Add Import of 3DM files to FreeCAD
- rhino3dm - Open Python Rhino 3dm library - Which seems to require Python 3.7
- The workbench is available via the FreeCAD AddonManager
- However users may have to install rhino3dm depending on OS.
- One suggestion
Start FreeCAD
In python console
- import sys
- print(sys.path)
Select one the the directories listed
pip3 install rhino3dm -t [directory path]
restart FreeCAD
- sudo apt install python3-pip
- pip3 install --user rhino3dm
- Change directory to .FreeCAD/Mod
i.e. with a dot - git clone
- start or restart FreeCAD
Can be downloaded from
- Icon design by Freepik
- 3dm testCases kindly supplied by Jonne Neva (cheezebreeze)
- Chris Grellier
- Keith Sloan