kubez-ansible's mission statement is
To provide quick deployment tools for kubernetes cluster.
This session has been tested on CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 18.04 which supported by python2.7 for now.
单节点集群 | 高可用集群 | 集群扩容 | 集群销毁 |
docker | containerd |
Flannel | Calico |
Helm3 | Nginx Ingress | Dashboard | Metrics Server | NFS | Ceph |
Elasticsearch | Kibana | Filebeat | Fluentd |
OLM | Postgres | Redis | Kafka | RabbitMQ | MongoDB |
Prometheus | Grafana |
Isito | Jenkins | Harbor |
Pixiu | Pixiu-autoscaler | PodSet |
go-learning |
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Copyright 2019 caoyingjun ([email protected]) Apache License 2.0