clean google calender pwa
I've always been disatisfied with the design of most calendar apps. most of them are crazy cluttered with lots uf features i don't really use on a daily basis. My main usage of a calendar during the day is to quickly check what i have coming up next and to add some quick todos.
meet calendr
. The design cannot really get more minimal.
It has PWA support so on most phones you should have an 'install' button on your browser when you access it.
I'm currently hosting it on firebase since it's free:
Creating an event/todo is as simple as long-pressing a date, choosing a short title and submitting with enter. Deleting entries is just as simple. The duration of each created event is automatically set to 1 hour. Only the 100 upcoming events are fetched from the google api to keep load times short. Also only one-time events are fetched.
swipe left: next month
swipe right: previous month
swipe up: next year
swipe down: previous year
long-press month name: go to current day
A full replacement for an agenda or weekly plan. It's really just an eye candy todo tracker with google calendar integration.
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report