#Knowledge battles game
Is a game type role where you choose a character in the history of Latin American Independence to be able to explore maps and win important battles, the first thing you will find is a view where you can decide to start a new game or resume one, after that if you enter as a new user, where you have to put your email and choose between the characters of the story that are:
- Simón Bolívar
- Luisa Cáceres de Arismend
- Francisco de Miranda
- José Antonio Páez
- Rafael Urdaneta
- Santiago Mariño
Then choose a character started the game, you have a Board of 10 x 10 right and data, photo, score and level of the character that you chose.
You can move on the Board to explore with the dates of the keyboard:
Be careful, since if you find a box with an enemy, you attack!
To be able to beat him you have to solve mathematical operations that can be addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.
Once you've explored across the map, and thus defeated all the enemies, you win the battle (for now only there is a map, but in the future they will be more than 5 by conquer).
The organized development of the game used the SCRUM methodology and tool TRELLO to carry the same track, this can be seen in the following link:
The technologies that were used to develop the game were as follows:
- CSS3
- AngularJS
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
The main structure of the game is:
Where in the/public folder are the files corresponding to the performance of the play.
It has the following division by module:
- /home (First sight)
- /register (view register)
- /login (view login) * not implemented *
- /services (where are the 2 main services for the game implemented)
- /modal (where are all modal windows)
- /game (module to create and control the behavior of the game board)
The two major services that handle the game are:
- game.service.js (Service that handles all matters relating to the game, moves, attacks, wins, etc.)
- grid.service.js (Service that handles all matters relating to the game board, boxes, etc.)
Clone repository:
$ git clone https://[email protected]/ceaf/knowledge-battles
Change to the develop branch:
$ git fetch && git checkout develop
Then download the dependencies of nodeJs.
$ npm install
Finally, raise the server and play!
$ node server