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CC'23 Artifact: "HyBF: A Hybrid Branch Fusion Strategy for Code Size Reduction"

The artifact is publicly available at We provide scripts that automate the installation and use of this artifact. You can clone the artifact repository using the command below:

git clone


The default apt packages should be enough for Ubuntu >= 19.10. Default packages plus a pre-built cmake should work for Ubuntu >= 18.04. For older systems, you might have to satisfy the dependencies manually.

Building LLVM:

  • cmake (>= 3.13.4)

    If your system's cmake is older than that, source ./scripts/ to install a recent pre-built binary and add it to the path

  • build-essential

    This will pull the rest of the dependencies

For more information about LLVM dependencies check the LLVM project page.

Collecting statistics and plotting the results:

  • python3 (>= 3.6)
  • python3-numpy (>= 1.13)
  • python3-matplotlib (>= 2.1)
  • xdot

Running the MiBench benchmark suite:

  • zlib1g-dev

Running 403.gcc in spec06

  • gcc-multilib
  • g++-multilib

Building Clang/LLVM

In order to run HyBF and the different branch fusion techniques, we first need to build the LLVM compiler toolchain. We provide three helper scripts.

The first script is optional, in case your system version of CMake is older than the minimum required version. This script downloads a recent pre-bulit CMake

source scripts/

The second script runs CMake with the appropriate flags.

bash scripts/

The third script builds the LLVM compiler toolchain, including clang.

bash scripts/

After running the above command, the folder install/bin should contain clang and opt that can be used for compiling C/C++ code using HyBF.

Reproducing the Main Results


Inside the folder benchmarks/mibench, run the command:


This will build all programs listed in the file BenchNames using the various branch fusion techniques. If any compilation error occur, you can look at the log information in the .txt files produced for each individual program and branch fusion technique. However, no errors should be expected if all dependencies are installed and the LLVM toolchain has been built correctly.

The command above will produce a results.csv file containing the text size of the object file produced for each benchmark program and for each branch fusion technique.

This command will also produce the files named absolute-reduction.pdf and percentage-reduction.pdf. The first contains the plot with the absolute reduction, in bytes, achieved by each technique, while the second contains the relative reduction with respect to the baseline version without any branch fusion optimization. These plots represent the Figure 10(a) of the paper.

SPEC 2006 and 2017

Inside benchmarks, the folders spec06 and spec17 contain similar build scripts to those found in the mibench folder. Because both SPEC 2006 and SPEC 2017 require private access, we only provide the build scripts as part of this artifact. However, one only need to copy the src folder of each program in the benchmark suites to their corresponding folder in our evaluation environment. The Makefile.config in the folder of each program contains a list of the source files expected.

NOTE : to automate the benchmark copying we provide the script inside each of the spec06 and spec17 directories. To use this script update the SPEC06_LOC and SPEC17_LOC variables in the corresponding script with the absolute path of the downloaded spec06 or spec17 directories.

Once the source files of each program have been copied to their corresponding folder, we can follow the same steps as described for MiBench. We also provide a script inside the spec06 and spec17 folders, which produces the results.csv file with the code size numbers and the log information in the .txt files. This script will also produce the files named absolute-reduction.pdf and percentage-reduction.pdf. For the spec17, these plots represent the Figure 10(b) of the paper.

Comparison with Function Merging

Inside the folder for each benchmark suite in the bechmarks folder, we have the script. This script builds the benchmark programs with link-time optimizations (LTO) enabled, including the state-of-the-art function merging technique. This allows us to analyze the impact of our branch fusion technique on top of another state-of-the-art code size optimization. This script can be executed with the command below:


After running the script, e.g., inside the mibench folder, this script will also produce a results.csv file as well as the files named absolute-reduction.pdf and percentage-reduction.pdf. However, these plots now represent Figure 12 from the paper, where all versions were built in LTO mode with function merging enabled.


Inside the folder benchmarks/anghabench, run the command:


This will build a subset of the 1 million functions from AnghaBench, which is listed in the file BenchNames, using the various branch fusion techniques. The command above will produce a results.csv file containing the number of LLVM instructions for each function in the benchmark suite and for each branch fusion technique.

This command will also produce a file named percentage-reduction.pdf, which contains a plot with two curves showing the percentage reduction of CFM-CS (blue curve) and HyBF (red curve) relative to the baseline version without any branch fusion optimization. This plot represent the Figure 11 of the paper.

Customization and Reusability

This section is intended for researchers interested in doing any future work that either uses or extends our optimization pass.

Experiment Customization

To demonstrate how HyBF and its accompanying branch fusion techniques works we provide an experiment with two simplified real world code examples. In the folder benchmarks/kernels, we have example of functions highlighting the strengths of each technique.

The file seme-fusion-better.c contains a function where SEME-Fusion outperforms CFM-CS. Run the following command to apply all different techniques (HyBF, CFM-CS, SEME-Fusion and baseline) to this example.


This command outputs the text size of the object file produced by each technique. It also produces a dot file with control-flow graph produced by each technique, including the baseline CFG. The generated dot files can be viewed using either xdot on Linux or an online graph viewer such as GraphvizOnline. For example, contains the CFG for the baseline CFG, without any branch fusion, contains the CFG after applying SEME-Fusion transformation. By comparing the control-flow graphs produced, one can identify the differences that result from branch fusion.

For example, running on an X86 machine this script produces the following output:

   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
    922       0      16     938     3aa seme-fusion-better.c.baseline.o
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
    821       0      16     837     345 seme-fusion-better.c.seme-fusion.o
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
    922       0      16     938     3aa seme-fusion-better.c.cfm.o
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
    821       0      16     837     345 seme-fusion-better.c.hybf.o

The output above shows that both SEME-Fusion and HyBF produce an object file with a text size of 821 bytes, while the other techniques produce a text size of 922 bytes. A reduction of 10.95%. Note that HyBF applies the best version of the two techniques, therefore in this case HyBF end up applying SEME-Fusion obtaining the same reduction in size.

The file cfm-better.c contains a function where CFM-CS outperforms SEME-Fusion. Run the following command to apply the transformations to this example.


On an X86 machine, the command above produces the following output:

   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
    446       0       0     446     1be cfm-better.c.baseline.o
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
    446       0       0     446     1be cfm-better.c.seme-fusion.o
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
    349       0       0     349     15d cfm-better.c.cfm.o
   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
    349       0       0     349     15d cfm-better.c.hybf.o

This shows a size reduction of 21.75% in text section of the binary for CFM-CS over baseline or SEME-Fusion. Similar to above, you can view the generated .dot files to see how CFM-CS changes the CFG of the function.

Modifying/Extending HyBF

HyBF is implemented as an transformation pass at the LLVM IR level. It can easily be extended to add new features or new branch fusion techniques. In this section, we give a brief overview of the source code structure of HyBF along with details on what is implemented on each source file.

HyBF is implemented as a LLVM module pass in llvm/lib/Transforms/Scalar/HybridBranchFusion.cpp. The run method of this module pass iterates over all functions of the module and, for each conditional branch location inside the function, applies the best branch fusion technique (out of CFM-CS and SEME-Fusion). HyBF is implemented as a transformation on the function level and its implementation can be found in the runImpl method. This method iterates over all conditional branches of the functions and applies both SEME-Fusion and CFM-CS to cloned versions of the same function. If any of the techniques is profitable, the best approach is applied for the original function. The EstimateFunctionSize method offers an estimate of the final binary size of a given function at the LLVM IR level. Similar to SEME-Fusion and CFM-CS, any novel branch fusion technique can be easily integrated into the runImpl method.

SEME-Fusion technique is implemented in llvm/lib/Transforms/Scalar/BranchFusion.cpp and CFM-CS technique is implemented inside llvm/lib/Transforms/CFMelder/ directory.


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