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\Log_Searchs\Search.txt (SWELF SEARCH FILE)
Search commands can be combined in v. to apply to a single log source and/or eventid.
~ is "Tilde Char". App only needs {Search Commands in v}/{Search Term} to run. But the more details you provide the better the search.
Any combination of the following as long as they are in order. All commands in format required Below:
{Term or statement to search for}{Search Commands in v} "Tilde Char" {EventLogName} "Tilde Char" {EventID}
example: powershell.exe "Tilde Char" microsoft-windows-sysmon/operational "Tilde Char" 1 (This will be used to search microsoft-windows-sysmon/operational logs for cmd.exe with event id 1)
example: "Tilde Char" microsoft-windows-sysmon/operational~1 (Return all event id 1 in sysmon log)
example: cmd.exe"Tilde Char"microsoft-windows-sysmon/operational (This will be used to search microsoft-windows-sysmon/operational logs for cmd.exe)
example: cmd.exe "Tilde Char" microsoft-windows-powershell/operational (This will be used to search microsoft-windows-sysmon/operational logs)
example: has been restricted by your Administrator by location with policy rule (This will be used to search ALL logs)
example: csc.exe (This will be used to search ALL logs)
example: log file was cleared (This will be used to search ALL logs)
{Search Commands in v}/{Search Term} "Tilde char" {EventLogName} "Tilde char" {EventID}
All commands in format required Below:
eventdata_length':'{Minimum chars in eventlog event data section (does this by counting chars in the entire EventData Part of any eventlog)}
count:{string to find}:{Min num of occurances}
eventdata_length:{Min num of occurances}
commandline_length:{Min num of occurances}
(it will evaluate the largest one)
(Only works for Sysmon Logs)
(Available in Version and later)
commandline_contains:{string to find}:{Min num of occurances}
(Available in Version and later)
(Only works for Sysmon Logs)
commandline_count:{Min num of occurances}
regex:{Create your own Regular Expression}
- (Available in Version and later)
not_in_log: It will search the eventlog in search command (must have event log name).
- It will search to see if it does not contain information.
log_level: {Log Severity Level} ~ EventLog Name ~
Will extract logs by the severity assigned to it in windows eventlog. (Warning,Critical,Information,etc...)(must have event log name)
(v and later)
search_multiple: search_multiple: thing1 ` thing2 ~ EventLog Name(Not required) ~ EventID(Not required)
- Maxes at 19. Allows you to search each EventLog for up to 19 things.
network_connect: network_connect:{Port}:{Program Name}
- Will only work on Sysmon Logs. Allows you to search on appname and/or port to track and fwd only network callouts.
example: eventdata_length:200
example: regex:\b\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}\b
example: count:;:8
example: eventdata_length:9000
example commandline_length:500
(Only works for Sysmon and Windows Powershell Logs)
example commandline_contains:<script>
example not_in_log:svchost.exe -k ~ Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational ~
example search_multiple: powershell ` cmd ~ sysmon ~
(the ` char will separate each term to search for. Up to 19 things to find a long that they all exists together in)
example network_connect:443:powershell
(Only works for Sysmon and Windows Powershell Logs)
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