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Cask Data Application Platform v2.5.2

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@awholegunch awholegunch released this 14 Nov 23:10
· 35158 commits to develop since this release

Release Notes

CDAP Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a problem with a Coopr-provisioned secure cluster failing to start due to a classpath issue CDAP-478.
  • Fixed a problem with the WISE app zip distribution not packaged correctly; a new version (0.2.1) has been released CDAP-533.
  • Fixed a problem with the examples and tests incorrectly using the ByteBuffer.array method when reading a Stream event CDAP-549.
  • Fixed a problem with the Authentication Server so that it can now communicate with an LDAP instance over SSL CDAP-556.
  • Fixed a problem with the program class loader to allow applications to use a different version of a library than the one that the CDAP platform uses; for example, a different Kafka library CDAP-559.
  • Fixed a problem with CDAP master not obtaining new delegation tokens after running for hbase.auth.key.update.interval milliseconds CDAP-562.
  • Fixed a problem with the transaction not being rolled back when a user service handler throws an exception CDAP-607.

Other Changes

  • Improved the CDAP documentation:
    • Re-organized the documentation into three manuals—Developers’ Manual, Administration Manual, Reference Manual—and a set of examples, how-to guides and tutorials;
    • Documents are now in smaller chapters, with numerous updates and revisions;
    • Added a link for downloading an archive of the documentation for offline use;
    • Added links to examples relevant to a particular component;
    • Added suggested deployment architectures for Distributed CDAP installations;
    • Added a glossary;
    • Added navigation aids at the bottom of each page; and
    • Tested and updated the Standalone CDAP examples and their documentation.

Known Issues

  • Currently, applications that include Spark or Scala classes in user classes not extended from either JavaSparkProgram or ScalaSparkProgram (depending upon the language) fail with a class loading error. Spark or Scala classes should not be used outside of the Spark program. CDAP-599
  • See Known Issues of the previous release, version 2.5.0.