Write CP-SAT solver statistics to a CSV file given as csv_filename, activated in CP-SAT as
solver.parameters.log_search_progress = True
solver.parameters.log_to_response = True
CSV table schema, where objective1 == objective2 (and corresponding time and bound)
'Date', 'ModelName', 'Objective', 'UserTime', '#Booleans', '#Branches', '#Conflicts', 'SolverParameters', 'SolverLog',
'time1', 'bound1', 'objective1', 'time2', 'bound2', 'objective2'
Additionally, get the bound/objective history from the CP-SAT log response string after solving. Then write_stats extracts and returns a time-ordered list log_list = [ (time, bound, objective, gapInPercent) ]. Please see the example testCircles_FromLog.py.
responseString = str(solver.ResponseProto())
log_list = csv.write_stats(solver, "circles_%d_%d" % (num_circles_dim, radius_circles), responseString)