Basic computer setup instructions for Project Night challenge participants.
We use only Python3 at Project Night. We currently recommend 3.6.x (as of 2019/02/21) for broad library compatibility.
We encourage either Sublime Text 3 or Atom because they're free, cross-platform, relatively simple for all participants to use, and memory efficient. However, feel free to use a comparable editor. Please avoid using custom keybindings such as Vim or Emacs to ease development by all group participants during challenges.
If you are familiar with git, run:
git clone<repo_name>.git
If not:
Go to<project_name>
Click on "Clone or download" > "Download ZIP" and unzip the file that gets downloaded
From your command line, change directories to the path where you unzipped the repository:
On linux or OS X:
cd path/to/project
On Windows:
cd path\to\project
If you are using Linux or OS X, run the following to create a new virtualenv:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
On Windows, instead run the following:
python3 -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements.txt