This is a copy of Apple's ADC Reference Library for OS X Leopard (from the July 2009 Apple Developer Connection DVD set).
Viewable online at
Note: two files have been compressed using xz because they exceed github's 50MB filesize limit:
- documentation/GraphicsImaging/Reference/CoreImageFilterReference/CoreImageFilterReference.pdf
- documentation/GraphicsImaging/Reference/CoreImagingRef/CoreImageRef.pdf
All of the sample code zip files have been expanded for online browsing:
- ABPresence
- AbstractTree
- AddNibToNav
- AddressBookCarbon
- AddressBookCocoa
- AddTextMovie
- AESendandReceive
- AESendThreadSafe
- AFWAVendorSpecificDriver
- aglClipBufferRect
- AlbumToSlideshow
- AnimatedSlider
- ApertureResizer
- AppearanceSampleUpdated
- AppleScriptRunner
- ApplyFirmwarePassword
- ASCIIMoviePlayerSample
- AsyncPB
- ATSUICurveAccessDemo
- ATSUIDirectAccessDemo
- AttachAScript
- AudioBroadcaster
- audioburntest
- AudioBurn
- AudioCDSample
- AudioDeviceNotify
- AudioQueueTest
- AudioQueueTools
- AudioUnitEffectTemplates
- AuntieDialog
- AuthForAll
- AutomatorHandsOn
- AutoSample
- AutoUpdater
- BackgroundExporter
- BasicCocoaAnimations
- BasicDataBrowser
- BasicInputMethod
- BasicPlugIn
- BetterAuthorizationSample
- BindingsJoystick
- Birthdays
- BlitNoVBL
- BlitVBL
- BlockAnimation
- BlockedEventQueue
- bMoviePaletteCocoa
- bMoviePalette
- BoingX
- BootstrapDump
- BordersAndTitles
- Bouncy
- BoundButton
- BrideOfMungGrab
- BufferedWindows
- bulkerase
- BundleLoader
- ButtonMadness
- CacheInfo-MacOSX
- CALayerEssentials
- CalcCMaskCalcMask
- Calculator
- CalendarItems
- CalendarView
- CallJS
- CapabilitiesSample
- CAPlayThrough
- CaptureAndCompressIPBMovie
- CarbonCocoaCoreImageTab
- CarbonCocoaTempConverter
- CarbonCocoa_PictureCursor
- CarbonCustomList
- CarbonInCocoa
- CarbonMDEF
- CarbonPorting
- CarbonPrintingSample
- CarbonQuartzComposer_TV
- CarbonQuartzDrawingWPrinting
- CarbonSketch
- CarbonSndPlayDB
- CarbonTransparentWindow
- Carbon_GLSnapshot
- CASoundLab2
- CDROMSample
- CFFTPSample
- CFHostSample
- CFLocalServer
- CFNetworkHTTPDownload
- CFPreferences
- CFPrefsDumper
- CFPrefTopScores
- CFProxySupportTool
- CGDrawPicture
- CGGamma
- CGRotation
- CGText
- CIAnnotation
- CIColorTracking
- CITransitionSelectorSample2
- CIVideoDemoGL
- ClockView
- Clock_Control
- ClosedCaptionImporter
- CocoaCreateMovie
- CocoaDragAndDrop
- CocoaDVDPlayer
- CocoaEcho
- CocoaGL
- CocoaHTTPServer
- CocoaInCarbon
- CocoaPeoplePicker
- CocoaSlides
- CocoaSOAP
- CocoaSpeechSynthesisExample
- CocoaVideoFrameToGWorld
- CocoaVideoFrameToNSImage
- Cocoa_-_SGDataProc
- Cocoa_CG_aliasing_demo
- Cocoa_CG_arc_demo
- Cocoa_With_Carbon_or_CPP
- ColorBars
- ColorMatching
- ColorSwatchView
- ColorSyncDevices-Cocoa
- ColorSyncDevices
- Color_Sampler
- ComboBoxPrefs
- CompressMovies
- ContentBurn
- ConvertMovieSndTrack
- ConvertToMovieJr
- CopyBitsSpeedPalette
- CopyDeepMask
- CopyMask
- CoreAnimationQuickTimeLayer
- CoreImageGLTextureFBO
- CoreRecipes
- CoreTextArc
- CoreTextTest
- CPUGestalt
- CreateMovieFromReferences
- CreateMovie
- CreatePictFile
- Cropped_Image
- CrossEvents
- CryptNoMore
- CryptoSample
- CTMClip
- CTMDemo
- CubePuzzle
- CurvesDemo
- CustomAtomicStoreSubclass
- CustomMediaIcons
- CustomMedia
- CustomSave
- CustomWindowWidget
- CustomWindow
- Custom_HIView_Tutorial
- CWCocoaComponent
- CxxNewDelete
- databurntest
- DataBurn
- DatePicker
- DelegateOnlyComponent
- DepartmentAndEmployees
- DerivedProperty
- DeskPictAppDockMenu
- Desktop_Sprites
- DeviceListener
- DialogsToHIViews
- Dicey
- DictionaryController
- Dimmer2Effect
- Direct_Pixel_Access
- DisplayURL
- dist_fft
- DNSServiceMetaQuery
- DockBrowser
- DockTile
- DragItemAround
- DrawableBroadcaster
- Draw_Pixels
- DRDataBurnCarbonUI
- DREraseCarbonUI
- DropDraw
- DTSCarbonShell
- DukeMovie
- DuplicateFinderItems
- DynamicProperties
- ElectricImageComponent
- EmbededAppleScripts
- EmptyFS
- enetlognke
- EnhancedAudioBurn
- EnhancedDataBurn
- Eraser
- EventMonitorTest
- ExampleIPBCodec
- ExampleVideoPanel
- ExtractMovieAudioToAIFF
- FancyAbout
- FBOBunnies
- Fiendishthngs
- FileNotification
- filesystem_examples
- FilterDemo
- FinalCutPro_AppleEvents
- FinderLaunch
- FloatingWindow
- Fortune
- FractalPerformance
- FSCopyObject
- FSCreateFileAndOpenForkUnicode
- FSFileOperation
- FSMegaInfo
- FSRemoveInheritedACEs
- FSReplaceObject
- FullScreen
- FunkyOverlayWindow
- FunWithFileDialogs
- GammaFilterforFxPlugandAE
- GeekGameBoard
- GetHWEthernetAddr
- GetMACAddressSample
- GetPrimaryMACAddress
- GetSetOptions
- GLCarbon1ContextPbuffer
- GLCarbonSharedPbuffer
- GLChildWindowDemo
- GLSLBasicsCocoaDL
- GLSLShowpieceLite
- GLSLShowpiece
- GLUTBasics
- GLUTStereo
- GLUTSurfaceTexture
- glut
- GrabBag
- Grady
- Graphic_Import-Export
- GreyscaleEffectSample
- GridCalendar
- GroupDrawing
- HackTVCarbon
- HandyScrollingSample
- HelloStudio
- HelpHook
- HexEditorView
- HICustomLeftRightSwitch
- HICustomPushButton
- HIDoubleSlider
- HID_Calibrator
- HID_Config_Save
- HID_Explorer
- HID_LED_test_tool
- HID_Manager_Basics
- HID_Utilities_Source
- HIEmbedder
- HIFleetingControls
- HIObjectThreadController
- HIScrollingTextBox
- HISimpleList
- HITextShowcase
- HITextViewDemo
- HITextViewShowcase
- HIToolboxSOU-Delegates
- HIToolboxSOU-MenuItemViews
- HIView-NSView
- HIViewTest
- HTMLSample
- HTMLStore
- HTMLUserPane
- IBFragmentVIew
- ICADownloadFirst
- ICAObjectDumper
- iChatStatusFromApplication
- IconCollection
- IdentitySample
- iGetKeys
- IKImageBrowserViewWithCoreData
- IKSlideshowDemo
- ImageApp
- ImageBackground
- ImageBrowserView
- ImageBrowser
- ImageClient
- ImageCompositing
- ImageFile
- ImageMapExample
- ImageMapView
- ImageProducing
- ImagesToQTMovie
- Image_Difference
- ImportExport
- ImproveYourImage
- InkSample
- InstallerPluginSample
- IOKitWithLibrary
- IOPrintSuperClasses
- iSpend
- iTunesController
- JavaEOGenerator
- JavaFrameEmbeddingDemo
- JavaSplashScreen
- JAWTExample
- JDragNDrop
- JNISample
- JSheets
- JSInterpreter
- JSPong
- JustDraw
- KauthORama
- KerberosGSS
- KeyboardController
- KillEveryOneButMe
- LayerBackedOpenGLView
- LayoutManagerDemo
- LinkSnoop
- ListMania
- LittleArrowsShowcase
- LiveVideoMixer2
- LiveVideoMixer3
- LiveVideoMixer
- LocalServer
- LoginItemsAE
- LSMSmartCategorizer
- MachPortDump
- Magnify
- MakeEffectMovie
- makeiPhoneRefMovie
- ManagedObjectDataFormatter
- MapLargeFile
- MassiveImage
- MediaPresenter
- MemoryBasedBundle
- MenuItemView
- MenuViews
- MethodReplacement
- MFSLives
- MLTE_CustomScrolling
- ModeWhacker
- Mode
- Monochrome_Image
- MoreIsBetter
- MoreSCF
- Moriarity
- Mountains
- MouseTracking
- MovieAssembler
- MovieCallbacks
- MovieGWorlds
- MovieSprites
- MovieTextFinder
- MovieVideoChart
- Movie_From_DataRef
- Movie_Overlay
- MovingToGCC4
- MP3_Player
- MPDelayUntilTest
- MPPeriodicalTest
- MultiprecisionFP
- MungSaver
- Music
- MyCustomColorPicker
- MyDeviceLoop
- MyFirstJNIProject
- MyMovieFilter
- MyPhoto
- MYRecorder
- NameAndAddress
- NameAndPassword
- NetworkAuthentication
- NewsReader
- New_NewGWorld
- NoCopyReceives
- NotifyTool
- NSFontAttributeExplorer
- NSGLImage
- NSLMiniBrowser
- NSOpenGL_Fullscreen
- NSOperationSample
- NullAuthPlugin
- NumberInput_IMKit_Sample
- NURBSSurfaceVertexProg
- ObjectPath
- OpenALExample
- OpenGLCompositorLab
- OpenGLFilterBasicsCocoa
- OpenGLMovieQT
- OpenGLScreenCapture
- OpenGLScreenSnapshot
- OpenGL_Image
- OpenGL_Movie
- OpenGL_Screensaver
- OpenGL_Stereo
- OSXAdapter
- OTCheckNetForNBPName
- OTEndpointInfo
- OTLookupNameTest
- OTSimpleDownloadHTTP
- OTSimpleServerHTTP
- OutputBins2PDE
- Palette_and_GWorld
- PasteboardPeeker
- PBORenderToVertexArray
- PDEProject
- PDFAnnotationEditor
- PDFCalendar
- PDFKitLinker2
- PDFView
- People
- PersistentDocumentFileWrappers
- PhotoSearch
- PictureSharingBrowser
- PictureSharing
- PictureShow
- PictureTaker
- PIDFromBSDProcessName
- PixMap2PixPat2ppat
- PlayAudioFileLite
- PlayMovieJava
- PlayMovie
- PlaySound
- PlayTune
- Play_Movie_with_Controller
- PMPrinterPrintWithFile
- PMPrinterTest
- Polygons
- PortMapper
- PredicateEditorSample
- PrefsPane
- PreLoginAgents
- Processes
- Process
- ProfileSystem
- PThreadSorts
- QCCocoaComponent
- QDCocoaComponent
- QTAudioContextInsert
- QTAudioExtractionPanel
- QTBRemoteAdmin
- QTButtonDemo
- QTCaptureWidget
- QTCarbonCoreImage101
- QTCarbonShell
- QTCompressionOptionsWindow
- QTCoreImage101
- QTCoreVideo101
- QTCoreVideo102
- QTCoreVideo103
- QTCoreVideo201
- QTCoreVideo202
- QTCoreVideo301
- QTEffectsDialog_-_Cocoa
- QTEffectsJava
- QTExtractAndConvertToAIFF
- QTExtractAndConvertToMovieFile
- QTGraphicsImport
- QTKitAdvancedDocument
- QTKitButtonTester
- QTKitCreateMovie
- QTKitFrameStepper
- QTKitImport
- QTKitMovieFrameImage
- QTKitMovieShuffler
- QTKitPlayer
- QTKitProgressTester
- QTKitSimpleDocument
- QTKitThreadedExport
- QTKitThreadsExporter
- QTKitTimeCode
- QTMetadataEditor
- QTMetaData
- QTMP3Player
- QTNoStepsDemo
- QTPixelBufferVCToCGImage
- QTQuartzPlayer
- QTRecorder
- QTSimpleApplet
- QTSSConnectionMonitor
- QTSSInspector
- QTStreamingApplet
- QTtoCG
- QTtoJavaImage
- QTVector
- Quartz2DBasics
- Quartz2DShadings
- QuartzCache
- QuartzComposerLiveDV
- QuartzComposerMatrix
- QuartzComposerOffline
- QuartzComposerTexture
- QuartzComposer_WWDC_QCTV
- QuartzComposer_WWDC_TextEdit
- QuartzLines
- QuartzShapes
- Quartz_EB
- QuickDraw_FX
- QuickTimeMovieControl
- RecentItems
- RecordAudioToFile
- Reducer
- Red_Rocket
- Reminders
- RGB_Image
- RGB_ValueTransformers
- RotateString
- Rotate_Bitmap_90
- RoundTransparentWindow
- Rubber_Bandit
- SampleButtonPlugin
- SampleCMPlugIn
- SampleDS
- SampleD
- SampleFilterScheme
- SampleScannerApp
- SampleUSBAudioPlugin
- Save_PICT_file
- SayIt
- SBSendEmail
- SBSetFinderComment
- SBSystemPrefs
- scaudiocompress
- ScriptBuildPhases
- ScriptingBridgeFinder
- ScriptingBridgeiCal
- ScriptView
- ScrollAndZoom
- SCSIHBAEmulator
- SCSIOldAndNew
- SDKExample
- SearchField
- SeedCFill
- SeeMyFriends
- SegmentView
- SerialPortSample
- SetCustomIcon
- SetMouseAcclSample
- SGCapture2Disk
- SGCapture
- SGDataProcDemo
- SGDataProcSample
- SGDevices
- SharedMemory
- Sheets
- SillyFrequencyLevels
- Simon
- SimpleAudioExtraction
- simpleAVC
- SimpleBindingsAdoption
- SimpleCalendar
- SimpleCarbonAppleScript
- SimpleCocoaApp
- SimpleCocoaJavaMovieCocoa
- SimpleCocoaJavaMovie
- SimpleCocoaMovieQT
- SimpleCocoaMovie
- SimpleDataQueue
- SimpleDial
- SimpleDownload
- SimpleHelp
- SimpleHIMovieViewPlayer
- simpleJavaLauncher
- SimpleList
- SimplePing
- SimplePlayThru
- SimpleReach
- SimpleScriptingObjects
- SimpleScriptingProperties
- SimpleScriptingVerbs
- SimpleScripting
- SimpleSpeechRecExample
- SimpleTabControl
- SimpleThreads
- SimpleUserClient
- SimpleVideoOut
- Simple_AppKit
- Sketch-112
- SkyCreator
- SlideShowImporter
- SlideShowJava
- SMARTQuery
- Snapshot
- SOAPClient
- SOAPServer
- SocketCancel
- SoftVDigX
- SoftVideoOutputComponent
- SonOfGrab
- SonOfSillyBalls
- SoundMemRecord
- SoundMeter
- SoundPlayer
- SoundRecord
- SourceView
- SpecialPictureProtocol
- SpeedometerView
- SpellingChecker-CarbonCocoa-Bundled
- SpellingChecker-CarbonCocoa
- SpellingChecker-CocoaCarbon
- SplitView
- SpotlightAPI
- SpotlightFortunes
- Spotlight
- Sproing
- Squiggles
- SSLSample
- StarMenu
- StickiesExample
- StillMotion
- StyleFlatteningSample
- SuperSnapshot
- SurfaceVertexProgram
- SuspendAppleEvent
- SwapLAF
- TabsShowcase
- tcplognke
- TemperatureTester
- Test64BitMultiprec
- TextDemo
- TextEditPlus
- TextLayoutDemo
- TextLinks
- TextNameTool
- TexturePerformanceDemo
- TextureRange
- TextViewConfig
- TextViewDelegate
- ThreadsExporter
- ThreadsExportMovie
- ThreadsImporter
- ThreadsImportMovie
- TickerView
- Tiler
- TimeCallbackDemo
- TimeCode
- TimelineToTC
- TimerEventSample
- TimeSlaving
- Tinted_Image
- TipWrapper
- ToolbarSample
- TrackBall
- TrackFormatDemo
- TrackIt
- Transformed_Image
- Transitions
- TremoloUnit
- TrivialThreads
- TwoManyControllers
- TypeServicesForUnicode
- UIElementInspector
- UnsharpMask
- URLTextView
- USBPrivateDataSample
- UTXplorer
- vDSPExamples
- VendorSpecificType00
- Verification
- VertexPerformanceDemo
- VertexPerformanceTest
- Vertex_Optimization
- VideoHardwareInfo
- VideoProcessing
- VideoViewer
- Video_Hardware_Info
- ViewController
- VolumeToBSDNode
- VRInteraction
- vrmovies
- Watcher
- WcharDataFormatter
- WebKitCIPlugIn
- WebKitDOMElementPlugIn
- WebKitPluginStarter
- WebKitPluginWithJavaScript
- WebKitPluginWithSimpleGUI
- WhackedTV
- WindowFun
- WiredSpritesJava
- WiredSprites
- WithAndWithoutBindings
- Worm
- WritableFileDemo
- X11CallCarbonAndCocoa
- XcodeClientServer
- XML_Transport
- YASTControl
- ZoomRecter
This was taken from the July 2009 Apple Developer Connection DVD.
Apple previously published all of of this online, but time has moved on.