This is a split off from my first mod which was initially created for custom badges and outfits. That one allowed for a user to use a local file to assign badges to players, and replace outfits, however this was't replicated across all mod users. Hence why this was made, the original mod can still be found here:
The original goal was simply to modify and allow for custom badges, and well... it kind of spiralled from there onto what it is now. If you come across any issues/feature requests make sure to mention/report them, either here or to me on discord Archie the inventor#4744
- Ship customization based on Captain
- Custom mainsails
- Custom secondary sails
- Custom cannons
- Custom Mortars
- Custom Swivels
- Player customization
- Custom badge
- Custom weapon skins
- Custom mask skin
- Copy 0Harmony.dll, Assembly-CSharp.dll and BWModLoader.dll into your Blackwake_Data/Managed/ folder. (Provided for download on each release, if you already have these patched versions, you do not need to re-download them)
- Run the game, it should generate a mods folder in Blackwake_Data/Managed/Mods
- Copy Alternion.dll into the mods folder (All assets required will be automatically downloaded on game start unless you have the downloadOnStartup=0 flag)
- Play!
- All required files and assets will be downloaded automatically by the mod when it runs
- Cannons may fail to display correct skin after a few rounds