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cfsd proxy CAN getway

Mapping the CAN messages to Opendlv messages

This version is for the communicate with the lynx car


The mapping info of messages can be found at CAN

lynx-v0.1.1.odvd is the message set for talking to CAN should only be used in these CAN getway microservice.

lynx19gw.dbc is the CAN database file which is a reference for decoding and encoding the CAN message. is the mapping setting file for the microservice knowing how to map the messsages.

Messege senderStamps See: CAN

-- update: 2019-04-10 Change Data logger sending message value, setting offsets and scale. (To adapt the proxy to the datalogger format see: )

2019-04-14 ADD Messages : KnobL and KnobR

2019-05-06 Switch the lynx-v0.1.1.odvd message set to cfsd-extended-message-set-v0.0.1.odvd, changes message names

run the microservice:

docker run --rm -ti --net=host --privileged chalmersfsd/cfsd-proxy-cangw-lynx:v0.1.2 --cid=111 --can=can0 --verbose

generate the dbc map file:

docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD/src/:/in -w /in chalmersrevere/dbc2odvd-amd64:v0.0.6 lynx19gw.dbc cfsd-extened-message-set-v0.0.1.odvd

get the code Snippet:

docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD/src/:/in -w /in chalmersrevere/dbc2odvd-amd64:v0.0.6 generateMappingCodeSnippet.awk

Setting the CAN:

sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 500000
sudo ifconfig can0 up

watch the CAN message:

candump can0