Notes for Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope data reduction.
Visibility of FAST: FAST-obs-plan.ipynb
Build ds9 region file with ra dec of beam 01: FAST-Beam-regionfile.ipynb
IDL code to correct the velocity into Local Standard of Rest Velocity:; python code is included in the ipynb file in ON-OFF mode.
FAST calibration file can be downloaded here: The noise information data are ascii files, with interesting format. So I have to write a code to load the data in Load-FAST-Calib.ipynb
I use the tracking mode for long time integration to the target smaller than one beam.
I use ON-OFF mode to observe some local galaxies larger than several beam size.
During the ON-OFF to the target, I set: 2s period noise diode and 1s extract 1 spectrum.
Here are examples for one galaxy FAST observations pointing at the galaxy center and one spiral arm, corresponding to Beam M09 and M10.
I learnt how to reduce FAST data from Qian, Lei at about 2019.04.21, when I got some FAST observation time and have no idea how to observe by FAST. I further learnt the data reduction process by the FAST training school at about 2019.06.16. The ON-OFF code are mainly comes from the example code given by Tang, Ning-Yu. I explained how did I reduce the data in the appendix of Cheng et al. (2020).
Cheng et al. The atomic gas of star-forming galaxies at z∼0.05 as revealed by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope 2020, A&A, 638L, 14C