Hi there 👋 I'm @chingha (ChingHa Lee) 👋
I'm a Full-stack developer student at Mission Ready HQ
I currently live in Wellington, New Zealand
🔭 I’m currently working with a group of Ux designers building an application for a motor vehicle insurance company using React.
🔭 I’m currently obsessed with Docker and navigating my way in Google Cloud.
🌱 I’m currently learning SalesForce ecosystem.
I like to build things with Deep Learning/Machine Learning, databases, React, JavaScript and modern frontend frameworks. 🤖
🤔 I’m looking for work that allow me to create, learn and problem solve.✨
If you would like to have my help with your team and product, feel free to contact me. 🤓
You can find me on:
😄 Pronouns: Name
⚡ Fun fact: I am also a registered nurse with experience working with diverse populations in telehealth, primary health and forensic nursing.