BIDS App and Python library for concatenating MRI time series.
Inspired by Cho et al. 2021.
- Concatenate BOLD time series from multiple datasets, sessions, subjects or runs into a single file.
- Dry run mode to check what the output directory will look like.
- Fake mode to produce a bids2table compatible parquet output directory.
pip install git+
ba-tsconcat /path/to/input/bids /path/to/output group --concat ses --dry_run
ba-tsconcat --help
usage: ba-tsconcat [-h] [-c CONCAT] [-d] [-f] bids_dir output_dir {group}
Concatenate MRI timeseries.
positional arguments:
bids_dir Input BIDS folder path.
output_dir Output BIDS folder path.
{group} Processing stage, must be "group".
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONCAT, --concat CONCAT
Concat across. Can be any combination of dataset, sub, ses, run separated by spaces. Output data will be grouped by the set difference.
-d, --dry_run Dry run. Print output directory structure instead of actually doing something. If this is enabled 'bids_dir' may be a path to a bids2table parquet directory.
-f, --fake Fake output. Output a bids2table parquet directory instead of actually doing something.