);
// Just return the first match. Empty vector on no matches.
std::vector<char> first_result = my_coll.execute_query<query_search_mode::first_only>(qry);
// Count only up to a maximum of one.
uint32_t has_result = my_coll.execute_query<query_search_mode::first_only|query_search_mode::count_only>(qry);
EJDB supports transactions at the collection level, and ejpp wraps this functionality via the class ejdb::collection::transaction_t
, which is contained within each ejdb::collection
This class alone provides no additional safety features, though with the help of ejdb::transaction_guard
and ejdb::unique_transaction
ejpp provides exception safety using RAII. ejdb::transaction_guard
and ejdb::unique_transaction
are mostly modelled after std::lock_guard
and std::unique_lock
, respectively.
#include <ejpp/ejdb.hpp>
using namespace ejdb;
#include <jbson/document.hpp>
#include <jbson/json_reader.hpp>
using namespace jbson::literal;
db my_db;
my_db.open("my_db", db_mode::read | db_mode::write);
collection my_coll = my_db.get_collection("my_coll");
using oid_t = std::array<char, 12>;
oid_t oid;
// Commits at scope exit, or aborts when an exception is thrown.
// Cannot be manually committed or aborted.
transaction_guard gu(my_coll.transaction());
oid = my_coll.save_document(R"({"some other key": "some other value"})"_json_doc.data());
try {
// Commits at scope exit, or aborts when an exception is thrown.
// Cannot be manually committed or aborted.
transaction_guard gu(my_coll.transaction());
oid = my_coll.save_document(R"({"some other key": "some other value"})"_json_doc.data());
throw 0;
catch(...) {}
// Can be manually committed or aborted.
unique_transaction ut(my_coll.transaction());
oid = my_coll.save_document(R"({"some other key": "some other value"})"_json_doc.data());
// Rebindable.
ut = unique_transaction(my_coll.transaction());
oid = my_coll.save_document(R"({"some other key": "some other value"})"_json_doc.data());
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make install
If EJDB is in a non-standard location, pass EJDB_INCLUDE_DIR
options to cmake.
cmake .. -DEJDB_INCLUDE_DIR=<location-of-tcejdb-header-dir> -DEJDB_LIBRARY_DIR=<location-of-tcejdb-lib-dir>
- set toON
to enable testing.OFF
by default. See [Testing](@ref test).EJPP_SANITIZE_ADDRESS
- set toON
to build with-fsanitize=address
- set toON
to build with-fsanitize=leak
- set to a path to output generated documentation../doc
by default. See [Documentation](@ref docs).EJPP_LIBDIR_SUFFIX
- set to a string to add a suffix to the installation library directory, e.g. "64" to install to ${PREFIX}/lib64.
API documentation can be viewed at http://chrismanning.github.io/ejpp or generated with doxygen.
make doc
It can then be viewed in a web browser by opening the generated index.html
, or any other file.
Unit testing (enabled via EJPP_ENABLE_TESTING
) has some additional requirements.
- Subversion is needed for downloading google test at build time.
- jbson.
This does not have to be installed, its include directory can be specified explicitly via the cmake variable