A package to
- estimate seismic full moment tensors from earthquake waveforms
- estimate moment tensor uncertainties
- analyze source types
git clone https://github.com/celsoa/fmtu # celso's branch
cd fmtu
make all # see next section for options
make cap d=WB # Compile cap to write a binary file with search data
make cap f=omp # Compile cap to run in parallel mode (openMP)
make cap d=WB f=omp # Compile cap to run in parallel and write a binary datafile
make clean cap d=WB f=omp # Clean all and compile with all flags
- A typical command to estimate an earthquake mechanism looks like this
cap.pl EVID [flag1/varA] [flag2/varB] ... [flagN/varX]
- Many flags and values can be passed to FMTU. Which flags and their values depend on the earthquake type, the earthquake signal, etc.
- The following example command will estimate the focal mechanism for the 2008-04-18 earthquake in central USA
cap.pl -H0.2 -P0.6 -S2/5/0 -T35/70 -F -D1/1/0.5 -C0.05/0.3/0.02/0.1 -W1 -X10 -Mcus_15 -m4.5/5.5/0.1 -Y1 -I100000 20080418093700
- For more details and to get started:
- type
in the command line and see the flags there - see readme_preparation.md and readme_usage.md
- type
Earthquake waveform data can be obtained with the pysep
utility, which is a python package for fetching waveform data through FDSN and EIDA webservices, and preparing it for moment tensor estimation.
The package can be obtained from one of the following github repositories:
git clone https://github.com/celsoa/sweep # celso's branch
git clone https://github.com/uafgeotools/pysep # UAF branch
- The Seismic Analysis Code (SAC) contains routines for dealing with waveform data and can be requested at IRIS: https://ds.iris.edu/ds/nodes/dmc/forms/sac/
- The SAC routine
deals with filtering waveform data and should be in variable PATH.
- CAP requires a library of precomputed greens functions which are computed with the
routines - The latest version
can be requested at http://www.eas.slu.edu/People/LZhu/home.html
If you use this code in your research, please cite one or all of the following
Estimation of full moment tensors, including uncertainties, for nuclear
explosions, volcanic events, and earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research:
Solid Earth, 123(6), 5099-5119. Alvizuri, C., Silwal, V., Krischer, L., &
Tape,C. (2018).
Alvizuri, C., & Tape, C. (2016). Full moment tensors for small events (Mw<3)
at Uturuncu volcano, Bolivia. Geophysical Journal International, 206(3),
Silwal, V., & Tape, C. (2016). Seismic moment tensors and estimated
uncertainties in southern Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,
121(4), 2772-2797.
These may also be relevant
Zhu and Ben-Zion, 2013, GJI
Zhu and Helmberger, 1996, BSSA 86, 1645-1641
Zhao and Helmberger, 1994, BSSA 84(1), 91-104