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Vecchia approximations for Gaussian log-likelihoods


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A terse Julia implementation of Vecchia approximations to the Gaussian likelihood, which work very well in many settings and run in linear complexity with data size (assuming O(1) sized conditioning sets). As of now this is only implemented for mean-zero processes. Implemented with chunked observations instead of singleton observations as in Stein/Chi/Welty 2004 JRSSB [1]. Reasonably optimized for minimal allocations so that multithreading really works well while still being AD-compatible. To my knowledge, this is the only program that offers true Hessians of Vecchia likelihoods.

The accuracy of Vecchia approximations depends on the screening effect [2], which can perhaps be considered as a substantially weakened Markovian-like property. But the screening effect even for covariance functions that do exhibit screening can be significantly weakened by measurement noise (corresponding to a "nugget" in the spatial statistics terminology), for example, and so I highly recommend investigating whether or not you have reason to expect that your specific model exhibits screening to an acceptable degree. In some cases, like with measurement noise, there are several workarounds and some are pretty easy (including one based on the EM algorithm that this package now offers). But for some covariance functions screening really doesn't hold and so this approximation scheme may not perform well. This isn't something that the code can enforce, so user discretion is required.

Here is a very quick demo:

using LinearAlgebra, StaticArrays, Vecchia

# VERY IMPORTANT FOR MULTITHREADING, since this is many small BLAS/LAPACK calls:

# Covariance function, in this case Matern(v=3/2):
kfn(x,y,p) = p[1]*exp(-norm(x-y)/p[2])*(1.0+norm(x-y)/p[2])

# Locations for fake measurements, in this case 2048 of them, and fake data 
# (data NOT from the correction distribution, this is just a maximally simple demo):
pts = [SVector{2, Float64}(randn(2)) for _ in 1:2048]
dat = randn(length(pts))

# Create the VecchiaConfig: 
# If you have multiple i.i.d. samples, pass in a matrix where each column is a sample.
chunksize = 10 
num_conditioning_chunks = 3
const cfg = Vecchia.kdtreeconfig(dat, pts, chunksize, num_conditioning_chunks, kfn)

# Estimate like so, with the default optimizer being Ipopt and using autodiff
# for all gradients and Hessians. TRUE Hessians are used in this estimation by
# default, not expected Fisher matrices.
mle = vecchia_estimate(cfg, some_init)

See the example files for a heavily commented demonstration.

The code is organized with modularity and user-specific applications in mind, so the primary way to interact with the approximation is to create a VecchiaConfig object that specifies the chunks and conditioning sets for each chunk. The only provided one is a very basic option that orders the points with a KD-tree with a specified terminal leaf size (so that each leaf is a chunk), re-orders those chunks based on the leaf centers, and then picks conditioning sets based on the user-provided size.

If you want something fancier, for example the maximin ordering of Guinness 2018 technometrics with the NN-based conditioning sets, which was recently proved to have some nice properties (Schafer et al 2021 SISC), that shouldn't be very hard to implement after skimming the existing constructor to see what the struct fields in VecchiaConfig mean and stuff. I really made an effort to design this in such a way that you can specialize how you want but then just enjoy the painfully optimized generic log-likelihood, precision matrix, and sparse (reverse)-Cholesky functionality without having to rebuild from scratch every time.

Advanced Usage

Estimation with a nugget/measurement error

As mentioned above, measurement error can really hurt the accuracy of these approximations. If your model is effectively given by data(x) = good_gp(x) + iid_noise(x), where good_gp is something that screens well that you actually want to use Vecchia on and iid_noise has VARIANCE eta^2, then you can estimate all parameters, including eta^2, with the built in EM algorithm procedure that is demonstrated in ./example/example_estimate_noise.jl. See also the paper for a lot more information.

This method works equally well for any perturbation whose covariance matrix admits a fast solve, although ideally also a fast log-determinant. The code now allows you to provide an arbitrary struct for working with the error covariance matrix, and you can inspect ./src/errormatrix.jl for a demonstration of the methods that you need to provide that struct for everything to "just work".

If you use this method, please cite this paper.

Sparse precision matrix and ("reverse") Cholesky factors

While it will almost always be faster to just evaluated the likelihood with Vecchia.nll(cfg, params), you can actually obtain the precision matrix S such that Vecchia.nll(cfg, params) == -logdet(S) + dot(data, S, data). You can also obtain the upper triangular matrix U such that S = U*U'. Note that these objects correspond to permuted data, though, not the ordering in which you provided the data.

While this package originally offered both, the direct assembly of U is much simpler and in order to streamline this code I have removed the option to directly assemble S that used the different algorithm of Sun and Stein (2016).

Here is an example usage:

# Note that this is NOT given in the form of a sparse matrix, it is a custom
# struct with just two methods: U'*x and logdet(U), which is all you need to
# evaluate the likelihood. 
U = Vecchia.rchol(vecc, sample_p)

# If you want the sparse matrix (don't forget to wrap as UpperTriangular!):
U_SparseMatrixCSC = UpperTriangular(sparse(U))

# If you want S back, for example:
S = U_SparseMatrixCSC*U_SparseMatrixCSC'

# Here is how I'd recommend getting your data in the correct permutation out:
data_perm = reduce(vcat,

You'll get a warning the first time you call rchol re-iterating the issue about permutations. If you want to avoid that, you can pass in the kwarg issue_warning=false.

Expensive or Complicated Kernel Functions

Vecchia.jl is pretty judicious about when and where the covariance function is evaluated. For sufficiently fancy kernels that involve a lot of side-computations or carrying around additional objects, there might be some performance to be gained by "specializing" the internal function Vecchia.updatebuf!, which is the only place where the kernel function is called. Here is an example of this syntax:

# Create some struct to carry around all of your extra pieces that, for example,
# would otherwise need to be computed redundantly.
struct MyExpensiveKernel
  # ... 

# Now write a special method of Vecchia.updatebuf!. This might technically be
# type piracy, but I won't tell anybody if you won't.
# Note that you could also instead do fn::typeof(myspecificfunction) if you just
# wanted a special method for one specific function instead of a struct.
function Vecchia.updatebuf!(buf, pts1, pts2, fn::MyExpensiveKernel,
                            params; skipltri=false)
  println("Wow, neat!") 
  # ... (now do things to update buf)

# Create Vecchia config object:
const my_vecc_config = Vecchia.kdtreeconfig(..., MyExpensiveKernel(...))

# Now when you call this function, you will see "Wow, neat!" pop up every time
# that Vecchia.updatebuf! gets called. Once you're done testing and want to
# actually go fast, I would obviously recommend getting rid of the print
# statement.
Vecchia.nll(my_vecc_config, params)

In general, this probably won't be necessary for you. But I know I for one work with some pretty exotic kernels regularly. And from experience I can attest that, with some creativity, you can really cram a lot of efficient complexity into the approximation with this approach without having to develop any new boilerplate.

Mean functions

...are currently not super officially supported. But you can now pass AD through the VecchiaConfig struct itself. So a very simple hacky way to get your mean function going would be a code pattern like

# see other examples for the rest of the args to the kdtreeconfig and stuff.
function my_nonzeromean_nll(params, ...)
  parametric_mean = mean_function(params, ...) 
  cfg = Vecchia.kdtreeconfig(data - parametric_mean, ...) 
  Vecchia.nll(cfg, params)

This will of course mean you rebuild the VecchiaConfig every time you evaluate the likelihood, which isn't ideal and is why I say that mean functions aren't really in this package yet. But then, at least the generic KD-tree configs get built pretty quickly, and so if you have enough data that Vecchia approximations are actually helpful, you probably won't feel it too much. And now you can just do ForwardDiff.{gradient, hessian}(my_nonzeromean_nll, params) without any additional code. If you wanted to fit billions of points, this probably isn't taking the problem seriously enough. But until your data sizes get there, this slight inefficiency probably won't be the bottleneck either.

I'm very open to feedback/comments/suggestions on the best way to incorporate mean functions. It just isn't obvious to me how best to do it, and I don't really need them myself (at least, not beyond what I can do with this current pattern) so I'm not feeling super motivated to think hard about the best design choice.


If you use this software in your work, particularly if you actually use second-order optimization with the real Hessians, please cite the package itself:

  author = {Geoga, Christopher J.},
  title  = {Vecchia.jl},
  url    = {},
  year   = {2021},
  publisher = {Github}

I would also be curious to see/hear about your application if you're willing to share it or take the time to tell me about it.


