2024-05-26 It has been a while
It has been a while. This release contains a lot of structural changes, library updates to keep the project up to date. Since there are so many large changes and updates in this build, be sure to let me know in GitHub Issues tab if you run into problems.
Larger structural changes:
- Switch from create-react-app to Vite for build system
- Switch from Recoil to Jotai for data storage
- Switch from jQuery to Axios for data fetching
Features and Bugs:
- Add "Most recent alert" to Summary panel
- Move Doomguy into the Summary panel
- Fetch Nagios info from the server and display Nagios version and uptime on the Summary panel
- Disable logging on the experimental MiniMap, it leaks memory
- Add a small Doomguy icon in Settings
- Fixes for issue #80 livestatus.php connector compatibility with PHP 8.2
- Fix missing hostcount.json and servicecount.json from sample-data. Needed for local development when demo=true or fakedata=true
- Add Doomguy "concerned" option to Settings
- Convert the AlertItem component to functional component
- Convert the Progress component to functional component
- Hamburger menu is a little more chill and not sliding the main body over
- Update all packages, including TypeScript to v5.4.5
- Use negative value to fetch alert items. Fixes issue #79