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CEEnter API Caller

The API Caller is an example GUI which helps generating the proper API syntax. Ultimately it may also execute the API call, but not at this stage yet. The metadata for API Caller is under the api-caller folder. The first file is the menu-map.json where the interactive menu options are defined.


Create a build using the command gradle Because this is a prototype, the test code is not currently maintained. Therefore, it is necessary to call build with skipped tests.

./gradlew build -x test

To prepare for distribution

./gradlew distZip

Run - locally

For experiments on the local computer, the program can be run as follows For experiments on the local computer, the program can be run as follows:

  1. run git clone << address of this git repo >>
  2. go to folder cd << project folder >> eg cd CEEnterCaller
  3. build see above
  4. unzip build/distributions/
  5. go to folder wuth binary eg cd ceeredhat-0.0.1/bin
  6. and run ./ceeredhat

Docker image

To create a docker image, run the following in the project folder

docker build -f docker/Dockerfile.jvm -t chytrik/ceeredhat .

To run a local image using the docker engine eg

docker run -i --rm -p 8080:8080 chytrik/ceeredhat


I use OpenShift Do for quick deployment. It is really easy. I log in to OpenShift (oc login ...) and create an application and deploy user code on an OpenShift, e.g.

odo create java ceeredhat --binary build/libs/ceeredhat-0.0.3-all.jar --s2i
odo url create ceeredhat --port 8080
odo push

Once the application is created, I make changes using only using

odo push

I'm using environment variables. For Ktor I'm setting KTOR_ENV for production

odo config set --env KTOR_ENV=prod

If necessary, everything can be deleted with

odo delete --all

Postgres Database

I'm using local docker Postgres database, and also database Postgres in OpenShift

Creating a Remote Database Connection

In order to access the database from a database administration tool running on your own local machine, it will be necessary to expose the database service outside of the OpenShift cluster.

oc port-forward <pod-name> <local-port>:<remote:port>
oc port-forward postgresql-1-9npdc 15432:5432


create table ceecaller.settings
parameter  varchar(50),
value varchar(50)

alter table ceecaller.settings
owner to postgres;

INSERT INTO ceecaller.settings (parameter, value) VALUES ('toweradm', 'admin');
INSERT INTO ceecaller.settings (parameter, value) VALUES ('towerpass', 'passWORD');

Apache FreeMarker is used to generate HTML



Web API for calling Tower






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