- Dev: cq-backend-dev-services-mysql
- Prod:cq-backend-prod-services-mysql
query: Array of strings.
{query:["SELECT net_asset_value FROM nav_hist_2018_Q1 WHERE amfi_code = '112322'"]}
"net_asset_value": 24.7457
"net_asset_value": 24.3017
"net_asset_value": 23.9447
"net_asset_value": 24.0693
"net_asset_value": 24.1939
"net_asset_value": 24.2331
"net_asset_value": 21.4112
- Dev: cq-backend-dev-services-insert
- Prod:cq-backend-prod-services-insert
collection: Name of the collection(Required).
document: Document to be inserted(Required).
{ collection:"user", document:{ name:"chandru" email:"[email protected]" } }
email:"[email protected]"
- Dev: cq-backend-dev-services-find
- Prod:cq-backend-prod-services-find
collection: Name of the collection(Required.).
query: Query to find proper document(Required)
id: Document Id if you need particular document when findType is findById
select: Specify the fields which are required
findType: Specify the find type(Required) [findAll,findOne,findById,count,distinct]
sort:Specify the sort order by field
limit:Speicify how many documents to get
skip: Specify how many documents to skip
uniqueField: Specify the field name when find type is distinct
{ collection:"user", query:{username:"chandru", findType:"findAll", sort:{_id:-1}, skip:10 limit:1 }
{ "result": [ { "_id": "5c7fa9e111d62b31b17cb4a5", "name": "chandru" }, { "_id": "5c7fab6211d62b16f467dc01", "name": "chandru" } ]}
{ collection:"user", query:{username:"chandru", findType:"findOne", }
{ result:{ _id:"5c825e0f213827c4f32dfe42" name:"chandru" email:"[email protected]" } }
{ collection:"user", _id:"5c825e0f213827c4f32dfe42", findType:"findById", }
{ result:{ _id:"5c825e0f213827c4f32dfe42" name:"chandru" email:"[email protected]" } }
{ collection:"user", query:{username:"chandru", findType:"count", }
{ "result": 2 }
{ collection:"user", query:{username:"chandru", findType:"distinct", uniqueField:"name" }
"result": [
- Dev: cq-backend-dev-services-update
- Prod:cq-backend-prod-services-update
collection: Name of the collection(Required.).
where: Query to find proper document(Required)
set: Field which need to be update(Required)
updateType: Specify the update type(Required) [updateOne,updateMany]
{ collection:"user", where:{username:"chandru"}, set:{email:"[email protected]", updateType:"updateMany" }
{ result:{ _id:"5c825e0f213827c4f32dfe42" name:"chandru" email:"[email protected]" } }
{ "result": "Updated successfully" }
{ result:{ _id:"5c825e0f213827c4f32dfe42" name:"chandru" email:"[email protected]" } }
- Dev: cq-backend-dev-services-remove
- Prod:cq-backend-prod-services-remove
collection: Name of the collection(Required.).
Query: Query to find proper document(Required)
removeType: Specify the remove type(Required) [removeOne,removeById,removeAll]
id : Document ID when remove type is removeById
{ collection:"user", where:{username:"chandru"}, removeType:"removeAll" }
{ "result": { "Updated": 0, "Removed": 1, "Matched": 1, "UpsertedId": null } }
{ collection:"user", where:{username:"chandru"}, removeType:"removeOne" }
{ "result": "Deleted successfully" }
{ { collection:"user", id:"5c825e0f213827c4f32dfe42", removeType:"removeById" } }
{ "result": "Deleted successfully" }
- Dev: cq-backend-dev-services-aggregate
- Prod:cq-backend-prod-services-aggregate
collection: Name of the collection(Required.).
operations: Array of operations required for aggregation(Required)
{ collection:"user", operations:[ {"$match":{status:"A"}}, {"$group":{_id:"$cust_id",total:{"$sum":"$amount"}}} ] }
{ result:[ { "_id" : "A123", "total" : 750 }, { "_id" : "B212", "total" : 200 } ] }